De Spotlight (pretentious) 1
It was very hard for me to maintain the radar of good behavior. Slipping into bad behavior is usually easy for me. One mistake am off (smile).
In today's generation, "pretentiousness" is one of the most mentioned or talked about debatable or controversial topic globally. Their are various definitions of pretentiousness and one of it impiles to be someone or something that claims to be very or highly important. I was one of those people out there who claimed to be grand irrespective of whatever.
We all know that pretentious is either positive or negative. When I describe someone as pretentious, he/she might seem to be offended which apologizing might not be enough for that person. These days no one wants to be called pompous but they act like one and won't take accountable for it. I did so back then." the only thing more dangerous than ignorance is
the pretense of intelligent ignorance. The former is teacher,the latter is not. Criss Jami,Killosophy".Back then I never understood that I was doing the wrong thing I saw or view it as smartness or rather call it part of life.
Individuals need to live in reality and forget about the world of fantasy. They need realness. Figuring or dictating someone who is pretentious is not that hard like it used to be back then. In our generation its has occupied 80% of mass. Therefore, its really easy cause you can see it most a times ,feel it through the person's body language.
A random quotes says "not how long ,but how well you have lived is the main thing".
Why are people pretentious? I think nowadays, individuals think the have to be so in other to tackle insecurities. They feel the version of their selves that are begin displayed/existed should be exaggerated in others eyes. I came across something on Goggle and it says I use to dislike being sensitive,I thought it made me weak. But takeaway that single trait and you takeaway the very essence of who I am. Like I mentioned before I thought that been grandiose is part of life in order to succeed but I was wrong it ruined me mentally and it has its own consequences that are no joke. You can say it's mentally drain able.I know you might ask what's wrong in being pretentious? From the general perspective being pretentious is a bad ideal for various reasons. It invites unfriendly scrutiny, it blocks you from connecting with you destiny helper, it might promote you in different dimensions but it doesn't last long, it can cause you to hark-back or lead to hamster wheel also it alienates people.
For instance when you claim to be 'Arty' (seeming or wanting to be very artistic or very interested in art works) when you're not and you manage to get the spot or maybe position you are aiming for,when you're given such position, remember you won't last long in that spot cause a time will come when your pretense will be discovered and it might land you being black balled. These days many people are venturing into the entertainment industry signing record deals that can't be fulfilled, producing songs without checking the quality but quantity and not having an impactful reason of becoming an artist.Psychologist believed that pretentious individuals wrongly think that other human beings see them as original,ordinary,plain and genuine. Giving off the impression of real and not copy cat or wannabe.
Some few people think that pretending to be a celebrity is all, living a celebrity lifestyle is like a gold on a Platter and they forgot that celebrities are born not made.Why are most humans pretentious?
Why do we become pretentious around some kinds people? Remember pretentiousness are either from insecurities or thoughts and beliefs that is part of life. Most people feel super confident and believed that it helps to boost their self esteem. They feel that they are desired when the are supreme,highly grand and so on. They love the attention they get especially from those that see them as less.
Its hard to be ones true self, this might result to phobia. Phobic person have no other choice than to live such life.In my terms pretentiousness was caused by the spotlight. It kind of slip into my head in fact it was living rent free and my body became the host. At first it wasn't easy but as time goes, I started entertaining it for like 11 years of my life. Never knew I would be a victim of pretentiousness. When I decided to fight it back I felt the hallow I felt my life and every other thing depended on it. It made me look like a professional liar. lost my sanity ,lost some respect I earned,contributed to one of my phobias,led to some family issues,laid a foundation for it and its started it construction that will take a lot years to be destroyed completely. I got addicted to it,valued it as a top priority and became a mess.
In other words, self assessment to gain clarity was another thing. I tried to get a report telling myself about my weakness and strength. Moreover my personality didn't allow me to understand the clarity of my self assessment. I was blinded to the core by pretentiousness and had stupid joy for all of my acts.
They all felt like wonderful achievement. I never wanted to feel infinitesimal in what am doing so,I kept pumping,seeking and adding. Whenever I look back at my old self, I feel disgusted by the things I did.
Am being asked in what aspect of life and where did you display pretentious?
Hmm,aspect of life you ask?I didn't have a specific aspect, I brought it in, in every aspect of my life. Can't recall if I really omitted any. I was just this girl back then who felt like she was on top of the world without any flaws. I didn't understand the term "flaws" not till I was 17 and yet it sounds strange.
I was taught that personality self assessment test is among the top tools individuals can use to gain clarity.
Does clarity help one in mapping out their journey ?
Yes,it does. That is the most fundamental thing we should understand of our journey in life.In my case did I make use of it or did I believe that I've figured out all? .