Part 7

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Lia couldn't help but feel bad at the sweaty nervous wreck trying to present a new recipe for the Shin Ryujin chain of restaurants. And she couldn't blame him, Ryujin might be a goofball in front of her close friends, but the Boss Shin was someone to be feared in their company.

It was a good thing that boss Shin wasn't in that meeting at that moment, instead the one that showed up was goofball Shin Ryujin who was grinning like an idiot for the whole presentation.

After the meeting, Lia quickly pushes herself towards Ryujin, determine to annoy the living crap out of her bestfriend.

"BOOM CHICK A WA WAW!" Lia declares while smacking her folder on Ryujin's arm.

"What the heck?!" Ryujin glares at Lia, obviously not pleased to be awaken from her trance.

"What's with that look, Shin? Are you taking drugs? Cause you look like you're high"

Ryujin rolls her eyes at Lia... "Oh please... I'm just... well..." Ryujin's lip spread into a goofy grin again "I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!"

Lia almost spit out her drink at Ryujin's childlike excitement.

"Oh yes... me and Yeji are finally together... she said yes to me last night."

"And you got some, huh?"

Ryujin nods her head goofily...

"Yeah, but I don't want to put it that way, we made love... I spend the night over my girlfriend's house..." Ryujin covers her mouth shyly "hihihihihihihi... I have a girlfriend... hihihihihi..."

"Pffft... here we go again with the hihihihihi... What are you? Like a hyena or something?"

Ryujin frowns at her sarcastic bestfriend. "Can't you just accept that I'm happy now?"

"Ok... I'm happy for you..."

Ryujin takes a deep breath as she was ready to tell Lia her plan.

"So, ummm... yeah... I was thinking that I should do what you were suggesting about the coupley things. So, I was about to invite Lisa and her girlfriend-"


Lia's gasping question interrupted Ryujin.

"Lisa and her girlfriend? Why them?" Lia wonders "But they're like so... you know... like..."

"You mean sweet?"

"Dude... I get rashes thinking of them... they're not sweet, they're like a porn show..."

"Are you freaking serious?" Ryujin says in disbelief.

"Yup... and trust me, I know how porn looks like." Lia answers masterfully "Why? What's your goal for the night? To get lucky?"

"No... were dating already, I'm already the luckiest girl alive. I just want us to enjoy our first official date like do some laid back things"

Lia rolls her eyes, she wasn't buying this idea. "Ok... whatever... what low key and laidback activity are you thinking?"

"Well... I was thinking of scrabble..."

Lia drops her head and fell asleep vertically...


"Wae?" Lia appeared to have woken up..."Oh sorry, it sound so boring I fell asleep just thinking about it..."

Lia's idea of support just confuses Ryujin sometimes.

"Look, I just learned that Yeji likes to read and that might means she enjoys word games like this. Ok? Geez Lia... I thought you want me and Yeji to be together?"

Lia cups her hand on Ryujin's shoulder "Dude! Scrabble is called a BOARD/BORED GAME for a reason" Lia then tries to shake some sense on Ryujin. "BECAUSE IT'S BORING!!! I don't think boring Yeji to death is the way to her heart..."

Ryujin sighs heavily, feeling hopeless with these whole couple-y things.

"Then what?! Can you please help me? Cause I'm running out of ideas!"


Ryujin spends almost the entire afternoon trying to make sure that everything is perfect for tonight. This was her first date with her girlfriend and she wants it to be fun yet romantic.

Ding Dong.

Ryujin's mind jump away from the table she was arranging...

And in just her jeans and sweater, Yeji have easily swept Ryujin's heart away.

"Hey... girlfriend..." Ryujin says teasingly, cocking her brow jokingly...

"Ummm hi..." Yeji felt her face blush at the way Ryujin greeted her with a smile.

Yeji greets Ryujin with a peck on the cheek. And just the feel of Yeji's lips on her cheek, made Ryujin unconsciously held on to Yeji longer, just craving more, a little bit more.

She smiles knowing that she have every right to take more of Yeji, and so she kisses the girl softly on the lips, and Yeji obliged happily wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's shoulder.

"I brought some drinks. Cause ummm... I wanted to bring food but since you're a chef I don't think."

"Well, you're enough for me."

Ryujin kisses Yeji's lips again to confirm it.

"So, ummm your friend Lisa is coming?"

"Yeah I think... with her girlfriend, they're very nice so I think-"


Ryujin runs over to answer the door but slams it shut at the sight of the idiot standing by her doorway.


Says the bouncy Lia who's pulling around an unwilling Chaeryeong.

"Lia..." Ryujin laughs nervously, but before Lia could step in, Ryujin drags her out to the hallway. "What the hell? Where's Lisa and her chick?"

"Dude... Lisa and her girl would just make Yeji puke, but me and Chaery..."

"Don't you dare think we're a couple Lia!" Chaeryeong snarls back "When you said you had a surprise for me when we went to Ryujin's, you didn't tell me this was supposed to be a double date!"

"That's the surprise I was telling you about."

"I hate you!"

"She's just saying that, but she's actually in love with me..." Lia whispers to her bestfriend. "Just trust me Ryu, and everything would be A ok..."


Ryujin couldn't help but awww at how adorable her girlfriend is playing with her puppy.

"Awwww..." Chaeryeong coos at the sight as well. "Yeji playing with Yej-"


Ryujin hushed Chaeryeong before the girl could say anything.

"Her name is not you know what... it's brownie..." Ryujin corrected Chaeryeong before she could spill out anything.

Chaeryeong raises a speculating brow "Brownie? Are you blind? That fluffball is not brown... it's cream..." Chaeryeong corrected Ryujin.

"Well, I don't want to name her creamy..."

Ryujin turns when she hears her puppy yelp, and there she witnessed her bestfriend making a pillow out of her poor whimpering puppy.


"She's so fluffy!!!" Lia continue to torture the poor puppy by rubbing her face on her soft fur.

And finally, Chaeryeong finds this to be a good opportunity to finally get rid of Lia.

"BITE HER!!!!" Chaeryeong commands the teddy bear pup "BITE HER!!!! STOP BEING SUCH A WUSSY AND BITE HER!!!"

And poor Yejipup could only whimper, traumatize as she was being turned into a pillow by this short girl and being yelled at by the taller one.

And poor Ryujin could only facepalm as what she hope to be a romantic night, seems to turn out to be disastrous.


"What? scrabble?"

This night couldn't get any worse for Chaeryeong...

"Fine... but I'm not playing with her!" Chaeryeong objects

"Two heads are better than one Chaeryeong" Lia wags a finger at Chaeryeong.

"If I'm paired with you, it's as good as one."

Lia finally had enough of Chaeryeong's insults... "You are so mean sometimes, but you know what Chaeryeong? It just makes me love you even more."


Ryujin and Yeji are just trying to hide their laughs.

"So, let-"

Ryujin was about to ask Yeji what word she was going to put out, and Yeji wasn't even aware that while she was arranging her letters she had unconsciously made the girl next to her just fell for her more.

Unfortunately for Ryujin, the two idiots in front of her does...


Ryujin growls after getting hit by a tile letter.

"What the heck?!" Ryujin says in a low growl as she rubs her forehead that had just been assaulted by a letter.

"That's ok, that's only letter S it's worth one point."

"Why? What happened?" Yeji was the only one out of the loop.

"Ryujin was drooling while looking at you!"

"Do you want that Yeddeong? Do you want a girlfriend who drools like a rabid dog?"


Their date night/ scrabble game was filled with Lia and Chaeryeong arguing until Chaeryeong finally storms out and Lia stalk behind her.

Yeji stayed behind to help picked up the stuff scattered around that Chaeryeong lunges at Lia.

"Ummm... sorry bout that." Ryujin apologizes as she sees Yeji sweeping up a broken vase.

"Bout what?"

"Lia and Chaeryeong, I actually don't know what's going on between them."

"They're good friends. You can't hardly see that anymore."

"See what?" Ryujin wonders

"You know just people you can be real with and goof around."

Yeji turns and sees Ryujin with a smile on her face.

"What?" Yeji felt blood rushing to her face, a side effect from Ryujin's smile.

"Nothing. I just think you're much more amazing than what you give yourself credit for."

Ryujin steps closer, wrapping her arm around Yeji's waist. And with that close contact, Yeji buries her head on Ryujin's neck.

"I can't believe I miss all of these two years ago..." Ryujin tilts Yeji's chin up and softly presses their head together. "You were the most beautiful girl I have ever seen... well," Ryujin pouts thoughtfully "Change that... second, next to me..."

Yeji slaps Ryujin on her arm, yet she was smiling at the cocky statement.

"You were the second most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And the moment I saw you Yeddeong, I said to myself I needed to have you. It was lust and selfishness."

"We were both selfish Ryu, but I don't think it's going to get better. Now that we have each other, I think my selfishness for you would just grow worse."

Yeji once again paralyze Ryujin with her smile.

"I need to have you too, Ryu..."

"You do. You always did. But I thought that the only way I could own you is by possessing you. But you, you made me look for something I thought I never needed... "

This time it was Yeji's turn to be paralyzed by Ryujin's smile.

Ryujin have probably said the word love to Yeji a couple of times, but not those three words... Ryujin smiles knowing sometimes action could speak for itself.

Ryujin presses a kiss lightly on Yeji's forehead.

"Could you clean up the scrabble set after you're done with that?" Ryujin commands Yeji "I just need to go wash the dishes before we go back to my room and have crazy, sexy love..."

Yeji slaps Ryujin's arm for breaking such a romantic moment.

"Gosh... such a perv..." Yeji pulls away from the other girl, but Ryujin just laugh before getting hit on the arm for being such a perv. Ryujin puckers her lips ready to kiss her girlfriend, but Yeji just pushes her girlfriend away.

Yeji starts picking up the letters on the floor that Chaeryeong throws on Lia when the eight letter, three words laid out on the scrabble board in the coffee table caught her attention.

I love you

Yeji quickly turns to see the girl, but she didn't need to look too far because right there in front of her, was the girl who was about to confess to her.

"I love you"

And Ryujin finally said it, those three words that have been unspoken for two years, those three words that kept them from moving on, those three words that kept them to hang on...

And those three words that Ryujin will say forever to Yeji alone.

"I love you Hwang Yeji..."

Ryujin then wraps Yeji in her arms as tightly as she could.

"I'm not just saying this because I want to own you, I'm saying this because you needed to know. You need to know that I love you."

Yeji have been confessed to more than what she could even remember. And with those three words, people always have an expectation, an I love you too, a possession, but never, never was it uttered to her just for her to know. Until now...

And Yeji smiles knowing there is no one she would like to hear it from, except the girl who's lock in her arms.

And the only girl who's worth an expectation.

"I love you too, Shin Ryujin."


Ryujin joins the two Yeji (Yeji the girl and Yejipup) on her bed, pressing a kiss on Yeji's hair before laying down beside her. Yeji was stroking Yejipup/ Brownie's fur as if patting her to sleep.

"She have been through too much tonight..." Yeji chuckles as she sees the tired look on the puppy's sleeping face.

"Yup, Lia and Chaeryeong are nuts..."

"Hey... how about on the weekend, we take her to the dog park"

Ryujin couldn't help but frown. "Ummm... I don't wanna..."

"Why not? I think she would like it..."

"I don't think so..."

Yeji could swear that even with only the dim light from the bedside lampshade, she could see Ryujin's lips quivering...


"Cause ummm... she's so cute and fluffy, I think the other dogs would be talking in their doggy ways that oh that new puppy is so cute and fluffy, I bet she can't fight for herself, let's go steal her dog food."

Ryujin covers her face at the thought of her baby puppy being bullied...

"It kills me to imagine that Yeddeong... that those other dogs are going to be mean to her."

Yeji have never heard anything so cute, that she couldn't help but laugh and scoot closer to Ryujin.

"How can someone so cute be so sexy at the same time?"

The frown disappeared and the goofy grin returned.

"I guess you're just so lucky..."

Yeji playfully shoves Ryujin... "You're so cocky..."

The two remains quiet, surprise when they saw Yejipup wakes up, climbs down the bed and went back to her own bed. As if knowing, her master would like to have some quiet time with Yeji. Alone.

"Her name is Yeji..."

Yeji turns to Ryujin in surprise "Huh?"

"Her name is not brownie, it's Yeji..."

"You name your puppy after me?"

"Yup. That's why I love her so much... because I love you..."

Ryujin leans in and presses a soft kiss on Yeji's temple.

"I'm like trying to substitute everything I have for you. I failed Yeji because everything reminds me of you. I wanted you... I wanted it to be us..."

Their fingers intertwine and both looks back in the ceiling again...

"I think that's the tough thing about being in a relationship." Yeji finally admitted "When you pass the stage of excitement and move to the comfortable stage, will you still stay?"

Yeji lips curve into a soft smile before she tilt her head sideways so she could look at Ryujin. "I wonder if those people still love each other all those times, or are they're just confusing the fear of being alone to loving someone?"

"Is that why it scares you?"


"That you run out of reasons to fall in love with someone that you just quit before you even started?"

"I guess..." Yeji shrugs "Doesn't it scare you?"


Because for Ryujin, she have been in love with the same person...


"You and me Yeji, were so used living the exciting life, that we don't even want to think of the idea of just being comfortable with someone. But it's more than that though..."

"What do you mean?"

"If you find the right person, just the thought of being with them is enough to excite them."

Ryujin for once lose her cocky grin, instead all Yeji could see was the soft smile in Ryujin's face. They laugh a bit, before Ryujin pulls Yeji on top of her.

"You Hwang Yeji..."

The two shares a tender smile, before Ryujin's fingertips graze Yeji's lips before uttering her confession.

"Just the thought of you simply excites me..."

And Yeji leans over so their lips could meet, their kisses started out playful and gentle, until Yeji nips the bottom of Ryujin's lips, pleading to let her in so they could deepen their kiss. Ryujin gladly oblige, she smiles as their tongue collides, dancing together inside their mouths, each second only drawing more breaths from each other. They were helpless, intoxicated but they love every single second of it.

Yeji unconsciously let out a gasp in Ryujin's mouth, pulling away to gain her breath and not a few seconds past and she returned to their kiss. Ryujin's fingers digging in Yeji's hair to pull the girl closer.

I love you's were echoed between their kisses more than once for the entire night...

And for the first time, they kissed their night away...

They just kiss... but it was lovely... lovely and exciting...


Yeji instantly bolts up from her bed when she sees the spot next to her empty. She couldn't see where Ryujin was but when she heard something sizzling, she couldn't help but smile because Ryujin must be cooking something.

"Morning girlfriend..."

Ryujin obviously like calling Yeji her girlfriend...


Yeji wraps her arms around the chef's waist, tilting her head so their lips could meet.

"Sit down first, breakfast is almost ready..."

They kiss again before Yeji sits on the kitchen table, her lips spread when she sees a rose and an envelope by her plate.

"Is this for me?" Yeji asks while sniffing the flower so cutely.


"What's this?" Yeji picks up the envelope and she could see Ryujin's smile spread teasingly.

"Open it."

And Yeji did, she tears off the envelope slowly and look surprise as she sees two plane tickets in there.


Ryujin slides the omelet on the plates and Yeji smiles as she admires Ryujin walking towards her. She pulls Ryujin to sit on her lap and kiss.

"I was thinking..."

"Bout what?"

"Remember you told me that you didn't want to travel anymore and I thought to myself that maybe you just don't like to travel alone, maybe this time, you might like to see these places together... ummm with me"

Ryujin says shyly...

"I'll carry your bags when we go to the airport, let you sleep on my shoulder on the plane, I'll take pictures of you with the tourist spots, I'll ask the natives where we are in case we get lost... I'll do those things for you..."

Even though the smile on Ryujin's face was mischievous, still Yeji could sense sincerity to it.

"What else do you think I could do?"

Yeji smiles knowing that if there's one thing she would want from Ryujin, it's just one simple thing.

"Just being beside me will be perfect."


Yeji couldn't help but laugh amusingly as Irene steps out of their office, pumping her fists up and face that looks as if she just won a marathon.


"Hwang Yeji?"

The two turns at a tall guy that looks like a men in black standing by a vehicle.

"Yes?" Yeji asks in wonder.

"Hi... come with me..."


Irene quickly jumps in and karate chop the guy on his nose.

"I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU TAKE YEJI!" Irene threatens ready to expose more of her karate skills...

"Ms. Shin sent me..." The guy growls angrily as he clutch his bleeding nose.

"Oh... keke... my bad..." Irene slithers away... "Can I come?" Irene bashes her lashes hoping to charm the guy.

The guy remains quiet before finally saying...


Yeji smiles apologetically before stepping into the car.



Yeji have pass by time and time again in front of Yeji's (the restaurant), but she never had the heart to go inside, not until she knew that Ryujin was willing to let her in. She felt her feet almost cemented to the ground when she was finally standing right in front of the restaurant. It was not until tall guy who looks like a Men in Black asks her to come in.

The waitress back in Ryujin's was right. The place was much smaller than Ryujin's, but it definitely have a more intimate feel to it. But what made it so special is how the whole place speaks volume of Ryujin's love for her. There on the walls, what Yeji thought were just ordinary paintings were something more special. Lined up by the walls is like a story book of their love story.

It started with the painting of the club where she and Ryujin met, of the hotel where they first did it, The airport, The picture of the Shin's home where Yeji have stayed, of the amusement park, the sky lift and lastly of the beach.

Yeji's heart was beating too loudly that it was enough to occupy all her senses, she didn't even felt when someone has move to stand beside her.


Ryujin looks up and sees Yeji standing there, smiling though her tears. Ryujin walks closer to Yeji and tenderly brushes those tears off her cheek.

"Why are you crying? "Is the food here that bad?"

Yeji chuckles at the girl who could never seem to be serious.


"I love you too..." Ryujin chuckles before kissing Yeji on the forehead. Yeji falls into Ryujin's chest, soaking Ryujin's shirt with her tears.

And Yeji smiles through her tears, knowing that she loves her dork too... And very dearly too as a matter of fact.


The interviewer has heard numerous stories about the famed restaurateur. Other than her impeccable dishes for her restaurant, the girl was said to be quite a heartbreaker. Everyone wants to know something about the dashing Shin Ryujin, that's why he was right here in Yeji's conducting an interview with the eligible bachelorette, or should he say used to be eligible.

Right now, he couldn't see any truth to that rumor. From before the interview where the cat eyed girl kept on fixing Ryujin's hair and her dress, to the interview where Ryujin's eyes keep glancing back at the girl. And when he notice Ryujin's eyes look alarmed when she sees the other girl going somewhere, until Ryujin breathed a sigh of relief when the other girl mouthed that she was just going to check something in the kitchen.

He knew from one fact that she didn't look like a heartbreaker, she was somebody in love.

They were nearing the end of the interview and he could see Ryujin almost excitedly jump out of there.

"You name your other restaurants after you and your girlfriend, so, how will your upcoming restaurant be different from the previous ones?"

"Well, it still going to carry the trademark of Shin restaurants, intimate, great food, just a place you might fall in love with. But the big difference with this one, it's our restaurant. When you step in there with someone, it's not going to be about that person or about you, it's going to be about the both of you. "

"So, how about this new restaurant? Have you decided what to name it?"

There it goes again, the sweet smile that Ryujin only seems to have when she's looking at the cat eyed girl. The cat eyed girl smiles back at her before Ryujin's attention went back to the interview.

"The name of our new restaurant would be..."

Her smile brighter than it ever was as she proudly says the name of their new restaurant.



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