Chapter 7: A Few More Of Them

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 Toby, Jim, and Claire walk up Merlin's workshop tower. Jim wears a Jacket, pants, and mask to cover his entire body from the sunlight. They hear hammer smashing and wonder if it's Merlin's doing. After climbing up the stairs they arrive at the top. Jim opens the door.

Jim: Hey Merlin. You texted us to come over.

Merlin: Indeed. Hisirdoux taught me how to perfect the art of "Texting" 

Claire: So why did you tell us to come here?

Merlin: To turn you into Trollhunters. 

Toby: Wait whaaaaat? Wait are you gonna make us amulets? Are you gonna let us choose our own weapons of Daylight!?!?!

Merlin: Indeed. I am forging two new amulets with the last 2 Gems that can be used to make an amulet as good as the original. And as for your other question, a yes and no. You are not what will choose your weapon. It is your soul which will. 

Toby: Sicckkkkk! When will they be done?

Merlin: Well the original took 2 decades but now that I know how to make an amulet as strong as that one....2 days?

Jim: Sounds good to me. 

Claire: Come on! I'll shadow portal us to Fort Arcturus and let's tell Blinky and Vendel the news.

Toby: Alright!

Merlin: Yes, you should go before you start disturbing my work.

Merlin said all that while crafting the base of the 2 amulets with a hammer.  

Claire opens a shadow portal and when they go out of the portal they arrive in Vendel's new workshop where he and Blinky look at a box that seems to have gemstones in it. 

Jim: Hey Blinky and Vendel. Great news. Toby and Claire are-

Blinky interrupts Jim

Blinky: Are becoming Trollhunters. Yes, Merlin had texted us already. 

Jim: Oh, anyway what are you doing? 

Vendel: We are analyzing the gemstones used by Trollhunters past and will be used by Trollhunters future. 

Toby: Wait why?

Vendel: Gemstones can grant a Trollhunter more power. A Trollhunter's amulet can wield up to 4 Gemstones at a time. I and Blinkous are seeing which stones would fit each of you the most. We have already picked a fourth stone for our current Trollhunter.

Claire: Wait why a fourth only and not a first, second and third?

Blinky: Master Jim already wields the Triumbric Stones.

Toby: Oh yeah. The ones that give Jim boomerangs, a helmet, and a shield. 

Vendel: Indeed. 

Claire: So what have you chosen for Jim? 

Vendel: The Souerito Stone. It will grant our Troll Trollhunter the ability to walk in Daylight.

Jim: That's great.

Toby: Yeah! 

Claire: Are you done choosing for me and Toby? 

Blinky: Actually we've already finished choosing for you and Tobias. For Tobias, we have chosen to give him the Aspectus Stone which we recently found out does not give you the strength of a thousand but gives you a thousand clones used by Maddrux the Many, the Critorcus Stone which makes every hit from your weapon extremely critical to whatever you hit no matter how little force you use used by Taportik the Tactical, the Conflagration Stone that flames your weapon used by Magmar the Molten, and lastly, the Ritious Stone that is one of the many gems that grant Trollhunters not given a helmet by the amulet a helmet, used by Kanjigar the Courageous. 

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