Espresso isn't like other boys guys

121 7 14

I yawned, stretching. I tried to sit up, but something was wrapped around me.

I blinked, looking around before I realized it was Madeleine and remembering what had happened last night.

I yawned again and wiggled out from his grip. I was wondering what I should do when my brain spontaneously decided it wanted pancakes, so I padded into the kitchen to make them.

You can tell this was a fancy suite, since it had its own kitchen. It was even stocked, which I realized as I opened the fridge.

I was only going to make pancakes for myself, but something made me make a double batch for Madeleine.

I had just finished pouring the coffee in and pouring them onto the griddle that I had found in a drawer somehow (damn, this place is fancy!) when Madeleine walked in.

"Whatcha doing, 'Spresso?" he asked sleepily.

"I'm making pancakes for breakfast." I answered.

That seemed to wake him up and he moved closer, saying, "Cool! When'll they be ready?"

"Somewhere around ten minutes. You have time to go get dressed or something."

He nodded and rushed off back to our bedroom, presumably to get dressed. I finished making the pancakes and plated them. I yelled at Madeleine to come back, the pancakes were ready.

He came in, this time fully dressed, and sat down at the table. I put a plate in front of him and a plate in front if me, and set the plate of pancakes down on the table.

He took a bite and said, "These are different. What flavor are they?"


Madeleine laughed. "You never do anything mainstream, do you?"

My cheeks flushed. "I'm sorry."

I could see his expression soften. "That's not a bad thing, 'Spress. These are delicious."

The red on my cheeks turned from embarrassment to something... different. I endeavored to make it gone as quickly as possible and finished off the remaining pancakes on my plate and took it into the kitchen.

I started washing my dish and put it back in the cabinet, then went to get dressed.

I walked out of the bedroom, adjusting my cloak. I exited the bedroom to find Madeleine washing dishes. "Hey, Madeleine." I called out. "Why are you washing dishes? I could've done them, and..."

Madeleine knew what I'd left out. "I'm from a rich family?" He laughed. "Yeah, I get that a lot. I just wanted to do something so you wouldn't have to, given that you made the damn pancakes."

I nodded, wanting to get off this subject. "I'm going to go ask Clotted Cream if we should leave since he's already agreed to help."

He shrugged. "Sure! I've got nothing else to do, might as well."

We walked through the building, trying to find Clotted Cream. We eventually ran into him outside of what looked like a library.

"Oh! Espresso! I wanted to tell you that I've arranged a ball for tomorrow. The invitations should arrive sometime today. I have to go now, there's a meeting starting in five minutes!" He dashed off.

I blinked at the space where he had been, and Madeleine burst into laughter. "Oh my god! How is this country still running?"

I shook my head. "I don't know. Where should we go now?"

Madeleine smiled. "Always straight to the point." He muttered something under his breath and I could only make out the phrases "It's one of" and "love about you."

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