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Hello dear reader, for the very few of you that have been reading this story, I'm sad to announce that I'm discontinuing it for now. I have plans to rewrite it in the future, but for now it doesn't have an ending.

Just to clarify, I'm not discontinuing it due to a lack of ideas, I had the last  9 chapters planned out and all that was left to do was to write them, but I couldn't. Fellow writers or even just students that have to write an essay understand what it's like having an idea, but not being able to actually make the idea into something more. 

So I deeply apologise, but I also think that most of the people that have been keeping up with the story saw this coming. 

For those who don't know, I took a break for about 4 months (8th of July to 26th of November) mainly due to the fact that during that time I got covid and had to go to the hospital, my school year started and I had to prepare to sit an exam early, a close family member had to undergo surgery and due to another family member's passing away. It's been quite a tough year and writing 2 stories at once seemed to become an impossible task and I became completely unable to meet the deadlines I had set for myself. While quite similar in nature, 'It's Not Too Late' and 'Still Breathing' (the other story I've been writing) have very different plots, and after working on both of them for quite a while, I just got more attached to 'Still Breathing'.

To conclude, I knew that I had to let one of the stories go, at least for now. It wasn't an easy choice to be honest, but I thought it was for the best if I discontinued this one - because I had become unable to write it and as shallow as it may sound, because it wasn't getting the exposure and views I hoped it would. 

Writing is a tough task, which I for one love, but I lost the love for writing this particular story. 

So my reduced love for writing this story, the reduced views and small audience made me realise that far less people would care about this story's finale than Still Breathing's (that very recently has hit 1k views, I don't even know how to show my gratitude!).

One last time, thank you so much for the support you've shown me so far, I hope to see you again soon and who knows, maybe this story will be back next year.

Farewell, merry Christmas, happy new year and...see you in 2023! ^^

Date published: 27th of December, 2022

The Story: There is no story, only a goodbye note.

It's Not Too Late (Sad KiriBaku AU) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now