Chapter 4: Before and After Blinky's Call

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After Blinky leaves the Hero's Forge, he finds Aaarrrggghhh talking with Toby in a stall in Trollmarket. He calls Aaarrrggghhh's attention.

Blinky: Aaarrrggghhh, we have a task in Trollmarket.

Aaarrrggghhh: Oh ok. Bye Wingman. Must go.

Toby: Alright Aaarrrggghhh, see you later! I'll make sure to test my sense of smell to see if it's heightened!

Toby walks away, and Aaarrrggghhh walks with Blinky towards RotGut's. Aaarrrggghhh gets a confused look.

Aaarrrggghhh: Why here?

Blinky: Vendel has tasked us to carve him a new staff from the new Heartstone. We're here at RotGut's to purchase some carving tools.

Aaarrrggghhh: Oh ok. What you give to Rot and Gut?

Blinky: Some Argyle socks that haven't been washed in weeks.

Aaarrrggghhh: Oooo, tasty.

Blinky: Indeed it is, my friend. Ok, we're here.

Blinky knocks on the door and Rot is the first one to answer but Gut quickly answers too.

Gut: Well hello Blinkous. How may we be of service?

Blinky: Me and my friend would like to buy a mallet, a chisel, and a chainsaw

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Blinky: Me and my friend would like to buy a mallet, a chisel, and a chainsaw. We have Argyle socks that haven't been washed in weeks to be given to you as payment. 

Rot: Ooooo, Argyle, tasty.

Gut: Yes, very tasty. Well, Blinkous, we have only one chainsaw in stock, so I'm gonna have to up the price on your purchase.

Blinky: Fine, I'll give you my 2 dwarkstone I was supposed to use for demolition.

Gut: Hm, dwarkstone. Don't got any of those in stock. Okay, you got yourself a deal, Blinkous.

They exchange items, Blinky gives the dwarkstones and socks while Rot and Gut give the last chainsaw, a mallet, and a chisel. Blinky and Aaarrrggghhh walk away and start walking to the Heartstone.

Aaarrrggghhh: So we carve now?

Blinky: Yes, yes we will Aaarrrggghhh.


A half hour later, due to RotGut's being quite far from the Heartstone, they arrive inside the Heartstone's core and begin carving and Blinky instructs Aaarrrggghhhh on what to do.

Blinky: Use the Chainsaw over there and cut a few inches, after that go to the right and saw for 2 feet. Once it falls we will begin cleaving it. 

Aaarrrggghhh does as told, and the piece of Heartstone falls to the ground sending a wave of heartstone energy across Trollmarket. The energy flies around Trollmarket like a sky. 

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