Part 2

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But before Yeji could scream out, Ryujin have muffled Yeji's mouth with a deep kiss.

"Shhhh... You're too loud, Yuna might hear you..."

Yeji smiles through her ragged breaths. "I love the way you make me hush..."

Ryujin swore she never saw anything as lovely as Yeji's smile. She was about to lean close so she could lay her lips on those lovely lips, when someone starts knocking...


"Ahhh... sh!t... Sh!t..."

Yeji quickly shove Ryujin to the floor, the impact creating a loud thud.


"Yeddeong? You ok?" Yuna asks worriedly as she heard ruckus inside the room.

"Yes..." Yeji peeks her head out the door. "Hi"

"Oh hi..."

Yuna's blushes at how close Yeji was to her face.

"I was just wondering if you want to have breakfast with me... I made sweet potato pancakes."

"Sweet potato pancakes? Wow... never heard of that..."

"I know... the possibilities of sweet potato, right?" Yuna eyes beamed... "So, would you eat breakfast with me?"

"Yeah... just let me shower quick first..."

"I have to ask unnie too... but she's not answering, she's probably out again with somebody..."

Yeji could only chuckle, awkwardly of course...

"My unnie is such a horndog." Yuna shakes her head in disapproval. "But she's a good unnie, but a little too horny... but very good...I love my unnie..." Her horny unnie...

This time Yeji has her hand covered her mouth as she stops herself from bursting out laughing. She could hear Ryujin's growl getting louder from inside the bedroom.

"So, I'll start getting breakfast ready..."

"Ok... I'll be there."

The moment she close the door, she turns around and quickly sees Ryujin's forehead creased in anger.

"Imma a kill her..."

Yeji puts her hands on Ryujin's chest to stop Ryujin from committing murder.

"You have to admit she got a point." Yeji says while her arms made its way around Ryujin's neck.


Yeji plants kisses on those netted brows, that perfect nose and those pouting lips.

"PFFFFFTTTT..." Ryujin sneers again and Yeji kisses her again, nibbling tenderly on those lips. "And you agree with her?"

Yeji pushes Ryujin into bed and straddles on the girl's waist before answering Ryujin's questions.



Ryujin pushes the door like the gentleman that she is for her bestfriend Lia, who didn't even bother to thank her. Ryujin was used to that anyway, when you're bestfriends words like sorry and thank you are felt rather than said.

The two was having the perfect day, sipping their Frappuccino while walking around town.

"Two weeks, one girl... phew..." Lia starts sipping her Frappuccino loudly. "I want to meet this girl who made my dawg, Shin Ryujin so faithful. I mean I think this is the longest that you ever stayed with a girl, right?"

"Faithful... pffftt... Me and Yeji are just having fun until she travels out again. Nothing serious."

"So, are you going to miss her when she's gone?"

Ryujin stops at her tracks, pouting thoughtfully. "I never really thought about that yet..."

"Oh, I think you will... Why don't you just ask her out? Make it a little casual rather than just sex?"

"Why would I? She's going to leave anyway."

"Distance makes the heart go hunger."

Ryujin rolls her eyes "Lia... if you quote a line, could you at least say it right?"

"Why? What is it supposed to say?"

"I don't know... distance makes the heart grow fonder."

"See? My quote is more intense, hunger... Like the hunger games... Hey... speaking, you want to watch the movie? Heard it's the bomb!"

How did they go from talking about sex, to relationships, to watching a movie? Only theJinlia BFF could do that... Only them.

"Yeah sure."

"So, did Yuna have any idea? That you're like boinking the girl that she loves?"

"No... You think I should?"

"No, I think you should just leave the door open one night and let Yuna find out for herself."

"Sometimes I wonder, why you just don't shut up."

"Why I got a point? It's better for her to see it, than to hear it. If you tell her, she's going to blame you, she would be like ACK! Unnie... you're evil like a hamburger, trying to mess up my sweet potato Yeji. but if she sees it, she's going to blame you equally, like I didn't know Yeji could be a hamburger too."

That made Ryujin think and that's something when Lia's words make her think.




Yeji excitedly turns from the chopping board to the raven haired beauty who greeted her back with a smile.

"And I brought a creature with me..."

"What's that that smells so good?" Trust Lia and her nasal capabilities to sniff food from a mile away.

"Me and Yeji are making dinner, I didn't know that Yeji knows to cook all this good food." Yuna beams some more...

"Wow... beautiful and knows how to cook. That sounds like a perfect girl, eh? Eh?"

Lia teasingly elbows Ryujin on the ribs...

"Shut up!"

"I travel around so I get to taste all this amazing food everywhere, and whenever I get the chance, I try to cook it."

"Oh, let me go get the table ready for dinner." Yuna hurriedly picks up the plates.

"I'll help you Yuna!!!" Lia happily announces, pumping her fist high up in the air. Nothing excites her more than getting ready to do her hobby which is eating.

Ryujin and Yeji were left back in the kitchen chuckling at Lia who's shoving Yuna hard in the back out of the kitchen.

"Here, let me help you..."

Ryujin steps in front of the chopping board and took charge. Yeji's mouth was left hanging open in amazement as Ryujin chops the vegetables with such finesse.

"Wow... you're good."

"I know... keke... That's one of the basic things they teach in culinary school."

"I love to cook, but I never really went to school for it."

"Well. You don't have to. I could teach you."

"You like being a chef?"

"It's got it good side and bad, it's stressful, the hours, people constantly screaming at you... That's why I quit, me and Lia are doing this catering business. It doesn't pay as well, and it could get stressful too but at least I'm my own boss. So, what you cook there?"

"Now that I have a chef with me, I'm a little bit embarrassed."

"Don't be... I'm sure I tasted worse things than yours."

Yeji rolls her eyes at Ryujin's pathetic joke."Haha... funny... Well... it's a taco soup. You want to try?"

Ryujin steps closer and Yeji lifts the spoon to Ryujin's mouth, letting Ryujin taste it. And Ryujin thought her mind would be in the food swirling in her mouth; but instead all her thoughts were lingering on the girl standing inches away from her. And how she wanted to kiss her... so badly, so very badly.

"You got some soup right here, you dork." Yeji chuckles while wiping the stain in Ryujin's lip, finally getting the strength to tear her eyes away from Ryujin. "So, was it good?"

"It's very good."

Yeji quickly turns back to the pot, continually stirring just so she could avoid gazing back into Ryujin's eyes. Ryujin was left standing there, confused yet exhilarated at the same time.



Lia's burp can wake up the dead...

"Excuse me..."

But everyone just starts laughing.

"That was awesome Yeji, you should give your recipes to Ryujin. I'm sure our clients would love it."

Yeji nods... "Yeah, maybe you can even make it better."

Ryujin stares back at Yeji. "I think it's just perfect"

And the two were locked in a staring contest, neither having the strength to glance away.

"I made dessert, let me go grab it." Yuna finally made the two break their gaze.

"Let me go with you, Yuna..."

Yeji excuses herself and follows Yuna to the kitchen.

"I ship. I seriously ship." Lia nods in agreement.

"What are you even talking about?"

"Dude, only an idiot would not realize that the two of you are like so into each other. And I'm sure it's not just because you two boink each other, don't you see how her eyes just glow when she looks at you? And you dude, you need to stop looking at her like that or you'll get all blue from not breathing."

"Shut up"

"What's wrong with liking her? She's beautiful, smart, knows how cook, awesome in bed, that's your perfect girl right?"

"I'm not talking to you anymore..." Ryujin tries to avoid the topic by sipping on her beer.

"Well, you don't need to talk, just listen. You're an idiot if you let someone like that just go, just because you feel like you still have to boink the whole female population between the ages of 18-30 in South Korea."

Lia leans in closer.

"You already got the perfect girl. Don't let it become the story of the one that got away, when it could very much be the story of your happily ever after."


Ryujin walks back in their home, tired and ready to sleep...


Ryujin didn't know why coming home to that lovely smile just seem worth coming home to. Suddenly, she forgot why she was even sleepy. There sitting in the couch beside her sister was Yeji, greeting her with a teasing smile.


Ryujin finally pulls her gaze away from Yeji's teasing smile. "Oh... hey. What you two been up to?" She said plopping in the couch.

"We just stayed home, watch some movies..."

"Ohhhh... sounds fun."

"I enjoyed it." Yuna eyes were the look of pure happiness, even if she's just standing in a quicksand, she would probably still be happy as long as Yeji is with her. "Oh unnie, I got a surprise for you"

"You finally got me that car?"

"No... even better...Ummm... I need to shower before going to bed. Can you keep Yeji company while I go, unnie?"

"I don't wanna..." Ryujin says teasingly.


"KEKE... JK.JK!"

"Alright... I'll be back, ok Yeddeong?"

Ryujin sits beside Yeji both waiting in anticipation. When the two heard the door close behind Yuna, Ryujin quickly snakes her arm around Yeji's shoulders and turns the girl to face her.

"How was work?"

Ryujin answered Yeji in jibberish as she was busy nibbling Yeji's neck.

"You are such a dork." Yeji says slapping Ryujin on the arm.

"Keke..." Ryujin chuckles, nibbling Yeji some more.

Not wasting another second, Ryujin fused her lips with Yeji's and Yeji gladly obliged. No words are even needed to be spoken, they knew they wanted each other.

Their cravings for each other were just like a game, and sneaking around Yuna made it more exciting. They would wait until Yuna goes to bed or shower and the two will be at it again. In the bedroom, in the shower, in the kitchen counter and this time, in the living room couch.

They got 15 minutes...

1 minute have already ticked by, and they know they're racing through time. But somehow the rush, just made their pulse beat beyond control. By the seventh minute, Yeji was already pinned down underneath Ryujin, by the seventh minute they were already breathless beyond the point of collapsing. It would probably be easier access if they bothered to take off their clothes but it's minutes going to waste and they're probably going to see each other bare tonight anyway. Instead, Ryujin just slips her hand underneath those loose leghole in Yeji's shorts.

By the 10th minute, Ryujin have gotten Yeji shivering, panting and begging for more. And, by the 10th minute, Yeji have unbuckled Ryujin's belt and slips her hand inside her skinny jeans...

10 minutes, turn into 11, 11 means ticking to 12... And no one wanted to stop, no one has the strength to stop, instead they push a bit harder, kissed a little deeper and move just a bit faster...

Tic toc... tic toc... tic toc...


And Ryujin collapse on Yeji, both girls tired, aching but both girls smiling...

It took them 19 minutes...

Ryujin kisses Yeji before fixing those sweat matted hair behind her ear.

Ding. Dong.


Yuna screams out from her room...

"I'm still changing can you please open the door."


Ryujin frowns and Yeji chuckles pulling Ryujin for a kiss, She fixes Ryujin's collar, while the other girl stood up to get the door.


Yeji took a step back, her mind trying to process what she was seeing. A woman clinging to Ryujin like a Koala.

"Chaeryeong? You're back?"

"Yup. Miss me?"

"Keke... Of course I do, baby..."

How can one word could cause this much nagging inside of Yeji?

"Unnie? You like my surprise!"

"You know about this and you didn't tell me?" Ryujin didn't know why she had the urge to look at Yeji. Yeji was just standing right there, face contorted in both confusion and surprise.

"Well, that would completely ruin the surprise, right?"

"Yeah but..."

"And who is she?" Chaeryeong flashes an evil glare at the cat eyed beauty.

"Oh... Chaeryeong unnie..." Yuna pulls Yeji over to the girl clinging around Ryujin's neck. "This is my friend, Yeji."

"Awww... that's so cute... Yunababy now has a girlfriend." Chaeryeong sighs dreamily...

Yuna wanted to correct Chaeryeong, she really did but she was too busy hiding her blushing cheeks. It's a good thing, Ryujin spoke up, her voice hinting a tinge of jealousy.

"Yeji is not her girlfriend."

"Oh... my bad... But you have to admit Ryu, she and your sister look so adorable together."

Yuna cups her blushing cheeks while Yeji was casting worried gazes back at Ryujin.

"They're ok..."


"What?! That won't do!"

Ryujin pulls the phone away from Lia screaming in the other line.

"Psycho ex will not ruin You and Yeji..."

"There is no me and Yeji." Lia corrects her.

"And there won't be a you and Yeji if this keeps up. Don't worry, I'll think of a solution, bud."


Ryujin groans and pulls the pillow over her head.


Obviously the girl on the other side of the door, didn't know what go away means or just choose to ignore it as she walks in, gliding over to Ryujin's bed.


"Ryu... I miss you baby..."

And Chaeryeong jumps on Ryujin, hungrily devouring the girl and Ryujin doing her best to pry the other girl off her.


All Lia could hear are muffled noises, and tearing of fabrics...

"You there, Ryu?"

Yeji smiles as she walks to Ryujin's room. She tucks her brown locks behind her ear while her hand hovered over the door knob. But when she heard the sounds coming from the other side of the room, she pulls away and wonders why did she even care.

"Why did I even bother?"


Ryujin looks like she got beat up last night, while Chaeryeong looks proudly at her finished product. Yeji was just pushing her omelette around and Yuna was still her same oblivious self.

"Me and Chaeryeong unnie thought that it would be nice if we could go to the amusement park today and stay by the seaside hotel for the weekend. Especially since this is Yeji's last weekend."

"It would be like a double date, maybe a chance for Yunababy and Yeji to get closer before Yeji could leave."

"Yeah sure, why not?" Yeji answers blankly finally putting a fork full of omelette in her mouth.

The once lifeless Ryujin, finally showed a sign of life, staring back at Yeji incredulously. Until she realizes, she's acting more incredulous, what was Yeji doing to her?


The whole car trip was quiet, well for Yeji and Ryujin that is. Chaeryeong was there cooing and purring at Ryujin, while Yuna is doing her best to start a conversation with Yeji.

"Oh we are here..."

Both Ryujin and Yeji exhales in relief, glad to escape the silence, and glad to escape each other. As Yeji went down she almost took a step back as her eyes travel in Ryujin's legs on those shorts until it landed on those God awful crocs.

"Ugh... what a turn off." Yeji looks away...


"Hey Ryu...Wow..." Lia removes her sunglasses slowly off her eyes and stares at Chaeryeong. "Am I in heaven? Cause I swear to God, I'm looking at an Angel..."

Ryujin starts coughing and Chaeryeong grips tightly on Ryujin's arms.

"Ryu, what's up with Lia?"

"I don't know..." And Ryujin don't think she wants to know.

"Ryu, can I talk to you for a sec, buddy?"

But before Ryujin couldn't answer, Lia already drags the girl to the other side. "Dude, I'm helping you out here."

"What? By scaring Chaeryeong?"

"No... I'm going to seduce her, so you could focus on Yeji."

"You're doing a horrible job..."

"Pffft. You have your Shin Ryujin style, I have mine."

Ryujin rolls her eyes. "That's why you're still a virgin."

"Pffft..." Lia sneers again. "I'm saving it for the right person."

Yuna went to the other corner to pick up a call before returning back to them.

"I'm so sorry, there is some mess in the office that I need to fix. Oh Gosh..." Yuna covers her face in frustration "And I had plan this day... Yeji, I'll be back hopefully before evening."

"Don't worry, I'll be okay..."

"I'm sorry again... unnie can you take care of Yeji?"

"Why me?"

"I'll be ok, Yuna, I don't need unnie to watch me."

"Yeah..." Chaeryeong's arm slithers around Ryujin's. "Yeji is grown, she'll be ok by herself."

Yuna apologizes for a millionth time until finally leaving the four girls.

"So, Chaeryeong..."

"What Lia?"

"Let's go ride the Gyro drop."


Lia starts dragging the other girl away.

"So, you would know how my heart feels whenever I see you."

"What?! Ryu?!"

Chaeryeong screeches in help as Lia continues to drag her away from Ryujin and Yeji. When it was just her and Yeji, Ryujin decided to finally speak up.

"So, where would you want to go?"

"I'm okay..."

Yeji starts to walk away...

"Hey..." Ryujin chases back, stopping Yeji. "I told my sister I'm gonna look after you"

"Oh? So, you're doing this because of Yuna?"

"Ummm yeah..."

"Then... don't bother, I could handle myself perfectly."

But Yeji should know that when Ryujin says what she wants to do, she'll do it. And as fast as Yeji walks, Ryujin walks even faster.

Damn you, Ryu... Damn you and those crocs.


Ryujin groans as Yeji stop for the hundredth time to take pictures of more "views."

"Look... why don't you let me take pictures of you, instead of you taking picture of random people?"


"ACK! Seriously..." Ryujin rubs her eyes as Yeji's flash almost blinded her. But as Ryujin finally got her eyesight back, the cutest thing in the world just pops at her."ACK!"

Yeji almost fumbled down as Ryujin screeched in excitement.

"Yeji hurry up! come here!"

Yeji walks hesitantly, watching amusingly as Ryujin pose next to the sea lion with such childlike excitement.

"Come take a picture of me with the sea lion."

Ryujin was about to put her arm around the creature when the trainer stops her.

"Miss... you can't touch the sea lion."

"Ok... ok..." Ryujin says in disappointingly, making Yeji giggle some more. Yeji raises the camera to her face to take a picture of Ryujin.

"say cheese..."



"Did you say cheese?" Ryujin asks the sea lion.

"Why don't you stand there while I take a picture of you and your girlfriend?"

"What?" Yeji turns back at the trainer.

The trainor raises her brow, she's pretty sure these two aren't just friends. "She's your girlfriend, right?"

"Ummm... well..."

"No... need to hide it. You two might look like you're in a fight right now, but you two are obviously in love."

The two wished they have something to say. But instead the only thing that came out from their mouths is the sound of awkward laughter.


The two were stuck in awkward silence, Ryujin pretending to stare at the picture of her and the sea lion, while Yeji walks quietly.

"I'm tired of walking..."

"Told you, you should wear crocs."

"I'm not wearing anything that fugly."

Ryujin tears her eyes away from the camera at straight the girl who insulted her crocs.

"They're not fugly."

"Ok maybe not, hopefully Chaeryeong would think they're sexy because I doubt anyone would want to sleep with anyone who wears crocs."

"Well. You did."

"That's before I knew you wear crocs... Now you and me? Never going to happen."


"Oh, let's ride that one..."

Ryujin backs off when she sees the skylift, lifting, so high up in the sky...

"Ummm... c'mon don't you just want to walk?"

"Why? You scared, Shin?" Yeji starts to taunt Ryujin. Ryujin narrows her eyes at the girl, no one can taunt Shin Ryujin.


Ryujin starts to hyperventilate at every feet they got higher.

"I didn't knew you were scared of heights..."

Ryujin stops her breathing exercises and glares at the other girl looking mischievously back at her.

"I'm not. I'm just scared that my crocs are going to fall."

"With how hard your legs are shaking they would probably will."

Yeji bites her lips as she sees Ryujin with both hands gripping on the handle. As if one false move and she'll crash into the limbo of non existence.

"You ok?"

"Shhh... Don't talk... you're making this shake." Ryujin warns her.

Yeji nodded, trying to stop her fit of giggles but eventually lost to it.

"You're so cruel, how could you laugh at my misery like this?"


"Oh fukc... Why is it shaking? God... it's gonna fall off. MY crocs..."

"This isn't really a turn on, Ryujin."

"I'm suffering right now and all you can think of is having me? You are such a horndog."

"There's a net Ryujin, so even if you fall, you won't die... break a few bones maybe but not die."

"Gee thanks..."

The backstrap of Ryujin's crocs starts to loosen and now the crocs are starting to hang on Ryujin's foot.

"My crocs..." Ryujin cries out in misery as she felt her crocs slipping off at every shiver of her legs. "HEY! What are you doing?!"

Ryujin screeches out when Yeji bends down, the girl sat back up, holding Ryujin's crocs tightly to her chest.

"It's ok, see? I'll hold it while we're here."

Ryujin looks away from Yeji to hide the flush on her face. "How long is this thing?"

"Just a little bit."

Ryujin's heart who is beating mentally out of her system suddenly went still when Yeji wraps her arm around her, pulling her close to her chest. And Ryujin helpless as she is now, curls closer to Yeji.

"Don't worry..." Yeji whispers "I will never let you fall."

It's a little too late for that for Ryujin, for never did she fall as hard as she did right now as she did for the cat eyed girl.

Since when did everything stop being a game?

"We're almost here..."

Their eyes met in a gaze again, this time they lock longer into each other, fervently, each second growing stronger. Until it was Ryujin who finally leans closer, ready to take the lips that she knew belongs to her.


They quickly pulled away even before their lips could meet. Ryujin looks and sees Yuna waiting for them.

"Unnie how was it?"

"Oh Yuna... You're back..." Ryujin wished she could hide the disappointment in her tone.

"Yeah, it wasn't that big of a deal. It got fix quicker than I thought. Did unnie treat you well, Yeddeong?"

"Kekeke... Unnie was so scared of falling." Yeji jokes...

And as much as Ryujin wanted to retort back, knowing she couldn't say anything. Not when what Yeji said was true. But it was worse than that, because not only was she scared of falling but now she already did.

"Don't worry unnie, I'm taking Yeji now..."

Ryujin felt the word Don't about to flew out her mouth, but she stop it before she could say anything. Not like they could hear her.

And Ryujin blindly thought that it would be her that's going to break Yuna's heart with their secret. But right now, it looks like it's her who ended up with the heartache. Because there was nothing worse than seeing the girl you have fallen for, just walking away so easily with somebody else.


Yuna, Chaeryeong and Yeji sits by the shore, watching Lia, Ryujin and some other girls playing beach soccer.


"This is for you Chaeryeong! OFFFFF!!!" Lia's cheek met the ball, making her tumbled on the sand.

"Nice save, Lia..." Ryujin quickly kicks the ball and starts dribbling to the other side of the goal.

"I totally did that on purpose."

From the bleachers, Chaeryeong just groans embarrassingly.

"What a dork..."

"GO RYUJIN!!!! ACK!!!!"

The three girls turned and see a legion of fangirls cheering for Ryujin...

"Ryujin probably slept with most of those girls."

Yuna quickly covers her ears. "Unnie, please I don't want to hear my sister's rendezvous."

"But it's true... Yuna, Ryujin can't stay with just one girl. But you know what? She knows how to make girl think that they're the only one for her, when truth is, they're probably just another girl on her to do list."

Why does Yeji feel that Chaeryeong was speaking directly to her?

"But you know the difference about me and those other girls, Yeji?"

"I don't know..."

Chaeryeong leans closely making sure Yeji would hear every word.

"Ryujin always comes back to me."

And Chaeryeong tries to hide her smile as she saw the pained look on Yeji's eyes.

"No matter who the girl, no matter how long she was with the girl. The moment I come back, Ryujin would choose me. In the end, it's still me and Ryujin."

Ryujin could hear the shrieks getting louder as she made the goal, she turns back towards the bleachers, to the girl she dedicated that goal to. Her eyes suddenly starts to get filled with worry as she found that spot next to Yuna empty.

Ryujin puts her hand on her chest, Yeji was just gone for a few minutes and her heart was already breaking. What more when Yeji finally leaves, could her poor heart ever take it?


Lia wish she has night vision goggles so she could see what her bestfriend was doing with Yeji over at the beach. She's not being a pervert, she's just curious... very curious.


"ACK!" Lia jumps back at the cold tone. "Chaer? What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Have you seen Ryujin?"

"What? No"

Chaeryeong raises her brow in suspicion. "Are you sure?"

"Pffft..." Of course I'm sure... by the way, Chaeryeong, you know what day it is?"

"March 26? Why?"

"Remember the date, babe, because this is the day you would fall for the amazing being that is me, Choi Lia..."

"Whatever..." Chaeryeong walks away...

"March 26 Lee, March 26..."


"There you are..."

Ryujin plops at the sand beside Yeji...

"You ok?" Ryujin cranes her neck to see Yeji's face.

"Yeah, I just want to soak everything in before I leave tomorrow."

Ryujin wished she could tell Yeji to stay but she knows she has no right to.

"I hope you had fun where you're going."

"I will."

"Did you had a great last night here though?"

Yeji smiles and nods.

"Yeah... Yuna really went out of her way to make this night special."

Ryujin scoffs and buries her toes in the sand.

"Are you starting to fall for my sister?"

It was a question teetering at the tip of Ryujin's tongue. She feared Yeji's silence, thinking that the answer to her question was a yes. When truth is, the answer was no...

"Let's go swim..." Ryujin spoke up, standing to pull Yeji with her.

"No..." Yeji pulls away from Ryujin.

"C'mon Yeji... Are you scared?" Ryujin mocks the other girl.

"Look, if your fear is heights, mine is deep water, ok?"

"But I'm here so c'mon..."

"Nope..." Yeji wags her finger at Ryujin.

"But it's fun..." Ryujin happily splashes around, splashing back at Yeji. The cat eyed girl refuses to lose and splashes back.

Ryujin then gathers up her strength and carries shrieking Yeji to the deep part of the water.

"ACK!!!" Before Yeji could start scampering for her life , Ryujin have already caught her, wrapping her arms around Yeji's waist.

Ryujin smiles back, before Yeji screeched again when she felt someone (Ryujin) squeezing her butt.


"What? What happen?" Ryujin pretends to act too innocently.

"You know what you did!" Slapping Ryujin on the arm.

"I didn't do anything... keke..."

"Yes you did. You perv squeeze my butt."

"It wasn't me..." Ryujin shakes her head in denial. "Must be a baby shark, thinking wow... that looks yummy..."

"Wait... there is no baby sharks here, right?" Yeji look around worriedly, her pull around Ryujin's neck getting tighter.

"Yup there is" Ryujin nods with a serious expression on her face "One just took a bite of your bum-bum."

Yeji pouts at Ryujin. "I hate you..."

"Keke... Well I don't blame the baby shark, if I was a baby shark I will take a bite of your butt too..."

"Yeah right, you're not a baby shark and you already bite me in the butt."

"Keke... true."

Yeji have pulled Ryujin closer by wrapping her arms around Ryujin's shoulders. They were close, so close that even air couldn't even sip between them. But neither Ryujin nor Yeji thought that it will ever be enough. They just had to have each other. Closer, much closer...

Ryujin smiles "This isn't so bad, right?"

"No... not at all."

They smiled again before Ryujin lays her lips on Yeji. And they don't know how it could happen so naturally, how their lips, their mouth, their tongue just seem to fit perfectly, like a puzzle piece slowly taking its form.

"Why do you have to go?" Ryujin asks.

Yeji laughs widely, "Why Shin? What are you going to do to make me stay?"

And those words were so close, those 8 letters, those 3 words were dancing at the tip of Ryujin's tongue. But instead of saying it, Ryujin silence herself by kissing Yeji... hoping that with her kiss, Yeji would know that there is no one else who she could love as much as she loves Yeji right now.


Everytime they touch it screams nothing but 'don't'...

And even if Ryujin hissed in pain as Yeji's fingers would rake into her back, there was no way she would stop...

Please don't.

Yeji's tongue lingering inside Ryujin's mouth was enough to cure Ryujin's stinging pain. Yeji's lips were just like a jolt of energy, making Ryujin's every touch harder, deeper, faster and just when they were getting close to exhaustion. Yeji would cling tightly to Ryujin, whispering to her, almost pleadingly...


And Ryujin won't, instead she reassures Yeji with a deep kiss that she'll never leave, that the only place that she'll be is in Yeji's embrace. Ryujin's fingers splayed Yeji's fingers, fitting their hands together perfectly. Yeji's grip on their joined hands would clench tighter as Ryujin goes deeper and deeper, and every push and every pull does nothing but bring Yeji closer, much closer...

And as her strength starts dwindling down, her grip on Ryujin's hand would loosen. Just when Yeji's grip on her hand would start to relax, Ryujin would quickly hold tightly, whispering to Yeji's neck, almost pleadingly...


And Yeji won't, instead she let Ryujin touch her more even if she lost the strength to even think. But there is no way, she would tell Ryujin to stop.

Please don't...

And hearing Yeji's pleas for her to keep on making love to her, was better than any I love you's for Ryujin. Their lips met again, both surrendering in whatever emotions that have took over them.

And every kiss, every touch, every grip of their hands screams nothing but don't...

No baby, don't...

Don't let go...

Don't leave...

Don't stop...


Just don't...


Lia chuckles triumphantly at her amazing cupid work...


"Oh unnie... hi..."

"Where are you going?" Lia asks blocking Yuna's path.

"I ummm... I need to tell Yeji something."

"Is it I love you?"

"What?! Unnie..." Yuna blushes embarrassingly.

"What? What's wrong with saying it?"

"Don't say it out loud, it kinda scares me..."

"But don't you love her?"

"I... yeah... Ever since we were in college, I know she only sees me as a friend. But there is a part of me that still hopes that maybe if she realizes how special she makes me feel, that she would give me a chance too."

"Oh... but I think it would be better if you wait until Yeji comes back. At least, you two could talk it out instead of waiting for her to come back, right?"

"Ummm yeah... I guess you're right. But if she would never feel that way, then I wanted to hear it from her, not from somebody else."

"Ummm okay... But Yuna..."

"Yeah unnie?"

"You might get hurt" Lia says worriedly, because Yuna in a way was like a sister to her too.

"I know but I'm willing too."

Yuna walks away...

Lia could only sighs heavily. "I wish your sister was as brave as you."


"YEDDEONG!!! I will miss you..." Yuna was almost in the brink of tears, hugging tightly to Yeji, since this is her only chance to hold on to the girl she likes.

"Yuna... don't worry..." Yeji lightly chuckle "I'll be back in a few weeks..."

Yeji's gaze darted back to Ryujin, standing a few feet away, looking so stoic and cold. The girl's face remains expressionless and those dark glasses doing nothing but cover those eyes.

"Yuna, let's go or Yeji will miss her flight."

Yuna finally let go and Yeji didn't make the beating of Yuna's heart slower, as she wipes Yuna's tears away with the back of her hand.

"I'll be back before you know it."

"I know... I know... Well, call us when you get there."

"I will." Yeji's eyes were lock on Ryujin. "Bye Ryujin..."

Ryujin quickly turns away before mustering the word "Bye..."

Yeji nods, wishing not to care a bit for Ryujin's coldness and picking her bag before going. There were new people to meet and places to visit. Ryujin was just another girl, and God how Yeji wished that that was all that it was, that Ryujin was just another girl. But Yeji just smiles bitterly because she knows that Ryujin wasn't just another girl.

"Have a safe trip..."

"Let's go..." Ryujin was pushing Yuna who seems to be glued to her spot.

Yuna keeps glancing back every second watching Yeji's back slowly fading among the crowd of people. But it wasn't just Yeji who have disappeared in Yuna's line of sight...

"Wait unnie..."

Yuna looks around and saw Ryujin walking ahead from her, far ahead.

And Ryujin have foolishly thought that if she walked away first, then it wouldn't hurt as much. But it still did. She might have walked away, but her heart has stayed behind with Yeji. And Ryujin finally took off her sunglasses, stopping at her tracks as she press her hand on her eyes, doing what she can to stop her tears.

And as much as she willed herself not to cry, there she stood crying, begging silently to the other girl.

Don't go...

Don't leave...


Please don't...


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