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Having been forced into a calmer state, Draco yanked his body away from the person before him...or rather he tried to yank his body away from him. Draco found out quite quickly that he was not really a physical match for this boy, as much as they had similar statures. He grit his teeth in annoyance. There was little more that he could do. Instead of attempting to further struggle and humiliate himself, he settled on a glare and a hissed 'let go of me' to the boy. The other smirked, keeping his hold for a few moments longer before releasing him. "So what caused that wonderful display?" The boy asked. Draco shook his head. He did not even know this kid, and he was not about to start talking about his personal things with someone he had no idea of. This...This...Tom Marvolo Riddle...Draco shook his head, suddenly feeling somewhat dizzy, his eyes fading out and for but a split second he stumbled. He did not...That was not him...He had not thought that. It was not his inner voice. So what could it have been? He thought to himself. Perhaps he was truly going insane. He had been given time to recover from magical exhaustion, but that was not something so easily fixed, after all. It was not quite that, he did not think, but he could also not give another reason as to why such a thing would have happened anyways.

"That is none of your concern," Draco muttered out, forcing the words from his lips as he leaned heavily against the wall, tilting his head back in exhaustion at the sudden toll from somewhere, though he was not sure where this tiredness had quite come from considering he had been quite fine moments before. He was not one to dwell on such minor setbacks, however, and merely began turning over things that he was going to have to figure out in order to survive the upcoming Hogwarts year. He had no idea how he was going to do it, but he was going to have to figure something out. He could not simply allow the people to eat him alive, no. He was going to fix something about this catastrophe.

There is no hiding my Malfoy ties, particularly the traits, especially once the Hat calls my name and whatever teacher reads it from a scroll whilst the entire school watches a fifteen year old get sorted. He thought to himself rather glumly. I may have a chance at hiding the Black traits, but since Grandfather from both sides are attending Hogwarts at the moment...It is doubtful. It is one thing to hide Black traits from people outside of the family, a totally different thing to hide it from those inside it, however. I don't have to worry about being sorted into Slytherin, that is obvious, but that also will merely put me further in line with my grandparents. Which could be slightly problematic.

"Care to let me in on whatever it is you are musing about?" The boy asked, clearly disgruntled. Draco curled his fingers into the floor, nails dragging against the tile. He did not want to answer this boy but...He tilted his head staring at the other.

"House." He declared. The boy stared at him. Draco rolled his eyes. "What is your house?"

"Slytherin," The other answered easily, seemingly a bit taken aback that Draco knew about the houses. He did not bother with that, merely nodding slowly. A Slytherin, which means he probably at least knows of my grandparents. Just...Just brilliant. There is no way to be avoiding them, even if I tried, but should I even bother this boy will probably talk to them nonetheless, presuming of course that he knows of them. He looks to be about the age that they would be at the moment, obviously is in the same House as well. Then again, he may not even know of who I speak of, and I don't want to divulge my cards too quickly. Draco knew better than that, so he stayed silent afterwards. "You curious what yours would be?" The boy asked, a sly smirk curling against his face.

"Don't bother, I already know," Draco uttered, his words breathing against the other as he brushed past them to clamber upon the bed once more, staring at the top of the room unable to stop his thoughts from curving about his head. There were many questions, and very few answers. At the minimum I know for sure that Grandfather will speak to Great Grandfather about another Malfoy popping up out of nowhere. I may be able to hide my Black traits for a time, but even then...just a time. There is a countdown before my ties to both families are figured out, and I am entirely unsure what I am going to do then. They will likely demand a blood test. Would that even work with me?

"Already know?" The voice from below him came, but Draco ignored it, feeling a shiver of feel as he heard a slight hiss of annoyance. He felt his fingers twitch. Why does that sound so...familiar. There is...I can't quite place it though. He shook his body out trying to keep the tension from flooding him. There was absolutely no reason for him to feel anxious. He was by far safer now than he was in his own time, at least for now.

Draco drifted alone with his thoughts, unable to quite pinpoint when he fell asleep, only knowing that he woke to a rap upon the door and the boy dragging him from the top of the bed, tossing him towards the floor leaving Draco to hastily catch himself, which he managed but barely and did not hesitate to share a glare up at the boy. Draco strode forwards, unsure what to expect, only to see the same old woman giving them two letters, one addressed to both.

"It would seem you got into the same school Tom did," The woman said with a smile. "You must be quite gifted, just as Tom is." Draco gave her a tense smile.

"Perhaps," He said simply, pulling both letters from her hands, and closing the door behind her.

"They seemed to catch your switch of residence fairly swiftly." Draco shrugged, not surprised.

"Only takes about 6 maybe 7 hours for an owl to deliver a letter, no matter what. They likely sent one once they saw I crossed into the borders and resided for more than a few hours. It isn't common for underage wizards to stay in a muggle area for more than a few hours, or any area for more than a few hours during war. Plus..." Draco stopped, not divulging more, handing the boy his letter seeing the Tom M. Riddle on the envelope. He swallowed, watching as Tom snatched the letter from his hand to open it. His bloodline...It was his bloodline he knew. The words 'Draco L. Malfoy' wrote elegantly across the paper. He sighed heavily, ripping the paper open and opening the folded contents inside. He ignored the first letter, going straight for his school ingredients, holding the envelope and the welcome letter in a seperete hand, setting them on fire, before dropping the ashes from his hand as his eyes scanned the things he would need this year. 

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