First Day

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*4:15 am*
My alarm goes of telling me it is morning, I look at the window and see it is still night. Why am I being worked up this early. My phone was on my nightstand, so I checked my calendar. They event was the first day of school. Ugh. I was enjoying summer. The beaches are nice here but I like Australia's better. Surfing is better there. I eventually get up and walk over to my closet. I have to be careful with what I wear because of dress code. It is somewhat chill out so I am gonna cover up. I threw a random new shirt that I have, that says,"I'm not lazy. I on energy saving mode." I throw on some light washed jeans and white Converse. Since it is a bit chill I grab a flannel.
(My outfit but ignore something's and think of the other things)
I go to my bathroom and curl my hair. I check my phone to see what time it is and it displayed, 4:37 I have to leave around 4:42. It takes 36 minutes to get there. School starts at 5:30. I have to walk around campus some more to get us to it.

*At school*
I am at school, and I have my schedule. I'm a little bit early but I am known as a nerd. I have no idea where I am suppose to go in the morning. I am lost, so I went to the only place I knew... the front office. The same lady was here, that attended me a few days ago."Hello, how may I help you?""Can you explain the average day schedule?""Yeah, so in the morning when you get here you can go hang out in any of the groups, also go into teachers classrooms, and go into the library.""Okay thanks." With that I walked over to the door, but I heard her tell me to wait."Excuse me, but your guide is here.""Ummm... where?""behind you." I heard. But it sounded like a boy. I turn around and see a cute bad looking boy, who smelled like cigarettes mixed with vanilla. I don't know but he smelt nice."I will leave y'all to each other." I felt kind of uncomfortable. He walked out and I followed after."Hi, my name is Jonathan Mancilla, you are?""Paige Brooks, nice to meet you.""Pleasures mine." I blushed a bit. This boy is just plain ugh...

*20 minutes later*
We had finished the tour of the school and we sat on a bench and asked each other questions.
"What do you look for in your love interest?" I asked."Big words but, sweet, cute, bad but good, great personality and will get down and dirty.""Nice, you have thought about that a bit.""Yeah but you?""Umm..good boy, nerdy but loves nature, sweet and caring.""But good boys are no fun!!!"He said glumly."No that is personal opinion.""Sure it is, if you hang out with me you will love my group.""I don't know, what group you are considered in?""Bad boys.""Really, you look so innocent?""Why does everyone say that, I'm bad.""Sure you are.""I am so my group or not?""Sure... The only reason is...""You like me?!?!""No... because your the only person I know at this school and I don't want to be known as a loner.""Sure you don't.""I don't, I don't like you.""That is what ever girl says but they do." Self centered much I thought."Let's get you to your first period, we are a few minutes late but we will be fine.""Okay but I have never been late.""Really?" I nodded."Come on."'Bad boy' started running and I did not know where I was I ran after. I saw he was climbing the school fence."Get down you will get hurt or in trouble.""No I won't I have done this many times.""Ugh...""You coming?""Where are we going?""Where ever you wanna go...""Starbucks...""Typical white girl...""Typical white bad boy.""I heard that.""It was meant to be heard." With that I climbed the fence. Jonathan helped me over the top. I had to jump down, I did but I ended up in his arms. I got butterflies in my stomach. What this boy does to me. He put me down and walked side by side to the closest Starbucks. We would be leaving second period about now. My backpack was still on. It looked weird but oh well. We went up to the cashier and ordered. I ordered a S'more Frappuccino and Jonathan got a Slow-Roasted Ham and Swiss Breakfast Sandwich with a water. We went and sat down in a corner in a comfortable silence.

*6 minutes later*
"We should get going..."Jonathan said."I agree."I walked over to a trash can and through away my cup, on our way out Jonathan through his away.With that we backed back to the campus. Maybe hanging out with Jonathan was a good idea. It makes me look less nerdy, but yet like a bad influence. We got back to the gate. Jonathan climbed it and I followed soon after."Here just jump." I jumped but this time I got my foot caught in the fence, I fell on top of Jonathan and he fell on the floor."I'm so sorry, my.."It is fine, it was an accident." I nodded. Since we were going to be in lunch next period we would not get caught. Walking over to our 3rd period which we had together, we entered. All of the eyes ended up on us, but mostly me being the new girl. The teacher gave us a glare but in her eyes it was saying to sit down so class could resume.

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