Chapter 17

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First of all I want to apologize for the LONG wait, I know, I've been such a bitch the past week for not updating, but I had a lot going on on my head, and home, don't even ask. 

BUUUUUUT, here's chapter 17, I know many of you have been waiting for it, so yeah...

This chapter is dedicated to three people, but I own't 'actually' dedicate it becasue it's kind of impossible to dedicate it to three, so I believe it's fair to jsut dedicate it without the thingy up there... idk, anyways, those people are:

@Larry_Icantchange because she's been asking for the update so much! Oh and we are happily married now so yeah, love you baby :)

@XxMinniexX1D because we talked a lot lately and she's so special to me! One of my recent wives as well :3

And last, but not least, my beautiful Melisa Araujo. She's got no Wattpad account but she reads my story and she made my day the first time she said she'd read it because she actually isn't much into 1D, les into Union J, and she's actually reading it, so it's speciall. She's been my friend since I was 7 years old and now I can proudly say I love her with all my heart <3 (you will so love something in this chapter, you'll see)

(Sorry for the huge rant, had to do it...)

In this chappie is gonna happen something that not many of you were epecting, so get ready for  a plot twist! :D

(Tommy doesn't appeaar on this chapter, but as I already showed you Dylan, I guess it's time to show how I picture Tommy... it's like a younguer version of the man in the picture on the side... if you can't get used to it just keep with YOUR version of Tommy, no problem with that :3)

Enjoy... >:D

*George’s POV*

“you ought to understand George…”  she sobs.

“I do… I totally understand Jade, don’t worry” I say in an attempt to hug her for comfort but regretting it instantly.

I swear, if I see that bastard again I’ll tear his head off. She’s so broken and insecure, but most of all… she’s traumatised.

“thanks, I love you” she mutters as she pecks my cheek for a quarter of second.

It burns were she kissed me, it burns and it feels good…

She walked past me and back to the cabin, luckily no one seemed to notice we were outside, but they all noticed the distance between me and Jade, as I received strange glares from the girls and the boys… well, not the boys, Niall in fact. Tommy and Dylan are with Carol in the infirmary. She’s keeping us informed about how Dylan is, and luckily he’s getting better, but not totally stable yet. Tommy had the permission to stay with him, as Freddie was one of the people who cared about him the most when he had this breakdown because of the disappearance.

Jade slept next to Maddy, and I slept next to Niall… it feels awkward, we are a couple, but we act as if we didn’t know each other… I understand she’s feeling quite sick, but it affects me… I don’t want to sound selfish or anything, but I miss her, and the only moment I could be myself with her was yesterday when they found us, from that moment  onwards she’s been behaving this distant way and I can’t stand it.

The next day Cher woke us later than expected and we went straight to have breakfast. We went to the little park with swings and toboggans, but everything was damp wet from last night’s storm, sooooooo they led us into that enormous room that we use once in a while for some extra activity.

The Story Behind A Song ~Summer Love~(Niall Horan/George Shelley AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now