Headcannons for most hermits so far.

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I like to think X is a sort of voidwalker like where it's hard for him to breathe  "heavy air" so he wears the mask to help him. In his base he's good though because he made his base adapt I guess.
He plays guitar.
He makes warbles a lot because of his species.
He's a void walker.

He has white dots in his eyes that look like stars.
He purrs!
Chirps when relaxed.
He can shrink his wings.
He has a tattoo on his shoulder.
Wears black ankle boots.

He likes to wear skirts!
He's an elf and vex creature.
When he gets embarrassed, flustered or nervous his freckles lights up like stars.
He loves gold jewelry.
His hair is very straight and light but bangs are curly.
Sharp teeth.

He wears a mask to cover up a big scar crosses lips that goes diagonal.

He sleeps all curled up

He has long brown/green hair that he pulls into a right ponytail.
He lets off creeper sounds when he's stressed or then someone rubs his hand relaxing him.

He loves being scratched behind his ears.
He wears sunglasses because his eyes are sensitive to light.

Afraid of the dark.

Stutters (mainly when excited)

I will add more :)

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