Part 4

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There was a bit of silence on the other line, but Ryujin perfectly knew who it was. They may not have breathed a word to each other since that night, but there was no way, she would ever delete her sister's phone number of her contact list.

"Umm, unnie?"

Ryujin could hear a tinged of guilt in the tone of Yuna's voice. And even though, Ryujin knew that Yuna wasn't to blame for her messed up heart, still she couldn't help but feel angry. Angry enough to move out of their home, angry enough to not speak to Yuna for two years, but apparently still not angry enough to move on from Yeji.

"Oh hey... Yuna..."

Two years and their voices should be filled with excitement and shrieks of joys, but instead all the two could hear are the buzzing awkwardness and the shallow breaths from the other line.

"Hey... ummm... how you been unnie?" Yuna spoke up again.

"I been great" And Ryujin was really, she was about to open the third franchise in her restaurant, all have been successful. She was at the top of her game, too bad her heart was buried six feet under. "I have been busy with work, I'm opening another branch of my restaurant. So, yeah... how about you?"

"I'm doing quite good actually..."

There was dead silence again and Ryujin don't want to know what Yuna was about to say, in a way, she kind of taken the hint of what the call was about. But she asks anyway...

"So, what made you call?"

"I ummm... unnie... I know it's been two years but I just want to ask if you would like to come to our wedding."

She should be happy for her sister, but she wasn't, not when Yuna was marrying the girl who still has her heart.

"Oh... you and Yeji are getting married? Congratulations..." Ryujin lied the best way possible.

"Yes... next month. So, I was wondering if you would like to come."

Ryujin has the word no hanging at the tip of her tongue. Who on their right mind would go to the wedding of her sister and the girl she loves? But for two years, Ryujin never had the right set of mind, not when her heart was making all the decisions for her.

"You know what? Why not? I miss you..."

She does miss her sister, but it's just that she misses Yeji more...

"Really?" The worried tone in Yuna's voice drifted slowly into the sound of relief. Maybe she and her sister could finally mend their broken relationship. "Unnie... thank you... thank you so much..."



"You could bring a date. I'm sure Yeji wouldn't mind."

Ryujin could only scoff, of course Yeji doesn't mind, she never cared in the first place.


Yeji could guess that other than their spitting image, the one thing that both Ryujin and Yuna have in common are their insatiable sexual appetite. But one big difference is while Yeji couldn't say no to Ryujin, Yeji could never say yes to Yuna.

Don't let those innocent looks fool you, because when the two would find themselves in a room all to themselves. Yuna's hand would fly everywhere Yeji's body, but Yeji would always manage to push away Yuna, enough to fizzle out whatever heat was brewing. It just didn't feel right for Yeji, she felt like she was cheating, not on Yuna but on Ryujin.

The kisses didn't felt good either for Yeji. Not that Yuna was a bad kisser, it just didn't feel right either. It was comforting though, reassuring her of a safe kind of love, one where she knew she would never get hurt.

Yeji have thought that over time, she would eventually fall for Yuna. Why not? Yuna was beautiful, intelligent and has her own brand of charm. There is just one thing that Yuna doesn't have though. She wasn't Ryujin.

Yeji have pushed away Yuna again, and Yuna always the patient one have retreated back.

"I'm sorry Yuna ... I just..."

"That's ok, Yeddeong..." Yuna kisses Yeji on the forehead. "I could wait, I mean we have our whole lifetime to do it."


A day already felt so long with someone she doesn't truly love, now a lifetime?



"Ummm... I hope you don't mind but I ummm... I ask unnie to come to our wedding."

Yuna have feared the look in Yeji's eyes, what if Yeji would hate her for this? She should have asked her first before doing it, but since both her parents would rather jet around the world, promising to bring her and Yeji souvenirs, rather than go to her wedding, Ryujin was the only family she had left.

"And what did she say?"

"She said she would go. Ummm, it's okay, right?" Yuna asks hesitantly.

"I.. I think it is.. why wouldn't it be ok?"

"I know I just thought that after what happen that it would still be awkward." Yuna laughs. "But I forgot, it's my unnie we are talking about. She probably gotten over it after a few hours."

Did she? Could it have been that easy for Ryujin?



Ryujin stares back at her bestfriend with an incredulous look on her face.

"If you didn't get what that mean" Lia lectures Ryujin who have the didn't get what it means look on her face."It means the wrong buzzer."


"It means you're making the wrong choice... I know it hurts that Yeji chose Yuna over you, but can you really blame her?"

"What is it that supposed to mean?" Ryujin jumps on her bestfriend "I thought you're a ryeji shipper?!"

"I am and I still am but I see Yeji's point of view too... She probably thought, Ryujin might love me now but how long is it gonna last, but Yuna, it's secured that she'll be the only one."

"Yeji is still the only one that I love! I freaking-" Ryujin just let out a growl in frustration then surrenders.

"Dude, don't be a Cal in their relationship..."

"Excuse me?"

"Y'know Titanic? What Yuna and Yeji have is pure love, just like Jack and Rose, don't go over and start Cal-ing yourself between them."

"Caling?" Ryujin could only cover herself, why is her bestfriend such a... Ryujin couldn't even find the right words... Why is her bestfriend such a Lia?

"Yes. Caling. When you try to step between two perfect love, you're Cal-ing ..."

"I'm not Cal!!! Yuna is Cal!!!! I'm Jack and you're that dude with beret!"

Lia gasps "Now, you're just pushing it, Shin... Anyways, me and Chaeryeong would go to this wedding with you just so you know that you can't go ruin this wedding. But hey you never know, you might find someone else in that wedding."

"Chaeryeong? I thought she filed a restraining order at you?"

"She did. That's why I'll hide in the backseat until we get there."


Seulgi was just a few steps out from the airport, when she was almost tackled to the ground.

"Unnie... you came!"

"Yeddeong!!!" Seulgi could only laugh as Yeji wraps her in a bear hug "Of course I will. It's my sister's wedding."

Seulgi looks up and sees a delicately beautiful girl standing a few feet from them. The girl is beautiful but Seulgi imagines Yeji to be with someone who could keep up with her, not somebody who just stands and watches over her.

"Oh yeah... unnie, this is....ummm... my fiancée Yuna..."

Why did Seulgi hear a bit of hesitation in Yeji's voice?

"Hi... I'm Shin Yuna..."

The girl offered her hand out politely, And Seulgi smiles back politely. But polite and comfortable could never be put in the same definition.

"So, you're the girl that finally got my sister to settle down."

"Yeah... ummm... that's me..." Yuna chuckles softly, pressing Yeji's hand along the way.

And all Seulgi could think was her sister was making a big mistake.


Yuna kissed Yeji's cheek good night before retiring to bed, leaving Yeji and Seulgi to talk the night away. And over drinks and some chips, the two sisters have so much to catch up about.

"You two make a beautiful couple." Seulgi pointed out.

"Thank you."

"But you're not a happy one though." Seulgi says while taking a sip of her wine.

"What?" The statement made such a hit on Yeji that she stops midway through her drink.

"Beautiful doesn't always mean happy, sometimes happiness meant finding the beauty out of the ugly."

Yeji sneers and finally gulps down her drink. "Nobody likes to date an ugly person."

"I didn't mean literally, Yeddeong... I meant at the ugliest or the worst situations, when you still manage to stay together and fall in love more. That's what it means..."

"Oh... sorry, I'm not as deep as you." Yeji responded sarcastically.

"Why are you even with her?"

"You said it yourself, Yuna is perfect and she is. Why would I let someone like that go? Especially someone who's in love with me?"

"I thought you are going to end up with someone else."

"Excuse me?"

"When we talked, I think it was two years ago... you were talking about this girl"

"I don't remember" Yeji perfectly remembers.

"Well, you were staying with Yuna and her older sister then." Seulgi presses on so she could jog back Yeji's memory. "You talk politely about Yuna, what she does and who she is. But then, you talk about her sister. I wish you heard yourself back then. And you would know what I'm talking about."

"Why? How do I sound?"

"Like somebody happy... Well, you can't even talk because you were laughing all the time when you talk about her. What happened with her? She never confessed?"

Yeji sips on more wine, angry why her sister just has to bring up more memories, when she thought that she already buried them. "She did."

"Then... why?"

"She's a player unnie, I don't know if what's she telling me is true or not. And even if she was in love with me back then, how would I know if she still love me after two years?"

"But you did love her, right?"

Yeji refuses to answer her sister, knowing the truth could only complicate things, instead she just poured out more wine into her glass. Finishing what's left of it, hoping it would numb her feelings.

"Couldn't you just be happy, unnie that I finally settled down?"

"I don't want you to settle down, I want you to find someone who would fly the whole world with you."


Ryujin just tried to ignore Chaeryeong as the girl is all clingy the whole trip over to the engagement party.

"I think this is it, Ryu, maybe we can finally mend things."

Ryujin just grunts, parking the car in front of the same beach villa, where she and Yeji made love two years ago.

"Chaer... can you grab some stuff in the trunk please?"

Chaeryeong looks deliriously at Ryujin, did the girl just asks her to carry out their bags? Her? Lee Chaeryeong?

"Fine!" Chaeryeong agrees, if it gives her the chance to finally have Ryujin then why not? Ryujin opens the trunk from inside the car as Chaeryeong walks to the back.



Yeji curses as the sound of a dolphin yelling, woke her up. Groaning as she lays back into bed, hit with a terrible hangover that just seems incurable.


"Yuna?" Yeji groans burying herself deep in the covers.

"Unnie is here."


"Miss me, Reongchae?"

Ryujin just laughs as she sees Chaeryeong fuming over the girl in the trunk.

"Seriously Lia! What kind of idiot would stay in a trunk of the car for a two hour trip?"

"Pffft.. it's not bad..." Lia got out of the trunk and starts stretching... "I just basically slept and I had food and drinks and my IPAD so it was cool. Maybe in the next trip, you and I could stay here together."

"You're a creep!"


Ryujin turns towards the house and sees her sister coming to greet them.

"Hey Yuna ..."

There was definitely an insurmountable amount of uneasiness still brewing between them, but at least this time they're slowly trying to fix it. Ryujin wraps her younger sister in a hug. But all her focus quickly drifted to the girl standing behind them.

Yeji was still as beautiful as Ryujin could remember. Her hair was cascading with soft curls now, instead of the usual straight hair that she had. And Ryujin smiled, Yeji's curls made her look more like an angel than she already was.

"Ryu" Yeji just greets Ryujin with a nod, refusing to take an inch closer to the other girl.

"Hi... congratulations..."

"Thank you..."

"Awkward..." Chaeryeong mutters under her breath.

And everybody notices it too, especially Yuna. And it scared her that the awkwardness was not because of the rejection, but because there was still something going on between them.

"So, you didn't bring a date?" Yuna interrupted Ryujin's gaze.

Ryujin finally pulls her gaze away from Yeji and smiles faintly at her sister.

"Well, I brought two... Lia and Chaeryeong, that counts, right?"

"Keke... I guess... Well, Yeji's sister from the states is here."

The cold expression in Yeji's face, quickly melted into the look of disbelief.

"Is she as pretty as Yeji?"

"I don't know why don't you tell me?"

Yeji didn't like the way Ryujin smiles approvingly as she sees Seulgi. The girl wasn't as pretty as Yeji, for Ryujin's opinion anyway, but she definitely held on her own. She has the same lovely eye smile that people fall helplessly over with.

"Hi... I'm Seulgi..." Seulgi extends her hand out without tearing her eyes away from Ryujin.


Chaeryeong groans as she sees Ryujin activate her flirting mode.

"Oh great... another competition..."

"I guess this only means that it's you for me, Chaer..." Lia propose, snaking her arms around Chaeryeong's shoulder.

"Shut up Lia..."


"We can just call a taxi, unnie..." Yeji told her sister, after Yuna called that she was going to be late for dress fitting.

"Well..." Seulgi was looking out the window, staring at the luxury car waiting to get drive. "Who's car is that?"

"Ummm... Ryujin's..."

"Then, why don't we ask her? I'm sure she wouldn't mind..."

"I don't want to."


"Unnie... stop, why don't you?"

"Why? You're getting married? What's wrong with trying to get close to your in laws"

Ryujin skips down the stairs...

"Oh, hi..." Seulgi's eyesmile would make the moon jealous. "I was wondering since Yuna would be late for the dress fitting, if you could drive me and Yeji to the bridal shop."

"Oh... ummm..." Ryujin looks at Yeji who was boring a hole in the wall, with how intense she was staring at it. "Yeah, sure... let me go get change."

Ryujin skips back upstairs and Yeji quickly growls at her sister, who seems unaffected by it.


"You know what you did..."

Seulgi does and she was glad she did it.


Seulgi nudges Ryujin as the girl seems to be busy scrolling down on her phone.

"You ok?"

"Oh yeah... I'm just checking on work..."

"Workaholic" Seulgi teases.

"I need a diversion..."

"How does she look?"

Seulgi smiles as she sees the look on Ryujin's face, the moment Yeji steps in her white wedding dress.


Seulgi and Ryujin steps closer, Ryujin unconsciously fixes Yeji's hair, both of their eyes lock in a gaze.

"You two make a beautiful couple." The saleslady gushes...

"Ummm what?"

"She's your bride, right? I mean the way you two look at each other, it's just love."

"Oh... ummm... no..." Ryujin finally steps back. "I'm not the one she's going to marry."

The saleslady awkwardly backs away... Ryujin and Yeji wished they could back away too, but they couldn't...


Two days in a row and the awkwardness between Ryujin and Yeji never ceased to exist, and it was weird how as much as you want to avoid someone, they end up popping up everywhere you go. And Yeji and Ryujin are everywhere they go.

Until finally it was the night of the engagement party. Mostly their friends and close relatives were there to celebrate the two. Everyone in the whole ballroom was gushing over the beautiful couple, and Ryujin does admit that they do make a beautiful couple. She spends the entire night, pretending to smile, while sipping on more wine. And as she stares back, she realizes that nothing hurts more than having Yeji so close and not be able to even touch her.

"So, where are you guys going on your honeymoon?"

"Ummm... I was planning to take Yeji on a Caribbean cruise."

Ryujin looks surprise. As far as she know, Yeji wasn't really a water person. Then, her eyes turned to the sound of a spoon clinging on a wine glass.

"Ok, why don't we have the bride of the sister, say something about the couple."

Obviously this person had no idea how awkward their situation is.

"Well, if Ryujin is too shy to say something, then maybe I should."

Ryujin reminds herself to ask Seulgi out for dinner to thank her for saving her from more crap.

"Ok here goes... People always say that the most romantic love stories are the ones where you fall in love at first sight. But sometimes that isn't the case..." Seulgi stares back at her sister. "Sometimes the best love story is when YOU fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time. I want you to know how it feels to fall in love despite of the good and bad things about the person. Because I think that is what marriage is all about, falling in love with the same person everyday for the rest of your life."

"I'm ready to talk now..." Ryujin stands up before Seulgi could finish her speech.

"Don't Cal ... Don't Cal..." Lia prays under her breath.

"First of all, I want to congratulate my sister for finding someone like Yeji. She's ummm... one of a kind, sis..." Ryujin smiles bitterly. "And my sister is one of a kind too, Yeddeong... So, in a way both of you are lucky. That's why some people would find it so hard to let go, not because they don't want to move on but because they couldn't accept the fact that this person that they were so in love with is gone. We hold on because it's worth it, we let go because we feel were not worth it." Ryujin looks back at Yeji. "I wish both of you the best..."

"What does that have to do with the wedding?" One guest asks...



Lia screams at the DJ, who just looks back at the short girl with irritation.

"Oh, this is my jam... c'mon my woman!"

"Let go of me!"

Again, Chaeryeong was defeated as Lia drags her in the middle of the dance floor.

The two lovely brides look somewhat a bit shy, Yeji dances so courteously with Yuna, keeping a respectable few feet away from her. Yeji's eyes were lock on Ryujin's and her sister's. Watching the two, and every inch that they drew closer, and every tone of their laughter, didn't bode well with Yeji, her unnecessary jealousy, didn't do nothing but flare up the already burned down emotions between her and Ryujin.

"May I dance with the bride to be?"

Yeji didn't even realize that Seulgi and Ryujin were already standing beside them.


Seulgi whisk Yuna away while Yeji and Ryujin couldn't even stare at each other. It was Ryujin like always who made the first move, taking Yeji by the waist as they dance.

"How you been?"

Yeji nods, hoping to convince Ryujin and especially herself that everything was ok. "I have been good..."

"What places have you been lately?"

"I haven't travel as much, ummm... Yuna don't like me to be away too much and you know when you're in a relationship, you need to make sacrifices here and there."

Ryujin just shrugs. "I don't know... I never been in a relationship."

And Yeji responds with a sneer. "Of course, you won't. You're Shin Ryujin."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Simple. That you Shin Ryujin could never be in a relationship because you can't be with one person."

"You're right, I can't be with one person. Since that one person I love is marrying someone else."

Yeji was about to pull away but Ryujin holds on to her.

"I don't blame you for picking Yuna ... but at least you could have given us a try."

"That was two years ago, do you actually think that it would last long?"

"How should I know? You never give it a chance."

Ryujin have wanted so much to tell Yeji everything that she have done for two years, but decided not to. Like Lia said, she don't want to be Cal-ing on her sister's relationship.

"I got to go..."

"No Don't... I promise I'll shut up, let's just dance." Was Ryujin's polite way of asking when what she really wanted to say was, let me hold you a bit longer.

Ryujin manage to win over Yeji, quietly dancing, every note of the song, didn't do nothing but pull the two even closer. Until Yeji surrendered, her head craned perfectly in Ryujin's neck, it was the same moment like the time in the warehouse.

"How's your restaurant?" Yeji whispers...

"It's good... it's good..."

Ryujin replies before both of them dance in silence again... In their every move, speaks nothing but I still love you...

Yuna just smiles bitterly as she sees Yeji and Ryujin dance.

"You okay?" Seulgi asks when she sees Yuna getting teary eyed all of a sudden. But it wasn't the happy kind of tears like most bride to be, it was just hurt.

Yuna tries to hold her smile longer, but lost. How could she smile when in the end, she knew she never had Yeji, like the way her sister had.

"You know unnie, I have been with Yeji for two years. But not one second out of those two years did she ever look at me, the way she looks at unnie."


Ryujin didn't know if it was because of what was happening to her heart right now. She was clearly upset, especially at herself for letting herself get close to Yeji again, now her stupid heart is begging for her to try. She was getting too frustrated to the point that even food doesn't even taste good anymore.

"God damn it... what the hell is this?!"

Everyone turns as one of the sisters of the bride was about to start an outburst.

"It's sweet potato soup?"

"Sweet potato soup, sweet potato casserole..." Ryujin finally lost it, and was about to flip the table over. She tried with one hand then two but finds the table too heavy, that she just frustratingly sat back down. "I'M SO SICK OF EATING SWEET POTATO!!!!!"

Lia was shaking her head at her friend's outburst.


All of the people muttered a gasps, but none as loud as Yuna.

Ryujin points an angry finger at Yuna before screaming out...

"FUDGE YOU!!!!!"

"Hey... calm down girl..." Lia holds on Ryujin to prevent any more embarrassment that Ryujin could cause.

"She's Cal!!!" Ryujin points to Yuna angrily... "I'm Jack and Yeji is the girl I love! You, Hwang Yeji, you're pathetic... you know why? Because you're a coward... You choose to be safe just because you think it wouldn't hurt as much, but it does... you're hurting people! you're hurting me..."

Ryujin has a lot of things to say, feelings that she kept for too long was about to burst out of her. But the moment she saw the angry look on Yeji's eyes she stops. And again frustratingly sits back on her chair. There was no point, she was fighting a losing game just like it was two years ago.

Yeji pushes herself off the table, and runs out of the room. Yeji's action startled everyone, except for Yuna who always seem to know that this was bound to happen.


Yeji kept on running until her breath gave up on her. She ended up in the shore, the same place two years ago, where she came so close to telling Ryujin how she feels. The same place, where she and Ryujin confessed silently through their kiss, the same place where and Ryujin have first truly made love.

And now she was left with regret, what if she just told Ryujin everything that she have felt then? Maybe she wouldn't be hurting as much as she is hurting right now.


Yeji couldn't even stare back at the raven haired girl who got herself caught in the mess that she and Ryujin created. IT was time to man up and fix things. It was time to let go.


Yuna sits beside Yeji by the shore.

"Your unnie is such a freaking idiot..."

Yuna chuckles faintly, wrapping an arm around Yeji's shoulders.

"Why would she act like this? On our own engagement party?!"

"I don't blame her... I'm kind of an idiot too..."

Yeji turns to look at Yuna, and even with just the moon's light shining on them, it was clear that Yuna was close to tears.

"Why? What's wrong? You didn't drink did you?" Yeji asks worriedly, feeling Yuna's forehead wondering if the girl is coming out with something.

"No... I didn't..." Yuna stilled Yeji's hands and forces a smile. "Yeji, I'm sorry but I couldn't go on with this."

Yuna ... you're freaking me out, what's wrong?"

"I can't do this to you anymore."

"Do what? Yuna ... you're really starting to scare me..."

"I knew what you feel for Ryujin unnie, but I always say to myself that maybe if I just do my best that she'll love me back. Because that's what we do, right? We fight for the ones we love?"

Yeji could only look at Yuna, not knowing if words are even enough to save their already spiraling relationship.

"Sometimes it's better to let go..." Because that's what Yeji did, she let go.

"I'm an idiot, Yeddeong, cause even if it was so clear that you don't love me, I still kept on hoping. Maybe if you didn't love someone else, I would just be contented with this kind of relationship. But you are, you're in love with my unnie of all people. It kills me that I could never have you, the way she does with you."

"I did love you, Yuna ..."

"I know, but nothing compared to how much you love unnie."

"I'm sorry" Was all Yeji could say, she truly was.

"No. Don't be..." Yuna brushes the tears off Yeji's eyes. "I know I'm not."

"You're not?"

"Yes. At least, I'm not like most people. I don't have to live in the world of what ifs. At Least I know, and at least I gave it a try. You are going to be the chapter in my book that I would keep on re reading, Yeji." This time Yuna smiled, a smile that says she will be okay. "And I'm glad that for at least some chapters, I was part of your story too..."

Yuna gives Yeji a chaste kiss, that felt more like a goodbye.


Yeji runs inside the mansion, checking every room.

"You looking for Ryujin?"

Yeji turns and sees Chaeryeong standing haughtily by the door.

"Yes. You know where she is"

"She already left." Then, something dawned on Chaeryeong. "Wait a second... then, if she left then that means..."

Oh the horror...

"That's right, baby..." Lia pops out like mushroom. "You and me, are going to go home to our future lives together."

Yeji ignore the two girls chasing each other.


It took Yeji a couple of days to finally have the guts to find Ryujin. She and Yuna were busy too, returning engagement gifts, telling everyone that they cancel their wedding. People might have thought that the two would end up hating each other after what happened, but it didn't, instead it pulled them closer. Because at least they know now, what each other truly meant in their life.


Yeji couldn't help but smile proudly at what Ryujin have done. The old decrepit warehouse, transformed itself into a trendy restaurant with the name Ryujin's flashing in neon lights.

"Ryujin's? Dork..." Yeji laughs as she walks in.



Yeji turned away from the menu and see the bubbly looking waitress grinning widely at her.

"Hi... I'm Winter, I will be serving you for tonight. Can I start you off with a drink?"

"Ummm... can I have ice tea please?"

"Of course..." The pretty waitress scribbles on her notepad

"So, may I ask what's your specialty here?"

Winter taps her pen thoughtfully in her chin. "Definitely our taco soup."

"Taco soup?"

Yeji smiles as the faint memory of what she cooked Ryujin began to resurface again.

The waitress giggles. "I know... we get that reaction all the time, but yes, our taco soup is Boss Shin's fave... "

"Ummm... is she here?"

Oh... the boss is rarely here, only comes to check up on stuff. It's Ms. Choi who runs this branch. Boss Shin is always in our other sister restaurant. It's smaller but it's definitely has more intimate feel, perfect for dating and stuff. The place is just like the boss's baby... you should check it out next time."

"Maybe I should... what's the name of the other restaurant, is it Ryujin's too?"

"Oh no..." Winter's blonde hair swishes as she shakes her head. "It's called Yeji's."


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