Let me help you

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You get no response.
"Charles?" You try again.
This time you hear shuffling coming from the room. The door cracks open, not much but at least it's open.
"I brought you something to eat"
He sighs, letting you come in. The room is a mess, which is putting it slightly. You gently move some papers, placing the tray on the desk. You then turn to Charles who is standing by the window.
"May I organize a bit?"
He just shrugs his shoulders. You take it as yes. You start with his desk, grabbing the papers and sorting them into piles. Then you grab photo frames and such up from the floor, putting them into their respective places on the shelf that covers the whole wall. You notice that he's still by the window, and hasn't touched the food you brought. You sigh, continuing the organizing. Then you hear a bottle being twisted open, seeing him pour a generous amount of alcohol into his glass. You just turn your head away, but soon turn it back towards him. You see the needle sink into his arm, seeing him inject the drug into his bloodstream.
He looks at you with eyes full of hatred towards himself, knowing you dislike that he uses the drug and neglects himself. You love him, whether he has the ability to walk or not.You have many times asked him if it's worth it, but never getting an answer. This time you decide to ask Charles something.
"May I try something?"
He looks at you, raising his eyebrow.
"I could help you walk, if you'd like?"
"Stop taking the drug and I'll show you"
Couple of days pass and then Charles rolls into your room, he looks so vulnerable like a child. He fidgets on the wheelchair.
You get up from the bed you were sitting on, walking to him and offering your hand to Charles. He hesitates but nevertheless grabs it. You pull him up, he lies against you. You let your powers come out. Your powers swirl out from the tips of your fingers. Straight into his spine, you feel his tears wet your shoulder. You pull your hand back.
"How does it feel?"
"Amazing" Charles says, eyes glossy.
"I'm glad that I could help"
"You've done more than just helped, you've given me will to live back again"
You smile and he hugs you. You hug him back.
*small timeskip*
The hallways are filled with students who are trying to get to their classes. You and Charles are watching the bustle. Hand in hand, standing side by side. And the most important thing is that Charles is smiling once again. You can't help but smile at that, squeezing his hand. He looks at you, absolutely beaming. The scene moves outside through the window, showing kids playing on the outside. The sun is shining and everything is going to be okay. In fact, everything already is okay.

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