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Dear Mother, Father,
That boy you wished for me to keep a close eye on, he flipped out today. It was almost terrifying to watch, and reminded me vaguely of our dearest cousin. I suppose we all should have seen it coming though, things had been going far too well, and I suppose something was bound to pop in almost inevitabley. A gryffindor had the audacity to attempt to steal a chaste kiss from our new mystery. It was terrifying to behold his wrath that he reigned down. I did not think we were truly going to manage to seperate him. It was the sort of anger I had not seen in a long time. Sort of how I expect Uncle would be, or maybe...I am not entirely certain...there just seems to be something so distinctly familiar about this new boy, and I do not really know how to explain it. It bothers me. Still, the Gryffindor had it coming, and it was by sheer luck for that Gryffindor that Tom had come when he had, because otherwise the quiddich boy would have lost a tongue, or perhaps a hand with it.

I did not recognize the spell...It was nonverbal, and wandless. I think it was accidental, and would believe it had it not been for the sheer intent that seemed to thrum through him. Is it possible to channel accidental magic to do something intentionally? We have not really thought of it, but I am wondering if that is possible, and if so was that what he did? It was a sight to behold, for certain. I am almost terrified to know what was going through his head as he did it. Though he had spoken of ripping the boy's tongue out seconds before. The magic slammed against Tom...and shattered.

I did not know magic could simply dissipate like that, not mid spell, though perhaps wandless, nonverbal magic is different? I do really think you should meet this boy. For all he claims only to be a Malfoy, he reminds me of our family...there is so much Black in his personality it is frightening. I do not know how it would have happened, and it is possibly scandalous to admit, but I am almost certain he is a member of our family. I just cannot prove it, though his insanity seems to speak for itself. If you could see how he was earlier today...I was scared of him almost, which is positively ridiculous.

Yours, Orion

Tom, I believe Dumbledore had something nefarious in mind for Draco. It is not a coincidence that you are forced to stay back with the Transfiguration teacher and the same moment a Gryffindor student suddenly attempts to accost Draco. not only in front of myself, and Orion, but the gall and boldness to do so in front of a two Prefects! It is almost worrying. I fear Dumbledore will attempt to get Draco on his own. I have a bad feeling about this, and beg you not allow it to happen. Though he and I may be in a war regarding titles and heirship at the moment, I do not wish for Dumbledore of all people to break him. At least let it be a more worthy opponent.
I have charmed this paper to ignite the moment you finish reading it, so please be wary of your fingertips.

Tom hissed as the fire singed his flesh, of course Abraxas would do something so...dramatic. They, wizards in general-especially of their own peer level, thought Orion was the one with the dramatics simply because of his last name. Tom did not know a family with more flare for the drama then the Malfoys, though they tended to hide it far better, and perhaps that was why the Blacks held that title and not the Malfoys. As for Dumbledore, he already had his supsicions that Dumbledore was trying to test his pet, and despite Abraxas' plea, he had no intention of listening to it. No, he needed to be Draco's hero, and what better way then to save him from a prying old man? Still, as he glanced towards the hospital bed, where Draco was nearly empty inside, though his eyes were wide open and he was undoubedly awake, Tom began to wonder if he should not rethink this plan just a bit. After all, he did not want his toy to break...not yet at least.

I come bearing news, and not the good sort. I worry over our newest addition to the family. We all knew he was traumatized, but something happened today that leaves me worried further. A gryffindor had the gall to attempt to nonconsentially kiss Draconis. As a result, Dumbledore attempted to intervene, with little success as Heir Black had already managed to escape to Headmaster Dippet and tell him the true account, even offering up his memory if needed, and I and the Ravenclaw Prefect both ganged on Dumbledore, leaving him no choice but to accept the situation that he saw himself in. While I am pleased to admit that this has caused Dumbledore's reputation to drastically decrease in a sharp decline over the steady one this past few years in terms of the teachers' popularity, I worry over the potential mental toll this will have on Draco. Particularly since he attempt to curse the offending boy's tongue off, in front of a professor, two Prefects, and multiple students. Had Mr. Riddle not been there in time, I fear what could have happened. Not that the boy did not deserve such a thing, simply that the reaction was a bit...severe for his usual tastes. I worry about whether this is something that has happened to him before, and wonder if perhaps I should pursue this line of inquiry.
Heir Presumptive, Abraxas Malfoy

Patriarch, Master Malfoy,
I fear, perhaps, letters have already arrived to explain the situation, and perhaps they have, yet I wish to beg forgiveness nonetheless, though I know it shall not dim my punishment upon returning to the manor. I still must apologize for the blatant oversight. I should not have overreacted, and allowed myself to publically curse a boy, no matter the situation. It should have been done in private. This was my mistake, and I shall bear whatever punishment necessary to absolve myself from it. I deeply regret my hasty reaction and allowing witnesses to see me in such a state, though I do not regret, and cannot bring myself to, the action itself.

Heir Presumptive, Draconis Malfoy

His fingers trembled as he handed the letter to Tom. Tom gave him a gentle smile, and gently caressed his face. Tom felt flickers of sensasions flood his mind. Fear, anxiety, and comfort being the most prominent before they were once more locked under a shield of occlumency. He was beginning to get used to the almost constant barage of sensations, emotions, or vivid pictures. It helped that it happened almost regularly now. A sign of his precious pet's ever declining mental health. It would not be long now, not long at all until Tom can save him knight in shining armor style, and have the boy cling to him, just like his older...whatever Abraxas was to him.

"Please send it promptly," Tom hummed.

"of course my dove, I will return to retrieve you in a little while. Do not forget me, and stay cautious. Orion is at the door, should you need anything, but the Madam was quite strict with visitors. I was lucky I managed to convince her at all."

Outside, whilst walking to the Owlrey, Tom could not help but frown at the contents of the letter. He knew it was wrong to read it, but he never had a straight moral compass, and had opened the first chance he got.
It seemed Draco was almost certain he was to recieve punishment for his actions? Tom could not allow this to happen. He knew that Abraxas' father would never punish him for this sort of reaction after being literally assaulted. He just was appalled that Draco's father seemed to be the type of person to do this, and he could not help but wonder what caused it. Abraxas was cold, yes, and he doubted marriage and children would change that, but he was not a psychopath, he...he loved...or whatever it was. He had compassion and empathy. It was disgusting, but it was what it was. Tom could not take that out of him, despite his attempts to do so. He would not raise a child to be so sadistic. Yet this Lucius seemed exactly that. He knew for a fact that Abraxas' father was quite harsh, but he was not cruel, nor abusive, not like this at least.

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