• The plan was a success •

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Enid's Pov
Me and Yoko are chilling in her dorm and after what happened in the gc, you've probably guessed I'm quite shocked, I start pacing around Yoko's " Enid, pull yourself together, your chances of pulling Wednesday have just increased" Yoko told me, " But what if she's crushing on a girl from one of her other classes!!!!! UGHHHHH WHYS WEDNESDAY ADDAMS SO HARD TO READ TnT"  I drop myself onto Yoko's bed mentally beating myself up when we both hear a knock at the door, then I remember what was going to happen today
Bianca has added Enid,Kent,Wednesday, and Eugene
Wednesday: why am I part of this?
Bianca: Because you've sent the most time in the wood or in Jericho yk where the best spot might be to set them up
Wednesday: fine, I'll help I guess
Eugene: And what's my part? Flowers I assume
Bianca: Bingo, Kent what's divinas fav flower?
Kent: Blood lilys, cause they remind her of Yoko 💀
Enid: Awwww how sweet
Eugene: Your in luck, I happen to have found a spot where Blood lilys grow
Bianca: Perfect! Wednesday you've got a location????
Wednesday: in matter of fact I do,  there's an outdoor cafe that carries blood tea, perfect since Yoko is a vampire, and it's pigs blood before you ask any questions
Bianca: Then we're all set!!! The plan will start tmr at 5pm that gives time for Eugene and Wednesday to set things up and yes Wednesday your getting something out of it, Kent you'll distract Div and Enid you'll be distracting Yoko, I'll need things help, I'm going to knock on divs door but I need someone to knock on Yoko's door and leave the flowers and a note
Wednesday: Thing says he'll help, he wants one of his ships to happen whatever that means
Wednesday added Thing
Thing: At y'all's service
Yoko Pov
"Who's at the door???" I said to Enid, " Not sure" she said getting up, I get up as well and go to answer the door, no one's there? But there's a note on the floor and a bundle of blood lilys on the floor, those are divinas favorite flower

Enid's PovMe and Yoko are chilling in her dorm and after what happened in the gc, you've probably guessed I'm quite shocked, I start pacing around Yoko's " Enid, pull yourself together, your chances of pulling Wednesday have just increased" Yoko t...

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I grab the flowers without giving it a second thought because these will be perfect to give to her, and maybe a good chance to confess to her. I'm pulled out of thoughts from Enid telling me to open the note, " HELLOOO???? EARTH TO YOKO? WHAT DOES THE NOTE SAY?" " I haven't checked yet en, I'm going to right now" I say as I open the note, it contained an address to a cafe in familiar with since it's the only place that has a good blood drink, it also says that they'll help me confess to divina, her dream confession has always been to be asked out to a cafe or smt like that with a bouquet of her favorite flowers and ends with them cuddling in her dorm and falling asleep in that persons arms, of course I've been wanting to do it but I've never got my mind up to it so maybe todays the day because Divina is my dream girl, I'd give anything just to be with her. " Soooo what's it say???" " oh drop the act Enid, Ik you've got something to do with this, and thanks for the boost, I have to get ready and your to help me pick out what I'm going to wear for this" I say to Enid " Guilty! And obviously I'm going to help you bestie!"
Meanwhile with Divina and Kent
Divina's Pov
"UGHHHHH, why can't I tell Yoko how I feel about her kent!!!! I want her so bad it's not even funny anymore!!!!" I'm complaining to my brother about my feelings for Yoko for like the millionth time I just can't get her out of my mind, she's just so perfect, she's everything I want in a partner and more, even tho she's a vampire I swear I almost died on outreach day when she put her arm around me and walked me to my volunteer assignment, god I wish my future children are her's " Div snap out of! Of course Yoko likes you! Plus it's her loss if she doesn't cause your awesome sis" Kent said, just as I'm abt to reply, we hear a knock at the door, Kent gets up from his bed and opens the door to reveal Bianca, " Heyo! I've got news! I overheard a conversation between Yoko and Enid and you'll never guess what!" She says, " What tell me right now Bianca!!!!" " YOKO IS-" just as Bianca is about to finish her sentence Yoko comes out and god. She look fine as hell

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