Learning to live

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Sara POV

I went home the following day, already missing Hayden. I dreaded the fact that my little brother, Isaac, was blind, so he had to be told about my newly found disability. Hopefully my parents did that already. We pulled up to my house. I saw that my dad tried to build a ramp up the steps to the porch with his (not so good) craftsman skills. "It's perfectly strong honey, just watch." He said with the utmost confidence. He then proceeded to step onto and through the ramp. Cheeks red with embarrassment, he carried me up the steps, while my mom pushed my wheelchair up them.

My brother's face flushed he palest of whites when I repeated the phrase to him. "I will never walk again." I never want to see him this way again. There he was on the floor sobbing uncontrollably. I was at a loss for words. "It's not your fault Isaac. It was fates fault." I said. He nodded, I was at a loss, seeing my brother's almost colorless blue eyes filled with tears, the clear liquid roll down his cheeks. I rolled to my room and took out my razor. The clean, silver, tip sliced across my pale skin as my wrist dragged it slowly, unconsciously forming the word I had written so many times before. I looked down at my wrist to see the word engraved deeply in my skin. BITCH. I traced the others. My sentence was complete. YOU ARE A BITCH BECAUSE YOU CAUSED THIS DESTRUCTION. I had obeyed the voice. But if only it would leave me.

The Girl, The Boy, And The WheelchairWhere stories live. Discover now