23: Inhumane Pt. 2

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Aether sighed softly. Xiao had yet to awake and he didn't dare move him in his condition. He wasn't injured anywhere, but having him completely unconscious put himself at risk of Xiao's karmic debt. Though he wasn't afraid, he knew it would only bother Xiao more if he got hurt while he was under its influence.

Keeping some distance he curled up leaning against a tree they took shelter in. It was large enough, the trunk shallow, it was a good place to hide from monsters too as he used shrubes to cover the entrance.

Curled up hugging his knees he closed his eyes but opened them unable to sleep. Like this for an entire day now he frowned deeply and looked at Xiao who was silent.

"Xiao?" Aether called his name but he didn't stir. "You really wanted me to run and leave you?" He asked knowing he would get no response. "I can't do that." Aether sighed, "I guess I never did explain it to you before."

Moving over he got closer and sat closely beside Xiao feeling his temperature. He wasn't hot anymore and his breathing was stable. It was a good sign.

"I never did tell you how I felt. Did I?" A carelessly sad chuckle, "Do you know when I realized it?" Aether smiled holding his hand with the slightest hope that helped him. "It was when we were stuck in that place, do you remember? With Yanfei, Yelan, Itto, and Kuki. It was a strange domain, there was... a lot going on." He said and went on thinking about it, "When we were all on that platform and you used your power-you got us to safety-Xiao that.... was that you trying to redeem yourself..... from.." his eyes teared up. "From losing your friends so long ago?" Aether held his hand tightly. "You wanted to save us... but you were sacrificing yourself. You said... it was your own form of insanity. That isn't true right? You're not going insane.... I won't lose you... right?" He touched the back of Xiao's hand to his forehead letting the tears fall. "When I reached the surface I couldn't help but feel so useless, then you appeared and I was so relieved! Since that day I kept thinking about you until I realized that I.." by now the tears were streaming down his cheeks as it hurt, "I had come to like you and.... the time we spent together made me.. love you."

He sniffled and wiped his eyes holding his hand again and smiled now.

"I want to show you the things you've been missing... being alone. I want to help you understand what you.. you feel, even if humam emotions don't concern you, even if you don't care for them. I want to help." His smile was tender as he played with Xiao's hand, "I want...." Aether closed his eyes, "to see you smile. Everyday, because it makes me so happy. Is that childish?" He chuckled.

He turned his head, and held Aether's hand startling him. Aether looked at his face, eyes open. Calm. Aware. Guard up as usual. Xiao was awake.

Aether's face burned bright red and he let go of his hand quickly. "Aether."

"I-I'm sorry! You-you were awake-I.." he couldn't save himself the embarrassment and turned away covering his face. "Why did I have to say that?? That's so-embarassing! Idiot! He'll hate me for it!" Aether couldn't look at him now, but as he felt Xiao's hand touch his side he put aside his mortification and he peeked through his fingers looking at Xiao.

"Hm.." Xiao was still out of it, he could tell by how his eyes couldn't seem to focus.

"Ah, h-have I been spared?" He hoped and quickly tried to change the atmosphere. "How do you.. feel?"

".... Fine.. it was.. difficult."

"W-was it?" That wasn't good to hear and made him worry, but Xiao touched his hand still laying there.

"But you made it better."

His face burned again and he sniffled, "Uhh.. y-you gave me a scare." Aether held his hand. "I thought I was... going to lose you."

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