• Context/ headcabons •

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Wednesday headcanons
Gender: female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: Addams (because they are there own species) Likes: mysterious, Enid obviously, writing, and secretly dancing
Dislikes: when Enid is upset, Xavier, Physical touch besides from Enid

Enids Headcanons
Intersex, mainly female tho
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species : Werewolf
Likes : colorful stuff, Wednesday, hugs, hot coco, and cuddling with Wednesday
Dislikes : nightmares, anything happening to Wednesday, studying, being alone

There will be other ships included or mentioned and it will begin as there third year at Nevermore, I know in the description I said this was there last year at Nevermore but I have an idea for what there third year at Nevermore would look like, they are both 17 and 18 at the moment, and Wednesday's birthday is coming up so I will do a chapter on that, I will be taking requests for chapter ideas and will give credits to the person I also think I will do a chapter where they met there future children, tell me if you want to read about that

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