chapter 5: gaaras retrieved

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"Are you really sure you want to waste your time on me hm? Kakashi hatake of the sharingan" deidara smirks at the seething trio

"My man sasori is probably a more dangerous opponent then I am, as much as I hate to say, his art is very different from mine" 

A rattle echoed from behind sophia, naruto, and kakashi
"Ah it seems they started" deidara ads 

Naruto, kakashi and sophia turn towards the entrance to the cave "how confident are you in those two girls and the old lady? You really think they are good enough to handle my man sasori huh?" The member looked directly at the copy cat ninja. Kakashi looked hesitant, fighting his mind to what he should do, to follow the two hot heads, or stay and help his student and wife.

"Go on sensei, go to Sakura-chan and Min-chan. Sophia-chan and I can handle this" naruto didn't take his eyes off the akatsuki member, neither did sophia, mentally cheering for naruto for not telling her to go back and help Sakura and min, seeing her on the same level maybe

"Go on sensei, don't worry, I'll handle it! Rasengan!" Narutos anger flamed up, he tries to attack deidara, deidara dodges naruto, sending him into the cliff behind him creating a small earthquake "of course he does things without thinking" sophia states. Shaking her head  Noticing some claw thrown towards naruto, sophia and kakashi jump into action, with her dagger sophia destroys one and kakashi destroys another. 

Deidara throws shuriken in both the ninjas directions, kakashi using a kunai to miss, Sophia dodged all the shuriken with her dagger.

"Good. Would of been disappointing if yoy were beaten so easily" deidara compliments both student and teacher, still standing without a scratch on both

Naruto appears from the middle of kakashi and sophia from the creator he created "let go of him. Ill never let you have him!" Naruto demands 

Sophia stands closer to naruto as he removes more rock from his body, still starring down deidara with his whiskers thicker and his blood eyes focused on the enemy "I'll get gaara. Nothing can stop me!" 

"You're an odd jinchuriki. I thought you were all loners who didn't care about anyone else, ha!" 

Naruto growls "to date we have destroyed two jinchuriki, not including him of course" deidara looks down to where gaaras body was "But no one's tried to save them before" deidara turns to naruto with a smirk noticing the growing anger "no friends or family. Not a single soul came to their aid. In fact it seemed like most people were happy to get rid of them" 

Naruto jumps free "you can't forsake your own kind can you? You feel connected to this pathetic creature hm such a shame" Sophia's own blood began to boil, the way he spoke of naruto and the other tailed beasts like they are just body's holding some sort of monster to extract, like they aren't even a human being to begin with

"Gaara died when the one tails was extracted from him. And soon the same thing will happen, to you" deidaras taunts snaps sophias patience 

"Over my dead body!"

Deidara catches the girls eye "who says it was up to you to take something away from someone? And throw them away like they are nothing! Naruto and gaara are not just jinchuriki host! Or monsters! And they don't certainly deserve to die because you assholes want them!" 

Her anger evenly matched narutos, both ninja fuming and ready to explode

Both naruto and sophia jump to attack. Deidara quickly brings the bird up, sophia brings the dagger harder to hit the clay bird

The clay foot recieved a small scratch, the bird didn't even sing out in pain, the second claw met sophia's stomach, with a yelp sophia tries to wrap the razor blades around the bird. Losing her balance she didn't calculate it correctly flying backwards, right into the cliff wall. 

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