• anxiety attacks •

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The parents both present and future were all chatting and laughing it was finally time to go home Monica opened the portal and everyone started walking through Toko stayed behind because she knows how nervous Monica gets when opening portals finally Monica and Toko walk through back to there timeline, finally the portal stuff is over for now
No one's pov
" Mon, you alright?" Toko was concerned for the Addams girl, why? Because while she's strong physically, she gets very anxious about opening portals to a complete different timeline and for that many people and her parents, " hm? What? Oh yea I'm fine, just need to lay down for a little" " I know that tone" Toko thought, " I'll walk you then, I got nothing to do" " okay.." the Addams and vampire start to head to there dorm in Ophelia hall, the girls enter the dorm and Monica goes towards her closet and grabs comfy clothes to change into, Toko taps Monica gently on the shoulder, " Hm? Tanaka you know the rules, what do you need" " just wondered if you wanted to borrow my hoodie, since all of yours are in the wash" " How'd you know I'm out of hoodies?" Toko points to the clothes in the short girl's arms, " You only grab an oversized t-shirt when your out of hoodies, so best case scenario, is that there in the wash" " you remembered that? And yes , please.." "of course I'd remember and here" Toko hands Monica her favorite hoodie, " Toko! Isn't this your favorite one! No I can't take this, what are you going to wear!" Monica told the vampire nervously Toko chuckles whenever Monica shows a little emotion, " Aw your showing emotions again Addams, and I've got others so take it" Monica hesitates but takes the hoodie from Toko and goes to the bathroom to change

" "of course I'd remember and here" Toko hands Monica her favorite hoodie, " Toko! Isn't this your favorite one! No I can't take this, what are you going to wear!" Monica told the vampire nervously Toko chuckles whenever Monica shows a little emot...

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What Monica is wearing
" you have your hair down" " yea, what about it?" " thought you didn't trust anyone to see you with your hair down except your parents?" " I don't but you're, different.." Toko gave a smile to her roommate showing that she's honored that she was trusted enough to see her with her hair down , "get changed, it's just me in here" Toko chuckled again at Monica's comment and went back to her side to change into her clothes

What Toko is wearing " so Mon, how are you feeling now? Your playing with your bracelet again" " what's that suppose to mean Tanaka?" "Whenever you play with your bracelet it either means your anxious or your just bored" " Bored is your answer and...

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What Toko is wearing
" so Mon, how are you feeling now? Your playing with your bracelet again" " what's that suppose to mean Tanaka?" "
Whenever you play with your bracelet it either means your anxious or your just bored" " Bored is your answer and how do you remember such little pointless things about me Toko?" Toko steps a little closer to Monica, " Because I care about you, more then you could ever know Monica Addams, so I pay attention to little things" Monica's face gains color, a soft pink blush, Toko gently puts a strand of Monica's hair behind her ear, " Your really gorgeous, you know that?" " You are too Toko" Tokos hand is gently holding Monica's cheek as they maintain eye contact, someone knocks the door and they quickly pull away from each other and Monica rushes into her bathroom cause on one else should see her with her hair down, and Ellie enters the dorm " Hey Toko! Have you seen my sister?" " Yea she left a while ago to go grab coffee. I'll text you when she gets back, I was just about to head out" " Oh okay! I'll come back later then!" " alright see you later then Ellie" " Bye Toko!" Ellie leaves and shuts the door behind her, Toko walks to Monica's bathroom door and gently knocks on it, " Mon, I'll be back, just gonna go grab some things real quick, you gonna be okay?" " Yes I'll be fine, just be back before curfew" " okay, do you need anything?" " Just an energy drink for tomorrow, please" " of course Mon" " I'll be back, text me if you need me" " okay" Toko walks away from the door grabs her converses and leaves the dorm, Monica walks out of the bathroom and goes to her desk and pulls out her music notebook, she starts writing a different type of song then she normally does, it's a love song, that's what Ellie would call it at least, and instead of stopping every few minutes to think of lyrics, it's just pouring right out of her, and she has a full song, and the person it's about is Toko.. 46 minutes go by it's now 9:45 Toko left at 8:59, Monica starts to get really anxious and it cuddling Luna (bat squishmellow) extremely hard while sniffing Yoko's hoodie, then it start's, her anxiety attack, her heart starts racing, she's trembling and sweating aggressively, her breathing starts to shorten, then she finally hears the door open and it's Toko, " OH MY GOD! MON!" Toko runs towards her roommate, dropping everything in her hands as she immediately grabs Mon by her hands, " Monica I need you listen to my voice alright?" Monica nods her head slowly, Toko puts Monica's hand on her heart, " Do you feel my heart beating?" " y-yes I do" Monica voice is slightly shaky, " oh Mon, do you feel dizzy or nauseous?" " I feel... d-dizzy, a-and s-slightly nauseous" " okay, scale from 1-10 how nauseous do you feel?" " f-four" " and dizziness?" "E-eight" " okay I want you to follow my breathing, okay" " o-okay" Toko takes Monica's head and rests her on her chest, " Ready?" " mhm" Toko inhales for 3 seconds and exhales for 5 seconds, she keeps repeating this and Monica starts to mimic Toko and she starts to regain her breath and she starts to tremble less, " how are you feeling now?" " s-still dizzy and anxious" Toko sighs and keeps the breathing exercise going till she could think of something, Toko finally got an idea but she wasn't sure if it'd be okay with her roommate, " Mon, I think I know what could help you, but I need to know if it's okay with you" " w-what is it" " is it fine with you, if I kiss you?" Dead silence, " I'm sorry I know it was a dum-" " it's fine" Toko was shocked but she moved her hand and gently held Monica but her chin and leaned in closer to the slightly trembling girl, Monica was leaning in to, finally they share a kiss, Monica's heart starts racing again but in a good way, her body was completely relaxed and she was only focused on her roommate whom she's been crushing on, they both part ways, " how are you feeling now?" Toko asked in a gentle voice, "I don't know, maybe you should do it again" Toko chuckles " you going soft on me Mon?" " shut up and kiss me, please"  they kiss again and it was magical, " Mon, I like you, so so much, no I love you, like an insane amount" " I love you too Toko Tanaka, more then I should"  Toko is gently playing with Monica's hair, Monica lays down forcing Toko to lay down as well, " Aw, is someone tired?" "Yes the fuck I am" Monica gets moody when she's actually tired, " Alright, I'll get back to to my side then" " What do you mean? You're staying here, with me for tonight" toko chuckles and became big spoon, " Night Mon" " night Toko" they fell asleep in each others arms finding comfort in one another, Meanwhile Thing decided to steal all of Monica's hair ties and only left her with one single hair tie, The next morning Toko awoke first but she didn't want to move from Monica's side so she decided to stay and wait for her precious Monica to wake up, she kissed her forehead and that woke up Monica immediately, " Morning Mon" " Ugh we have school, I hate mornings" " I know you do, I do as well" " Well I'm going to go do my hair" " I'm gonna go get ready as well" They both get up and get ready for the day, the moment Monica started to do her hair, she realized all of her hair ties were missing except one, Monica was angry, she quickly brushed her hair and put it into a ponytail, did her makeup, and got into her uniform, she walked out of her bathroom, " Okay mon, who are you about to kill" Toko pointed to Monica's hair and that the fact it was in a ponytail and not two braids, " The. Appendage. Thing" " He hides in Ellie's room when he knows he's about to die so that's where I'm going." Monica rushes out of dorm and breaks into her little sisters dorm" Where is the appendage." " OH OKAY IM CALLING TOKO" " THING RUNNNN OR CRAWL WHATEVER YOU DO" Ellie runs to toko so she can calm down Monica, Thing crawled out of his hide-y hole but Monica picks up thing with a levitation spell and grabs the appendage and pins him down, " Where. Are. My. Hair. Ties." Thing stays silent trying to escape the girls grip. " THING IVE BROUGHT YOUR HERO!" Ellie ran back into the room with Toko besides her, " Mon!" Monica looks up from thing and at her roommate and let's go of the appendage, Thing signs " You'll get them back at the end of the day" " why you little-" " Monica, come here, you'll be late if you don't" " besides, you look hot with the new hair style" Monica turned red immediately and went directly to Toko, " good girl" Toko whispered into Monica's ear, " let's go" " Sorry Ellie, and speak a word about me and Toko I'll massacre your stuffed bunnies" " EEEEEE, so you two are dating!" " Not officially, but soon and I'm afraid I need to steal your sister now Ellie" " She's all yours!" Toko holds Monica's hand and starts dragging her to there dorm, they enter, Monica shuts the door behind her and Toko pins her to the door, " Toko?" Toko lowers her glasses showing her eyes are glowing red, she's hungry, " is it alright? If I bite you? This would make you permanently mine, and only mine" " Please. Bite me" Toko smirks as she first and kisses Monica, hungrily, she beings trailing down from her jawline and to her neck searching for her sweet spot, " Toko~ please hurry" Monica is biting her lip so hard to prevent her from moaning, " hang on love, I need to hear you, that's when I'll know I've found where I'm suppose to bite you" Toko continues to suck,lick,kiss, and bite Monica's neck finally, Monica moans, quite loudly at that, " found it, thanks for the moan love, you ready?" " please bite me already!" Toko bites Monica's sweet spot, and starts drinking her blood, " oh shit- ahhh~" Toko stops drink as she's full and doesn't want to accidentally kill her roommate, " you taste so good, your blood is probably my favorite kind, thank you" she moves to the goths ear " your such a good girl for me~" " now I think you have some marks to cover up, except for that bite, it's impossible to cover up a vampire bite" " of course it is, now let me off this door to fulfill your request" Toko steps back Monica and grabs the girls concealer and foundation, " you know, I'll do it, since I can see the marks" " okay just hurry" Toko starts applying the makeup to the shorter girls neck, covering all her marks except one. Her sweet spot, "done" " let's go then, how's my uniform and my hair" " It's fine love, now let's get to breakfast"


1930 words
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