Chapter 6: Inside Both Sides

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Part 1: The Good Guys

Part 1.1: Where will they go?

A few days later, at night, inside Jim's house, he, Douxie, Blinky, Aja, and the now Colonel Costas have assembled to meet and talk about the shelter of the evacuated trolls of Trollmarket. Jim represents the Citizens of Arcadia, Douxie represents Merlin and the surviving knights of Camelot, Blinky represents the Trolls of Trollmarket, Aja represents the Akiridions and Colonel Costas represents the U.S Government. 

Jim: Okay, let's get down to business. So far most of the Trolls of Trollmarket are located in the basements of Arcadia homes. Obviously, we don't want them to overwhelm the citizens of Arcadia so me and Blinky have gathered you all to request for more shelter to spread out the Trolls. So, do any of you want to volunteer?

Douxie volunteers.

Douxie: Merlin and the Knights of Camelot have agreed to let some Trolls stay in Camelot. 

Jim: Thanks Douxie. Anyone else?

Aja: I will have some warehouses built and dropped off somewhere of your choosing in Arcadia. I will make sure they have defenses in case any Gumm-Gumms attack. 

Costas: I requested from my superiors if the Trolls are allowed to stay at an old, unused U.S Military WW2 base in Arcadia named "Fort Arcturus". It's been hidden from the public since it's an underground base. It being underground should help the Trolls. They recently granted me a yes and have cleaned the base and have now deemed it public property.

Blinky: On behalf of the Trolls, I would like to thank you all for your help in sheltering them. 

They all nod.

Blinky: So Trollmarket's population was 960 exact when we did the headcount after Vendel's speech. So the Akiridions, United States Government, Citizens of Arcadia, and Camelot as the volunteers means 240 in the basements across Arcadia, 240 in Camelot, 240 in the Akiridion Warehouses, and 240 in Fort Arcturus. Since the Akiridions still have to build the warehouses, it will be 320 each.

Aja: Don't worry. I will prioritize the completion of the warehouses. 

Jim: Well, let's break the news to the Trolls. 

They all walk out Jim's door and there are the Trolls of Trollmarket gathered on his lawn, in the street stretching to the other houses and blocks with Vendel in front of them once again. Blinky whispers into Vendel's ears what happened in Jim's house. Vendel begins his speech.

Vendel: Citizens of Trollmarket, our Trollhunter, and my advisor have negotiated proper shelter for you all. 240 of you will be in an old You-Es-Ay Government base called Fort Ark-toor-us. 240 of you will be in Akiridion warehouses, 240 of you will stay in basements under human homes and the last 240 of you will be in Camelot. I have been told that the Akiridion warehouses must still be built so it will be 320 each for the other three until they are finished. That is all. Transportation to these places will arrive shortly. 

Vendel walks away and a few minutes later all the other Trolls do along with the representatives. 

Part 1.2: Troll Once Again 

Jim walks around Camelot, seeing a few trolls and knights roaming around. He climbs the stairs up Merlin's workshop tower. He talks to Merlin. 

Merlin: Ah, James Lake Junior. What brings you to my domicile? 

Merlin says that while pouring some tea into his cup and turning his head to look at Jim.

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