Chapter 1: The Stone

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As Jim is about to go to the past and save the lives of all their fallen friends and allies, Blinky suddenly talks right as Jim is about to leave. He brings out Merlin's book and shows it to Jim. Jim falls back to the ground.

Blinky: Master Jim! Perhaps...we do not have to do all this.

Jim: What do you mean, Blinky? I have to go back. I have to save everyone.

Jim said that still saddened over the many deaths that have happened since he has been a Trollhunter.

Blinky: During the period I studied Merlin's book, I read a page about a stone of legend called the "Takor ba Kitafu in Trollish. Translated, "Stone of Resurrection.". The page had little information, it said that the Resurrection Stone has the power to bring back the dead, but with a sacrifice. It does not say where we can find it, tho.

Jim: What do you mean by sacrifice?

Blinky: It says for every life we sacrifice, we could bring back a single life.

Jim: But...who will be the sacrifice...Blink?

Blinky: I have thought about using cats, cows, or other animals.

Jim: It would be that easy? Just use an unintelligent animal and bring back everyone? Are you sure that would work?

Hisirdoux grabs the book from Blinky and begins reading it in his head.

Douxie: Yes, the book says any lifeform would work. It's like a trade—a life for a life, no matter the quality.

Claire: Well then let's do this! Let's bring back everyone! Draal, Vendel, Angor, Nomura, Strickler, Merlin and...and...Toby...

Krel: Does the book say where we can find it?

Douxie: No, it does not mention anything about the location other than that it was eaten by some Mountain Troll.

Jim: Mountain Troll? Must be Gato.

Douxie: Gato? What's that?

Jim: A famous Mountain Troll. His stomach contains many treasures. We found the Birthstone of Gunmar, the Kairosect. If it says a Mountain Troll ate it, it's gotta be Gato.

Aja: If this Gato contains the Ressurection Stone in his bowels, could the stone bring back even my parents?

Blinky: Unfortunately the book states that only lifeforms from Earth can be sacrificed and resurrected. Energy-based extraterrestrials are far from the requirements.

Aja falls back in sadness, and Varvatos Vex catches her.

Vex: Varvatos Vex believes I should escort the Queen back to Akiridion-5.

Krel: Yes, bring back my sister. She needs to do her duties as Queen.

Vex and Aja walk away to a shuttle and fly away.

Claire: So it's settled. We're going inside Gato...for the third time.


The next day, in the afternoon, Jim, Claire, Blinky, and Aaarrrggghhh are under the now-rebuilt Hearthstone Trollmarket, approaching the new Gyre Station. Jim wears his usual Blue jacket and Claire wears her standard purple armor.

Aaarrrggghhh: Hate Gyre.

Blinky: If this will bring back Tobias and everyone else, it's worth it, Aaarrrggghhh.

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