Depressed Grian

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Tw- Self harm depression related things.

*Grian's day started out with Mumbo yelling at him and telling him to stay away, and then his elytra ran out. And he broke his wrist because of it. Then he died with almost all his valuables, and his boyfriend Scar is working all day.

"Hooray,.. today has been so stupid, and Scar is working, and I feel like shit." Grian said to himself.

*Little did Grian know he got the days messed up and Scar was coming home early.*

'maybe a few cuts won't hurt' he thought to himself Looking down at his feet.

*Grian then made his way to the bathroom and grabbed his razor and bandages. He took his pants off leaving his boxers on, he rolled them up to reveal hundreds of small cuts and scars*

*He loved the sensation of cutting and didn't want to stop.*

*He left 12 cuts on both of his thighs two of them were a little too deep. He had started crying. He didn't know when it started but he was*

"Shit... Maybe I should cut my stomach a little..." Grian said lifting his shirt talking to himself, not knowing that Scar was standing right outside the door.

*Scar opened the bathroom door with a sad look on his face. He looked down to see Grian and saw his thighs and waist*

"!?" Grian was surprised and dropped the blade.

"Grian.. baby..." Scar said walking to Grian to take a closer look, but before he could Grian pulled his shirt down and pulled his knees to his chest.

"Go ahead, yell at me..." Grian said looking down wrapping his arms around his knees waiting to be yelled at.

*Scar sat in disbelief for a minute or two then started to speak.*

"Grian first of all, I'm not going to yell at you, I love you. Second of all, can you move your knees so I can help?" Scar said with a caring look on his face.

"Why would you help me" Grian said quietly.

"What?" Scar asked not hearing him.

"Why would you help me! I'm ugly, stupid, I can't fucking read or write, and I'm alone, I deserve this, I wanna die already!" Grian yelled at Scar.

* Scar didn't even care that Grian was yelling he just wanted to make him happy*

"Grian, you are not anyone of those things. And you never will be. You definitely don't deserve this, if anything, you deserve the whole world. You can't read or write because people prevented you from learning back then. It isn't your fault you turned out like this so don't hurt yourself for it. I'm here and I'm not leaving I will be here until the day we die, and I will not let it be this soon.  I love you Gri and I always will." Scar said hugging Grian.

*Grian had been crying the entire time*

"T-thank yo-u l-lov" is all Grian could choke out.

*Scar then kissed Grian, not a short or a long one but a passionate one full of complete love*

"Now, can I see your thighs and waist?.." Scar said backing up.

"Yes.." Grian said putting his knees down slowly.

*Grian then rolled his boxers up and pulled his shirt up only for Scar to see all the scars and wounds*

*Scar sat in silence shocked by how many there were. He then started crying and kissed Grian.*

" Baby I love you I don't ever want you to do this to yourself again. You hear me." Said Scar crying kissing Grian's face all over.

"Mhm" Grian replied sobbing.

*After a few minutes of crying and Scar hugging Grian*

"Ok, I'm going to put you on the counter is that ok?" Said Scar wiping his eyes.

"Mhm" Grian responded also wiping his eyes.

*Scar then picked up Grian and sat him on the counter*

"I'm going to clean and then bandage them up, Don't worry Gri." Said Scar grabbing the bandages.

*Scar bandaged him and then cleaned up with Grian still on the counter crying*

"Baby stop crying I'm not mad, just sad that you hurt yourself, sad that I couldn't help sooner." Scar said kissing Grian passionately.

"I love you Scar" Grian said wrapping his legs around Scars waist and arms around his neck with his head on Scars shoulder.

"I love you too." Said Scar as he picked up Grian and carried him to their bed.

*When in bed Scar laid Grian on his chest* "Please never do that again Grian.."

" I won't Scar." Grian said just before falling asleep.

__ The end __

I hope you all enjoyed, please check out my other books if you can. Happy new Year.

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