Part 5

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The little ball of brown fluff was trying hard to fall asleep on her soft little push doggy bed, but the thought of her master still out there in the big bad world couldn't appease her. Finally like an alarm clock, the sound of clinking keys and creaking door, made the puppy burst out to the door, yapping excitedly...

"Hey Yeji..." Ryujin haven't even planted her feet inside her apartment yet, and the pup have already jumped into her arms, welcoming Ryujin with slobbery kisses... "Did you miss me?"

The puppy answered with an excited yip. Ryujin carries the wriggly puppy back to her room.

"I miss you too Yeji... I always do.."


"I have met a lot of girls but my heart never fluttered for anyone... But you..."

Yeji have heard that line numerous times and no matter who says it, it only sounds sleazy everytime.

Seeing that his pick up line didn't work, The pretty boy took out his secret weapons, his smoldering looks than could have girls threw their panties at him in three second.


"You can waste your breath counting to a hundred, but it won't work to me."

He was left flustered that the cat eyed girl was more interested on her drink rather than on him, but he was ready to try again. But just as he was about to go to second round, someone swooped in between them.

"Hi... I'm Ryujin..."

A dark haired beauty flashes her sexy smile at him.

"And I got to say, you have got to be the most beautiful girl in this room."

Yeji was ready to burst out in laughter but she was careful not to break this guy's ego.

"I'm not a girl..."

"Oh... I'm sorry..." Now it was Ryujin's turn to give her/him a smoldering look. "My bad... Most beautiful woman."

"I'M A GUY!"

Yeji couldn't hold it in her laughter as the guy blasted out at Ryujin.

"Oh shoot... sorry about that" From Ryujin's snarky grin it was obvious that she wasn't sorry at all "From this angle you totally look like a chick, but in another angle you do look like a dude. But I do admit you're quite pretty though..."

He swallows down a drink trying to calm himself before he hits a girl.

"Well, you said something about not having any girl making your heart flutter, have you thought that maybe it's not girls who can make your heart flutter? Have you tried guys?"

The two could see pretty boy grinding his teeth in anger. He was about to get out on Ryujin, but instead hissed away... There are girls to be charmed why waste it on these two?

Yeji just ignored Ryujin thinking it would make Ryujin go away, but she's just standing right there cocking her brows sexily at Yeji.

"So, what do I get?"

"For what?"

"For saving you from that ugly chick."

Yeji scoffs "Oh my God Ryu..." Yeji begs God to save her away from Shin idiot.

"Yes Yeji, you're right, I am a God..."

Ryujin and her endless comebacks are just something...

"Oh. So that made you think that I wanted to be saved?"

Ryujin just rolls her eyes... "Oh please... He might look all that, but we both know that nobody can make you scream the way I do..."

Yeji remained quiet and Ryujin's lip just curve halfway knowing well enough she won. It was world war between Yeji and Ryujin and both refuses to lose...

"Awww Yeji, remember this place? This is where we first met"

Right now Ryujin is the one with the endless attacks.

"Sorry I try to forget" Yeji lies, she could remember it clearly that's why she tries to drink herself to eventually forget.

Ryujin's lips curve into a delicious smirk.

"So, how does it feel to finally be free Yeji?"


"I bet... once a player, always a player, right Yeddeong?"

"I guess..." Yeji shrugs. "Thanks for ruining my engagement by the way..."

Yeji could finally let out a triumphant smile as Ryujin's face scrunches, as if someone just punch her in the gut.

"My pleasure..." Ryujin gulps down the remaining alcohol in her drink to somehow ease the humiliation. "So, what have you been up to?"

"Just putting check marks on my list. And you?"

"Work... never have time for relationships, but sex is a whole different thing though." Ryujin just felt like she needed to point it out. "Because I still get a lot, it is the best exercise. But I still have to admit you have been like my favorite exercise partner."

How come Yeji felt like a slut when she heard those words?

"Hmmm... don't you miss the old us, Yeji?"

"What do you mean old us?"

"No commitment, no relationship just pure adult fun..."

"Wasn't it you who wanted to make something out of nothing?"

Ryujin sips her drink, hoping that Yeji wouldn't see the effect of her words on her. Nothing? Is that how Yeji think about them? Nothing?

"Hmmp... it was an in the moment thing. It was a big mistake"

This time it was Yeji who tries to still every breaking nerve in her. Mistake? Is that what Ryujin think about what happen to them? A mistake?

"You know what Yeddeong? I have been thinking about this... Why don't we go back to our old selves? You know just for fun... no commitment, no relationship, no feelings, nothing..."

This wasn't what Yeji had in mind, she wanted to try again with Ryujin, to finally put a label to what they have instead of being just friends with benefits. And Yeji could might very well just said no. But instead she answered Ryujin with a...

"Yeah... why not?"

If this is her only chance to win Ryujin then she'll take it.

A part of Ryujin wished that Yeji would have said no; that she's not willing to be played anymore. That she wanted something more of what they have. But Ryujin had enough of being the pathetic one, for once she wanted to be the insensitive one, to be the one who comes out with this with lesser heartache.

But she wasn't, because here she is faking all the hurt by plastering on a sly grin.

"Then, let's get out of here."


Both Yeji and Ryujin wondered why this feels so awkward... Before, they strip down their clothes and do it like it's the most natural thing in the world. But right now Ryujin's hands was all shaky that she can't pull off Yeji's dress and Yeji's hand fumbles trying to unbutton Ryujin's shirt.

It was getting more and more awkward by the minute, and both of them knew that they weren't getting anywhere.

"Ummm I... I think I should go." Yeji finally said it out loud.

It was Yeji who finally had the guts to pull away, and it was Ryujin again who was scrambling to hold on.

When Ryujin realized how pathetic she have become again, she let go.

"Ummm ahhh... yeah... I think that's a good idea... I guess when I think about you with my sister, it's not really such a turn on."


It was time for Yeji to hear it, Ryujin's aches and questions.

"Why did you pick her Yeji?" Ryujin clenches her teeth then looks away "No, don't answer that, I know what you're going to say. Instead, why don't you answer this, Yeji, why didn't you give us a chance?"

"Because I had a hard time believing you."

And that was the painful truth that both of them went through.

"I thought somewhere along the time were together that I'll eventually fall for Yuna." Yeji smiles weakly at the thought of those bittersweet memories. "I loved her but it's has always been a comforting kind of love. But yours..." Yeji look up at Ryujin. "It was a painful kind of love, Ryujin. Were not even together yet and it hurts already, and it scares me to think Ryu, if were going to be together is it going to be worse or not? And I'm a coward Ryujin..."

They both were...

All Yeji was doing was pick up her purse, and it was enough to rattle Ryujin. She should get used to it, but she just couldn't, it kills her to see Yeji go...

But Yeji didn't even make it to the door when she felt Ryujin's hand wrapped around her wrist.

"I still..."

I still love you, Yeddeong...

But this time, Ryujin caught herself before heart have relentlessly put itself out in the line again. Instead, Ryujin beg Yeji for another thing, to simply stay.

"Stay for the night."

There was a mix of emotions in Ryujin's words, there was sincerity, longing and pleading. And it was enough to bring a fear in Yeji that she would be the first one to falter.


"I don't want you going out there this late. J-just stay for the night. I could sleep in the couch if this feels awkward for you."

"I... I don't think I could stay..."

"Please do..." Ryujin begs... "I'll sleep in the couch, just stay... for once Yeji, just stay."


4 hours laying there in pitch darkness and sleeplessness haven't chimed in on Ryujin yet. It wasn't really the couch that is making her stay up this late. It was the girl in her bedroom.

Ryujin just exhales deeply, tearing her gaze away from her bedroom door and just huffs frustratingly up the ceiling.

It has always been her mantra to live her life without regrets, she was doing fairly well to until she let her emotions took the best of her. She regrets what happen between her and Yeji and every night, she falls into the cliff of what ifs, and just like it was a black hole, her fall seems never ending.

And Ryujin let out a sigh again because tonight is just gonna be one of those long sleepless nights...




"Ah crap..."

Ryujin hurriedly stumbled out of the couch, scrambling towards the door before Yeji could wake up from Lia's screams.


The poor puppy in Lia's arm whimpers, asking Ryujin to save her from the short girl.

"I have to give Yeji back..." Lia shoves the teddy bear looking puppy at Ryujin.

"SHHHHHHH..." Ryujin starts bouncing up and down, begging Lia to shut up.

"What?!" Lia was surprised with how flustered Ryujin is acting "Yeji-"

"SHHHHHHH!!!!" have always wonder if Lia has hearing problems, cause she always talk so loud.

"What the heck?!"

"Her name is not Yeji anymore, her name is ahhhh...ummm... brownie..."

Ryujin and her ridiculousness, Lia is so used to it, she doesn't seem to care anymore.

"Well, whatever, Brownie Yeji wouldn't let Chaeryeong go to sleep."

Ryujin raised her eyes away from her whimpering puppy. "Wait? How did you and Chaeryeong ended up together?"

"Well, we didn't. Me and Brownie Yeji were outside Chaeryeong's window and she keeps on crying and Chaeryeong couldn't fall back asleep with all the noise."

Ryujin gasps in horror and shields her puppy away from Lia.

"I trusted you with her! and you use her to stalk Chaer?!"

"Pffft... When Edward does it to Bella its romantic? And when I do it, its stalking?!"


Lia finally piece the puzzle together when she hears someone calling Ryujin from her bedroom.

"Oh... that's why... Oh crap, Yeji?!"

The puppy starts barking excitedly to the sound of her name.

"Hey Yeji..."

Ryujin elbows Lia whose mouth was hanging so wide open a train could pass through it.

"Awww... a puppy..." Yeji made her way to the breathing teddy bear in Ryujin's arms.

"Well, ummm Yeji..."

The puppy keeps on barking happily, excited that people keep on calling her name.

"Awwww... she looks like a little teddy bear" Yeji takes the puppy from Ryujin's arms and starts cooing it.

And Ryujin brow creases in a pout thinking why can't I be the puppy?

"What's her name?"

"Oh! Ummm... brownie? Cause she's brown."

"Oh okay... hi brownie"

Yejipup raise her puppy brow ( if puppies have brow) at Yeji girl, having the WTF girl, don't believe these idiots, that ain't my name look on her puppy face.

Yeji pouts... "She's not responding..."

"Maybe she doesn't like you..."

"Oh..." Yeji pouts so cutely, Ryujin have to stop herself before she could pinch her "Hi brownie... I'm Yeji..."

The puppy starts barking happy that the girl finally calls out her name.

"Awww... they're so cute together..." Lia coos "I ship. Yejpup is real"

Ryujin growls at her bestfriend. Because as far as Shin Ryujin knows, only one pairing is real and it's Ryeji.


Lia waited for Yeji to leave so she could smack some sense into her bestfriend's head, like literally...

"OW!!! Like what the hell, Lia?!"

"So, what was that all about? Lia pried "Are you two FWB's again? What am I even saying? You two are not even friends, you're just good time people."

"Well, FYI Lia... we didn't do anything last night, I slept in the couch, while she slept in my bedroom."

"And that's it? You're going to let her walk away from you again like that?"

Ryujin chooses to ignore Lia but Lia needs to make things clear for Ryujin.

"This is good, Ryujin... you two are finally headed out the right direction"

"What are you talking about?"

"That means it's more than just sex for the both of you, you two are still in love. Dude... She's back here for a reason. Don't think she comes back here because of your boinking skills. Dude, she's here because she wants something to happen between you two."

Ryujin slid the waffle to the plates and starts to focus on the omelet she was making, hoping if she ignores Lia that it will eventually shut Lia off. But she should know, nothing is capable of shutting Lia up, unless you stuck food in her mouth.

"She was just scared Ryu... Do you think that if you didn't ruin her wedding, that she'll be here?!"

"Look... Lia... I messed up... I shouldn't have done that... I shouldn't have ruin..."

"Hey... look, you hear it in songs, you watch it in movies... I'm a go fight and stay with the one I love, but it's not easy... People tend to choose the safer side, and that's just what happen with Yeji, she was scared. but you dude, you fought for her again and again. And maybe that finally made her realize that maybe you do love her."

"Why do I always have to be the one who's trying to chase her?" Ryujin waves her spatula at Lia. "Why can't she chase me this time?"

"I didn't say anything about chasing? Did you?" She asks Yeji pup...

"Nobody needs to chase anybody, all I'm saying is, if you spend your time getting to know her rather than boinking her before, then there should have been a huge chance that you two would have make it. But no, you didn't... but you're given another chance this time Ryu. So, don't blow it..."

Other than the omelet fizzling on the pan, everything in Ryujin's house remained quiet. Ryujin remained quiet, letting Lia's words slowly sip into her.

"What should I do?"

"Well... invite her to do couple-y things..."

Ryujin was embarrassed to admit that for 24 years of her existence she have no idea what couple-y things are...

"So, ummm... what's couple-y things?"

"I'm glad you're trying..." Lia pats Ryujin at the back. "Well, what might be couple-y things for you may not be couple-y things for others. Like me and Chaeryeong"

"You two are a couple?"

"In a way we are, I like to chase her and she likes to beat me up with something hard, that's our couple-y things, some people read manga together, some go paint their nails, it really depends on you... What you two like doing as a couple."

Ryujin could think of one thing that two of them like to do as a couple, but Lia knows her bestfriends more than anything else.

"What you have in mind, doesn't count..."

"I tried to be a couple with her but she dump me remember?"

"That's because you just keep on skipping the order of relationships. You started with sex, when most relationships ends with that. it's like you're doing it in reverse and that probably scared Yeji. You shouldn't have told her, you should have just showed her."

"And then what? Just watch her choose Yuna again?" Ryujin clenches her teeth angrily, until now that bitter memory still left a bad taste in her life.

"No... if you have showed her that you loved her then she could have chosen you. She never probably felt it, she might have thought that all you ever wanted was sex. And then you just blurted out to her, that you love her. Do you actually think she might have believed that?"

"Should I even try?"

"If I were you I would..."


Lia was about to stuff a forkful of waffle in her mouth but stop to tell Ryujin something.

"Because not everyone is given a second or third chance in love."


Ryujin have never researched this hard since she was, come to think of it. She never research at all. But here she is, getting out her inner nerd, researching in books, the internet and magazines for that one fact.

What do couples do?

And after a week of doing an extensive research, Ryujin have finally put her plan into action.


First step: Bringing lunch to Yeji's work.

But just as Ryujin have gathered up all her guts to step inside Yeji's office building, the sight of the cat eyed girl stepping out of the revolving her, have halted her.


Yeji eyes widen like a doe caught in headlights as she sees Ryujin standing, very quickly she hides what seems like a lunchbox behind her.


Yeji curse herself for being too slow, she was supposed to surprise Ryujin with special brownie fudge treats that she made herself. But it seems like it was her who was up for a surprise.

"So, ummm what are you doing here?"

Oh crap... what am I supposed to say now? Ryujin wonders...

"Oh ummm I was ahhh... about to go to you know eat lunch in the park when I happen to pass through here... keke" Ryujin scratches the back of her neck consciously...

And Ryujin could only regret on how quickly she faltered. She have rehearsed what she was about to say to Yeji, her words that was supposed to sweep Yeji of her feet, to wow Yeji with her charming personality and quick wits. But here she was standing like a bumbling idiot, wishing her brain didn't freeze at this moment, because her heart needs all the help it could get. She needs her brain to function something, a word, a smile, anything to keep Yeji from slipping away again.

"But the park is like 10 blocks from here"

Ah crap...

"I know... I like to exercise..."

Her heart is going to beat the crap out of her brain after this.

"Oh okay..."

Why did Ryujin's word left Yeji disgruntled and aching again? What was it that Yeji was trying to think? Ryujin did say to her before that it was a mistake. And Yeji have agreed to that, hearts have been broken, tears have been shed, what was the point to all of this then? Why was she even trying to fix something that have been broken several times?

"So, are you going to eat lunch out?"

Now it was Yeji's turn to have a debate in her head. Her hand gripping tightly on the lunchbox full of brownies.

"Ummm... I was ahhh..." Well I could just say it, yeah that's right... I need to say it. "Well, I made some brownies so I was ummm about to... ahhhh... eat it..." with you "Ummm yeah... that's right."

"Oh okay... Well, I'm going to the park now." Ryujin points forward.

"Oh" Yeji says disappointingly. "Yeah, I'll be going too..." Yeji points to the opposite direction.

"Bye Yeji..."

And until now those two words were the hardest thing that Ryujin could ever utter.

"Bye Ryu..." Yeji nods politely, turning away from Ryujin.

And to say it simply every step that Yeji takes away from her does nothing but kill her. Ryujin should have been crying right now, but instead, it got to the point where she's so frustrated at herself that all she could do is laugh at herself. She named her restaurant after the girl, she named her flipping puppy after the girl. But she can't even invite the girl out.

She was a coward and she blew her chance once again...

Or maybe she won't...

Yeji always rip someone's arm off when she felt someone's hand wrap around her wrist.


The two remained frozen while the city was bustling around them.

"Yeji, would you like to join me for lunch?"

And Yeji answers Ryujin with a smile, slipping her hand so she could take Ryujin's hand in hers. But before they could take a step, Yeji leaned closer to Ryujin, laying her lips on Ryujin's forehead.
It was a soft kiss, but Ryujin's heart have never fluttered as much.

This was the first step for both, but for each other they could take a billion steps more.


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