• Bianca is at it again with • another plan

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Bianca has created another group chat, Bianca has added Kent, Divina, Yoko, Eugene, Ajax, and Xavier
Divina: Well if Yoko is doing this ig I'll help
Kent: Simppppp, anyway as long as I don't get another black eye from Addams, I'm in
Eugene: Yesssss, Enid definitely beings out a different side of Wednesday :)))
Ajax: Alr bet, let's make Wenclair happen peeps
Xavier: Wenclair? Why? Why not Wenvier?
Ajax: dude- Wednesday is gay-
Bianca: Ah hell nah
Yoko: Sir the door is right there, use it cause your out of your mind if you think that shit is gonna happen
Divina: Xavier Thomas Thorpe, say some dumb shit again, I. Dare.you
Kent: Xavier, no, just no my guy
Bianca has kicked Xavier
Yoko: yup, and Eugene try to find some black roses or smt, cause that's Ens fav flower at the moment
Eugene: On it!
Divina: So I'm guess my and b are distancing Addams? Yk with fencing practice?
Bianca: Damn right we are, now I've found a spot in the woods that's actually peaceful
Eugene: ummm guys, I think my covers been blow
Yoko: wym?
Eugene: Wednesday just caught my picking black roses and rn I'm hiding so she doesn't take my phone and life TnT
Bianca: shit-
Eugene has added Wednesday
Eugene: I've been found TnT
Wednesday: And just what is the meaning of this? Because if I recall we did this for Yoko and Divina.
Yoko: Warm welcoming weds, and yea we were going to do the same thing for you and Enid but we've been compromised
Wednesday: I see, if you must know I was going to confess to Enid tomorrow after fencing practice
Wednesday: Distraction? Anyway I was going to buy a locket of some sort and have a picture of me and Enid together placed into it and engrave our initials in it while I am at fencing practice then after practice I would quickly change and go pick it and wrap it carefully and pair it with her favorite flowers which upon inspection are Black roses than at 6 or 7pm I will take her to a nice spot towards the lake that I found and confess to her then
Divina:.... I'll be in the dorm as well
Yoko: Aw is someone jealous??? And yea that works with me b
Divina: Hey Addams, you up for some sushi? Bianca is volunteering.
Wednesday: that's a turn of events, and yes I will be there shortly
Divina: Thought so. Yoko. I'm coming. Now
Divina has gone offline
Yoko: welp, I'm screwed
Bianca: Yea I would hide or run right abt now, cause Div just left and she did not look happy
Yoko: good call
Everyone has gone offline
Enid's pov
I just chilling on my bed when Yoko runs in look panicked, " Enid. HIDE ME" "what'd you do???" "Well I may have accidentally made Div a little too jealous and now I'm going to die since I have just left my dorm and ran here, so hide me" " fineee, only cause your my bestie" I open my closet door and make space to hide Yoko for a while til Div calms down " great back in the closet I go" "not the time for jokes Yoko" Yoko gets in the spot and I cover her up just as I'm about to close the closet door Wednesday enters the dorm with divina, Well shit, Yoko is 100% fucked now-, " Enid, you wouldn't happen to know what happened to Yoko? I just left her dorm and she,wasn't.there." "Nope! I can text her though if you'd like" " Enid I have a feeling that your lying to me and divina right now, and why'd your closet door open, you always leave it shut." Wednesday says, shit- " I was getting clothes cause I'm going to shower" "Really? So you wouldn't mean me checking your closet? I wanna pick out your outfit" Divina said, "No it's okay!" Divina pushes past me almost making me fall luckily weds caught me in time
Yoko's Pov
I'm trying so hard not to breathe right now cause I have just fucked up and I'm hoping that I can stay hidden then suddenly the clothes on top of me get thrown off and I realized it was my darling, she has caught me, fuck, " So you thought you could hide, now didn't you Yoko Tanaka?" " ENID YOU RAT TnT" " HEY I WAS TRYING TO SAVE YOUR ASS, NOT MY FAULT SHE CAUGHT ON" I notice Wednesday giving me a death stare for yelling at Enid, god we got beef or something? How come I'm so close to death today TnT
"Cmon Yoko, you've got to pay up"
Divina told me, Yelp, I'll be stuck in either her or my dorm for the next 5 hours cuddling with her, not the im complaining, " alright, alright" Div helps me get up, I say my goodbyes to Wenclair and leave with my darling to dorm
Wednesday's Pov
After I helped Divina and she dragged Yoko out of the room, literally, Enid comes up to me and it looks like she has something to tell? " Weds, can we invite the group here to the dorm? To play a game of course!" "Hm, why? Am I not enough entertainment for you Enid?" " Wedsssss, you know what I meannnnn, and yes you are but it's your writing hour and I want something to keep me busy while I wait for you to finish" " I suppose it's fine" "Yay! Thank you wendy!" God the things I put up for her, I walk to my side and get changed into my stripped shirt with shorts, oversized jacket, and my knee high black and white socks and sit down at my typewriter and begin my one hour, slowly everyone was pouring into our dorm and I heard them start to play truth or dare, " Hey weds, aren't you gonna join" I heard Xavier ask me, I'm going to split his throat. Only Enid is allowed to give me and use nicknames for me, " Willa is going to join later, it's her writing hour, and trying to copy me Xav? Cause I came up with weds for Willa" I decide to cut my hour short and anyway I've been writing for about 50 minutes, I stand up and walk towards everyone and sit down besides Bianca, " Willa? You still have 10 minutes left of writing?" " I'm aware Enid I've just simply run out of ideas and figure I'd join you guys" everyone looked excited and Enid gave me a smile and nodded, Yoko placed a bottle in the middle of the circle and we decided to do the game going in alphabetical order meaning it will go by Ajax, Bianca, Divina, Enid, Eugene, Kent, Me, Xavier, and lastly Yoko. Ajax spins the bottle and it lands on Divina, " Div truth or dare?" "Hmm, truth?" "Boringggg but, have you and Yoko done the Devils tango yet?" " AJAX WTH, and no we haven't yet" " YET!?!?" Yoko yelled looking like a tomato, " Damn boring again" " Alright my turn dummies" Bianca spins the bottle and lands on Xavier, " Xavier, truth or dare" " Truth way to early to do dares" " Alright, who would you do seven minutes in heaven with in this room?" " Uhhh, do I gotta answer?" " yes" "fine, lowkey, Wednesday" " excuse you Thorpe?" " ... I'm getting my bees." Literally everyone was about to attack Xavier even Enid, her claws even came out, " While I would enjoy this Xavier I think you should leave before things get messy" I get up and open the door for Xavier, he practically runs out the room and I shut the door behind him and sit back down, the game continues, it's Yoko's turn now meaning the game is practically over after she asks her question, she spins and it lands on me, great, " alright, Addams, truth or dare?" " dare, I'm not scared" " bold move" Yoko said with a smirk " Wednesday, I dare you to do 10 minutes in heaven with Enid" " isn't it 7?" Enid said frantically, is she blushing? " it is but I want to change the rules, so? You gonna chicken out Addams" I look at Enid making sure if she's okay with it, she gives me a reassuring smile telling me it's okay, " No Yoko I will not" I stand up and help Enid up and Yoko pushes us into the bathroom, I set a timer on my phone so we know when to leave, unfortunately all we did was talk about random things, eventually Enid started to get tired, we were both on the floor and I feel Enid fall asleep on right my shoulder, why, why right now, we had about a minute left so I just left her be, Yoko opens the door and realizes Enid is asleep, calmly? For once, Yoko gets everyone out and wishes me and Enid a good night, im pretty strong despite my height and pick up Enid bridal style and carry her to her bed, as soon as I set her down on her bed she clangs onto her making me fall down and lay down besides her, I accept my fate and just fall asleep with Enid.

The next morning it's the weekend but they both have practice today, Wednesday fencing, Enid dance practice

Enid's Pov
I wake up in my bed and realized I was big spooning Willa, she looks so peaceful, god why can't she be mine? I feel her start to move a little bit but not a lot, she probably thinks I'm asleep, "good morning Willa!"  " morning Enid, has was your slumber?" " Good! What time is it? I have practice at 4 I should be back here at 5 tho 6 if it runs later" "it's 3 right now and I have fencing practice at 5 today so I'll be back here at 6" "okay! Well I'm gonna go get ready" " as will I then" we both get up and get ready for the day
Time 3:50
Wednesday's Pov
"Willa! Ima get going can't afford to be late! I'll see you later!" " bye Enid" as soon as Enid leaves I get up put my shoes on and text Yoko, Divina, and Bianca i am leaving the dorm to go get the locket made. Yoko and Divina offer to give me a ride and will help me decide and Bianca said the same thing, I agreed and we all met at the front gate, Yoko is driving, Divina is in the passenger seat and me and Bianca are in the back, we arrive to Jericho and start looking around til I see a rose shaped locket in a window of a shop, Yoko noticed it as well " Damn Addams you've got an eye, that'd be perfect for Enid" I nodded in agreement and go to the store and purchase the locket give the picture to the jeweler and tell him the initials, he says it'll be 110$ and it'd be ready at 6, I pay the amount and said I'd be back at 6 to pick it up, we all decided to get some coffee then head back to Nevermore
Back at Nevermore, time 4:56
No one's pov
Wednesday starts to get ready to leave for fencing practice when she gets a message from Enid telling her she'd be back at the dorm at 6 so she'd probably leave at the same time as Wednesday, Wednesday replies saying alright, Meanwhile Bianca had Eugene get the flowers Wednesday was going to need and left the for her at her locker, time goes by so quickly that Wednesday gets a bit nervous, Since Bianca is the captain she let everyone go early and sent Yoko and Wednesday to go pick up the locket since it should be done by now so she'd still get back to the dorm at the same time as Enid, Yoko and Wednesday leave to pick up the locket, flowers, a stuffed animal, and lastly snacks that Enid enjoys, after they both get everything they go back to Nevermore, Wednesday meets up with Eugene to get Enid's flowers and then went to the spot and set up everything she checked the time and it was six, perfect, she text Yoko and told her to make Enid get ready, Wednesday had already changed as soon as fencing practice ended

 Yoko and Divina offer to give me a ride and will help me decide and Bianca said the same thing, I agreed and we all met at the front gate, Yoko is driving, Divina is in the passenger seat and me and Bianca are in the back, we arrive to Jericho an...

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(What the both of them are wearing)

Part 2 coming soon

Sorry for the cliffhanger!!!!! I've ran out of ideas for this part unfortunately I'll try to get the next part up soon!!!!

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