Chapter 2: Figuring it Out

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Blinky walks to his library and sees Dictatious reading some books.

Blinky: Ah, Dictatious. Refreshing your knowledge, I see?

Dictatious: Yes I am brother. 900 years in the Darklands has made me lose my touch with books. I'm working to become a librarian in a public library instead of your private library.

Blinky: Well, brother, I would like to request your help in deciphering and translating some text in this scroll we found.

Dictatious: What is the scroll about?

Blinky: It tells how to use the Resurrection Stone.

Dictatious: The Resurrection Stone? I've only heard one story about it from Mother before you were born. Mother said the story had been passed down from her bloodline. The story says the Gumm-Gumms captured fleshbags and used them to resurrect their fallen.

Blinky: So you will help us?

Dictatious: Of course, I will! Let's get to work.


Hours later in the middle of the night, Blinky and Dictatious still try to figure out the scroll.


Blinky said that screaming with anger and he pushed all the books off the table.

Dictatious: Perhaps the languages known to Trollkind do not match, but maybe the languages known to Humankind will.

Blinky: Good idea, Dictatious! We shall head to Mr. Casperan's bookstore and ask him if he knows anything about the language written.

Blinky and Dictatious leave Blinky's library and walk up the blue crystal stairs and open the gate to the outside using a horngazel. As it is night they can walk on the streets without anyone seeing them. They walk to Douxie's bookstore and enter it. Douxie sees them and greets them.

Douxie: Oh, Blinky, what brings you and your...grey clone to my bookstore?

Blinky: This here is my brother. We would like to ask for your assistance in translating some text written in this scroll.

Blinky brings out the scroll and opens it so Douxie can see it. Douxie moves in and takes a careful look.

Douxie: This seems to be a mix of French, Trollish and Ancient Arthurian English.

Dictatious: Ahah! I told you it was part Trollish!

Blinky: Not the point, Dictatious! Now, can you translate it, Mr. Casperan?

Douxie: Does a slorr take forever to milk?

Silence takes over the room.

Douxie: Yes, yes it does. I can translate it just give me a few minutes.


15 minutes later, Douxie finishes translating.

Blinky: So.....what does it say?

Douxie: It says for trolls you must rebuild their corpses, and for humans, you must bring the corpse. After you have gathered them, place the sacrifice right in front of them. Once you are done with that, place the stone in the middle of all the corpses then a wizard must speak the incantation "Halutaek Groldo"

Dictatious: It will be quite a challenge to collect the stone pieces of the troll corpses.

Blinky: We will prevail, Dictatious. Well, thank you for your help, Mr. Casperan.

Douxie: Please, call me Douxie.

Blinky: Okay, Douxie. I will be returning to Trollmarket with my brother. Goodbye.

Dictatious: Goodbye.

They leave the bookstore and Blinky calls Jim. Jim wakes up.

Jim: Blinky? Why are you calling me?

Blinky: Master Jim, we have figured out how to use the stone!

Jim: That's great Blink! I'll text everyone else of the great news. 

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