Ten: Wrath Pt. 2

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Their screams echoed, but he didn't care. Once known as a warrior, a savior, and an esteemed Yaksha, he felt no honor in what he did anymore as his action were fueled by rage. Xiao sliced, and cut, and struck them down. One by one they fell like cut Sumeru roses.

He no longer thought about anything else. He would find him no matter what, even if it meant fighting them all. Entirely submerged under the red, Xiao sank into the silence. It dragged him farther and farther, he fought no more having given up.

His body moved on its own, a strike here, a hit there, but he still moved like a puppet drawn by its strings.

Zhongli sensed the dark and looked in a direction now concerened by it. The other Adepti seemed to as well as he looked up seeing Cloud Retainer landed on a rooftop to discuss the matter.

He narrowed his eyes and sighed getting up from listening to his favorite stories. There were things to do now.

Easy, his experience was always going to win his battles. The Yaksha mask was fixed on his face, not showing any signs of moving or disappearing. He walked, no rush, each one that came at him met an untimely end. The others, seeing his strength only grew and the dark energy spiraling out of control around him, made some of them turn tail and run. Some others even chose to stay to avenge their fallen comrades. It was futile, their efforts, their will to fight, it meant nothing as he showed no mercy.

Not even to the new hires they recieved, not even to the treasure hoarders who were there by association.

They were all slain.

Within himself, held by the strings Xiao closed his eyes. He couldn't bear the pain.

While chaos arose in the other chambers for whatever reason, Aether opened his eyes as he heard the Fatui talking.

One ran in, "Leave the prisoner! Everyone is to report to the main entrance!"

The one who manned his cell stood, "Sir!" Then ran out. They didn't even care to lock the door behind, which was fine. It meant he didn't have to move much to leave then. Right before he could decide on how to free himself, someone unplesant showed up.

Aether's gasped, "D-Dottore?!" Aether was chained to the wall, there was no way to run from him as he only smiled stepping closer. "Don't come any closer!" He held his sword, but could barely keep it up.

"Hm, I was expecting you to have it by now. Too bad, I suppose." He said and squatted down getting a good look at Aether. "It seems she was right, you do look better... painted in red." After saying that, he laughed and left without a trace.

Baffled, but having no time to care, he brought out his sword again striking the rusted cuffs breaking them. That was easy, but he was in pain.

"Uugh.. wh-why was the doctor.... here?" He huffed touching his side at last, it was so cold, the area had managed to clot blood to stop most of the bleeding, but as he moved, it ripped the scab making it bleed slightly and be more painful than it was. "Ah.. ow...." Aether curled up to try and make it stop hurting so much, but it was too fresh and irritated to simply stop.

Forcing himself up he held his hand to the wound using his sword as a cane to walk. It was the only way he could move, battered tattered and bruised he made his way out the cell looking around.

"P-Paimon?" Aether called seeing the other cells were left unattended too. Sweating from the pain he moved on, "huu..." slowly, but he made his way to the first cell beside his own. "Paimon?" A frightened woman, he narrowed his eyes, went in and broke the cuffs letting her free. "Run.. and don't stop ok?"

She nodded, having sobbed, her face a mess. She ran out and he went on to the next cell. One by one he entered releasing prisoners they held, but he didn't find Paimon. With tears in his own eyes from the pain he had to stop sinking down to his knees feeling weak.

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