2 - A Strong Grip

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"Miss, are you all right?"

She blinked, parted her lips, and quickened her breathing.

"Don't be afraid. My name is Evan. I'll help you. Can you tell me your name? How did you get here?"

She said nothing and kept her gaze focused on me.

Was she in shock? From the back of the four-wheeler, I removed a toolbox.

"Miss, I'm going to have to touch you to elevate your legs above your heart."

Slipping my arm beneath her ankles, I lifted her bare feet and rested them on the toolbox. "What's your name?"

The girl licked her lips and slowly moved her head back and forth like she was trying to say no.

"Do you feel injured anywhere? Can you move all your arms and legs?"

One at a time, she raised her arms and legs and then brought them back to rest.

"Are you in any pain?"

She shook her head.

"Can you sit up?"

She crinkled her brow as if concentrating and reached out with both arms extended.

"Do you want me to help you sit?"

She nodded.

I grasped her forearms and pulled her into a sitting position. She lifted her feet from the toolbox and pulled her knees to her chest, shivering. Removing my coat from her shoulders, I helped her to properly wear it, buttoned it up, and decided to try again for her name by using a different approach. "In case you didn't hear me earlier, I'm Evan. I happened to be driving by on my four-wheeler. You are...?"

After a long pause, she placed a finger over her lips and shook her head.

"Are you trying to tell me you can't speak?"

She nodded.

"You can't speak because you're injured or in pain?"

She shook her head.

"Do you mean you can't speak because you're not able to speak?"

She nodded.

I wondered what I should do next. Someone had to be looking for her. Assuming she had just been married, where was her husband?

"I don't know how else to help you." I pulled my cellphone from the hip pocket of my jeans. "I'm going to call emergency services."

The girl latched onto my wrist with both her hands. Her eyes went wide.

"Don't you want me to call?"

Her shivers turned into trembling. This was more than her just being cold.

"Are you're afraid?"

She nodded.

What was she afraid of? "I'm concerned you might be hurt. You need to be checked out."

She shook her head violently and squeezed my wrist hard.

"Ow, let go of me."

She let go and hung her head.

"Damn, girl, that's some serious grip you got there."

She placed her palms together and glanced my way, signaling an apology or maybe a plea.

"Well, we can't just sit here. When the sun goes down the temperature will plummet, and you're already freezing." Having given her my coat, I was getting cold too.

She continued to gawk at me like she was waiting for me to do something. There was only one other alternative. "I can take you to my cabin. We can get things sorted from there."

She studied me. I assumed she was assessing whether she could trust me.

"I realize you don't know me. I promise I intend you no harm. Besides, have you considered that you're a stranger to me too? How do I know you're not an axe murderer?"

The girl held a hand to her mouth and her torso shook. I realized she was giggling without uttering a sound. I found her silent outburst adorable if not a bit unnerving.

"I'll take you to the cabin, and then we'll figure things out. Okay?"

Her quick nod told me she consented.

"Can you stand?"

She held out her arms again. I helped her up and steadied her.

"Climb onto the four-wheeler behind me. I'll drive slow, but the trail is bumpy. Wrap your arms around my waist and hold on."

She did so and leaned her chin against my back, her breath tickling my neck.

I powered up the machine and pointed it toward the cabin, her body pressed against mine as she shielded herself from the cold air.

If I believed in fairy tales, I could fancy myself a hero, rescuing a beautiful damsel from some unknown danger. Reality made it more likely I was spiriting away some frantic groom's new bride. Nothing about the situation made sense, and I wondered...

What kind of trouble had I just gotten myself into?

What kind of trouble had I just gotten myself into?

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What would you do if you were in Evan's place? 

Top Photo Credit: Pexels/Ana Bregantin

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