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Tom raised a brow at the wording. It would seem as though he was correct in his assumptions. "What exactly are you used to that such a threat was tame to you?" Tom questioned, his head tilting to the side slightly, pushing ever slightly more against the baffled Draco. However, it would seem Draco's clarity returned in seconds, though not quite fast enough to stop Tom's glimpse of furious iced eyes and a serpant's cane lifted above...but it was gone as quickly as it had come. Tom's fingers twitched, wishing almost desperately that he would be able to just break Draco's shields. It would be so easy. Yet ruin everything else. He thought to himself. Patience, Tom, soon enough you will be able to peruse his mind without complaint, but patience is needed...will be rewarded.

"It is nothing, forget I said such ludicrious things. I suppose I felt the Malfoy patriarch a bit more...intense than I expected and made judgements as to his character that should most certainly have not been made." Draco bowed slightly, before realizing there was no need, the motion automatic, and ingraned deeper than anything before. Embaressed slightly, though not showing it, he straighted quickly Tom making no motion that he noticed the action, merely humming his agreement.

"What do you think he will say to the Daily Prophet?" Draco bit his lower lip, nervous, anxious, before hastily shaking himself slightly and pulling it back out from under his teeth. Nervous habit, likely attempted to be trained out. Tom would know, after all, he had seen many such purebloods with small ticks such as this. Abraxas himself had the same one, and sometimes Tom wondered if his father would ever be capable of actually training it out of him. The man did not seem to be so hung up on it as he knew that Orion's own parents were with his anxious curled fists. Then again, curled fists were a lot more damning than a simple bite of the lip. One could pass that off as contemplative rather than agressive.

"I have my guesses, but I do not want to presume." Draco muttered softly, gray eyes glancing towards the door for but a moment. Does he expect the Patriarch of listening in even now? Abraxas' father never would stoop to such levels, but it would seem as though Draco expected him to, which did not exactly shine an endeering light on his own father. How much control had Draco's father exherted over him? This was important information, because Tom would need to sway his actions one way or another depending on the answer.

He knew that his future self and Draco's father had held quite a bit of control around Draco. They wielded it, from what Tom could tell, with deft swiftness and danger. Draco's subservience to the Malfoy patriarch of this time, to Abraxas as well, and to himself had made it quite clear. Draco was used to being controlled...but just how much was he used to it? While he obviously did not question the decisions of others-at least not unless prompted-Tom would have to make sure he was not just going to be swayed by something so simple as a command from authority.

"He is not listening in," Tom said instead of anything else, jumping onto the bed, staring him down. Draco stared at him, his eyes slightly widened in alarm. "I presume you were worried about it." Tom stated with a shrug of one shoulder. "Not too sure how controlling your parents were, but they seem to be pretty bad if you are worried about something like that. If Abraxas' father wants information out of you, he would get it one way or another, he would not stoop to such lows as spying on you. At least, not unless you have shown yourself defiant. Far as I can tell, you have not done that at all." Draco was clearly surprised at the information, but did not question Tom, believing him easily. The rush that Tom felt as Draco nodded once in understanding relaxing ever so slightly, was incomparable to anything else he had felt when pushing his Pets before.

"He will likely make a report, stating that he had found a son he had thought to be lost, and will get to the bottom of whatever had happened." Draco complied with Tom's earlier question. He had to stop his lips from smirking, and his eyes from glinting in victory. "It will make it clear that I am in line Heir apparant, under Abraxas, and have the support of the family, but will also explain away any other complications that could arise from a lack of knowledge of my history, background, or anything else. It also absolves him of any...idosycricies with my behavior." The last part was hushed, paused on, and Draco's cheeks pinked slightly from the shame of it.

"Your disassociations, you mean?" Draco winced slightly at the blunt way that Tom spoke, but nodded nonetheless. "Yes, that could be potentially damning, and even more complicated as we haven't figured out a fool proof situation for them." Draco did not apologize, but his bowed head was enough of one to Tom nonetheless. "Not that it is your fault, of course, trauma occurs to everyone, especially in war." Draco stiffened, but otherwise did not say anything contrary.

Tom had to say, Draco was quite...fascinating, and fun to play with. His shame, his fear, his anger, it was all so raw...and easily read and drawn out. The boy was beautiful, of that was no doubt, but Tom quite liked invoking certain reactions, pushing buttons and seeing as they splayed across his features so honestly. Though Draco could hide himself, he did it often with others around, he did not do it with Tom-likely not having the energy, and Tom would see through such facades more than likely anyways. No, their dynamic had been firmly cemented the first night, when Tom had broken Draco in, toyed with him, and forced him into subservience when his magic spiralled out of control, and such a dynamic had been solidified with every time that Tom drew blood, or yanked him around.

"Come," Tom stated simply, expectant. Draco hesitantly, but much faster this time, climbed into the bed besides him. He did not protest Tom grabbing his waist, nor the arm that barricaded his chest to Tom's, although Tom could feel a feared whine, barely there, barely anything but air exiting from his lips, but he heard it all the same. It would seem Draco was terrified of close proximity, but such terror made him not defend himself against Tom...

Questions...there were so many questions, but these would be answered in due time, for now, Tom merely needed to continue to slightly push his boundries with the Malfoy boy. 

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