7 - Making a Statement

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I couldn't help feeling warm inside when Sophie wrote she wasn't alone because she had me as a friend, but I also realized her declaration served as a distraction. There was much more to her story she wasn't ready to reveal. Either she was too afraid, or I hadn't yet gained her complete trust. The only other information I managed to pull from her was she had come from Minnesota. She claimed she didn't know she was in Pennsylvania. When I told her so, she acted surprised. She couldn't explain how she got from there to here.

The more I probed, the surlier she became until she completely disengaged and stubbornly ignored me.

Her refusal to communicate annoyed me. I continued to badger her, telling her she needed to let me in so I could help her. Eventually, after I pressed too hard, she retreated into the bedroom and slammed the door.

Damn it, bringing Sophie to my cabin made me responsible for her, especially since she was underage. Since she wasn't forthcoming, I decided to change tactics. Instead of asking direct questions, I'd try tricking information from her a little at a time. What else could I do if I was to help her? The longer she stayed, the more I was putting myself at risk. People would misunderstand and assume the worst about me. On the other hand, I couldn't just kick her out. Sophie was in no position to fend for herself. Like it or not, I'd have to take care of her until I found out where she belonged.

Having a guest, especially a female, shamed me into wanting to spruce things up. The morning was gray and overcast. A fine mist lay thick in the air, and as the weatherman warned, it looked like the sky could unleash a torrent at any time.

The trash bin under the sink smelled bad and overflowed, and the one in the bathroom was near full. I grabbed both containers, walked outside, and dumped their contents into a burn barrel. I used a propane torch to light the garbage and stood for a while, watching the fire, making sure the heavy mist didn't extinguish the flames.

The cabin door squeaked open. Sophie marched my way with a determined expression. She held the white wedding gown balled up in her fist. Showing no hesitation, she tossed the gown into the burn barrel.

"Well, that's making a statement."

Sophie tugged at the wedding band on her finger, trying to remove it, and became agitated when it wouldn't slip over her knuckle. She frowned and tugged and stomped her foot in frustration.

"Oi," I uttered to get her attention. She made eye contact.

"Let me help you." I led her back into the cabin. I positioned her against the front of the kitchen sink and picked up the liquid dish soap. The sink lay wedged between the outside wall and my little dinette. There wasn't enough space to stand side-by-side, so I stood behind her. I reached around, gently lifted her hand over the sink, and squeezed a few drops of dish soap onto her finger.

While massaging the slippery solution over the ring and her finger, I said, "It's curious how this ring is on your middle finger. That's not traditional, is it? If I had to guess, I'd say the ring was too big for your ring finger, so you moved it to your middle finger, but it was too small for your middle finger, so you jammed it over your knuckle which is why it's now stuck..."

I stopped babbling and took a breath. With my arms around her and being pressed against her backside, smelling her hair, and playing with Sophie's slick finger, I was becoming aroused. I stepped away disgusted with myself. She was pretty with an alluring, mature body, but it didn't change the fact she was still just a kid.

When Sophie wheeled around to face me, she wore an expression of triumph and held out the ring, displaying it in the palm of her hand. She showed no indication of sensing my discomfort. She pressed her hands together and bowed demurely, expressing thanks for my helping her.

"Oh, God," I caught my breath. I swallowed and retreated to the living room sofa. Although my arousal had been an involuntary reaction, I realized how I needed to stay focused and to be really careful.

I never found out what Sophie did with the ring, but soon afterward she joined me on the sofa.

"Sophie, tomorrow is Monday and I have to go to work. I work twelve-hour shifts for the next four days which means I'll be gone during daylight hours."

She looked at me.

"Today is the only day I'll have time to take you wherever you need to go." I was sure that would get her to open up and put an end to the charade. It would be for the best, especially after what just happened.

Sophie folded her arms across her chest and frowned.

"You won't tell me who to call?"

She shook her head and pouted.

"Just to be absolutely clear. You're telling me you don't want to leave? You want to stay?"

She nodded.

Sophie was making the wrong decision. Inevitably, she needed to confront whatever happened to her. Putting it off would only prolong her anguish, but she was making clear it had to be at a time of her own choosing.

"Okay, then, if that's the case, we need to go shopping."

Sophie widened her eyes and released a stuttering breath.

"Does that frighten you?"

She nodded.

How strange. What teen girl didn't like to shop? I guessed she was afraid someone might see her. "We're way out in the sticks. The nearest shopping center is over twenty miles away and in the next county. There's little chance you'll bump into anyone familiar. The rain will make it difficult for anyone to look through vehicle windows."

From her expression, I could tell she remained ill at ease.

"Sophie, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

My reassurance seemed to calm her. She relaxed her expression.

I figured giving her something to do would serve as a distraction from her worries. "I started a grocery list on a small pad in the drawer where I keep the tableware. Have a look through the cupboards and write down anything you think we need."

She fingered the material of the long johns.

"Right. Our first stop will be to buy you some proper clothes."

She rubbed a finger across her front teeth.

"Yeah, you need a toothbrush. I noticed you used mine. Yuck!"

She shrugged.

I smiled to let her know I was joking and really didn't mind about the toothbrush. "Don't worry. I'll buy you a new one and any other hygiene products you need for a short stay."

Reaching over, she grabbed my wrist for emphasis and mouthed a thank you.

I looked at her hand wrapped around my wrist. "Good, I finally have you trained to not squeeze the life out of me."

Her lips turned up into a mischievous grin and she bore down.

"Ow, girl, why do you punish me like that?"

Her body shook with silent laughter.

Such an amazing girl. What could have happened to break her? Who could have terrorized a kid as sweet as her?

 What could have happened to break her? Who could have terrorized a kid as sweet as her?

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