Chapter 13

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"Try to breathe as calmly and quietly as possible... Some of them can hear your footsteps so be graceful..." König murmured, you were standing a few feet away from the dark woods now, preparing to get to that safe place.

"Why does this sound like a dance lesson..." you thought to yourself.

"You know how to dance?" König pondered over your statement.

"No," you kept your eyes ahead, but you could feel him eyeing from the side. It was true though, these leisurely activities were only for the *high-class* people. Not that you cared, it's not like you needed to know how to dance to survive. No monster is going to come and be like "I will spare you if you dance with me," they eat brains because they are lacking ones.

"Anyways, let's go. Stay low and close," he ordered and got himself into a crouch position.

You mimicked his movement, crouching yourself before following him. This forest... Was very terrifying, to say the least. It was like a graveyard for people who were still living. Or seemed to be living. Cries and whines filled the forest. People begging and apologizing. Mutants. They had the body of a human, but they were no longer one. As soon as you let down your guard and sympathize with them, you are dead. Sometimes you wonder if they were still inside, that maybe part of who they once were was still there somehow. Is it better to put them out of their misery then? If there was no cure...

You looked at König, who was, despite his large nature, quieter than you were. His footsteps didn't have a sound, and his breath? You really wouldn't be able to tell he's there even if he was standing right in front of you. It was hard to believe he just went through a panic attack but you let it slide. Maybe he got a horrible flashback or something.

"Mom... Sobs... Forgive me!" you watched as the mutant passed by you, crying to itself. The upper part of its head where its brain and eyes are supposed to be was... Gut twisting... It was the body of a child as well, barely older than 10...

Its eyes were gouged out, the eye sockets were filled with that ink-blue substance. Part of its brain was visible, and it had nails stuck to it. You were as still as humanly possible, but your heart was beating so loud, if their hearing was as super as König made them be, you were sure you will get fucked soon if it doesn't calm down.

Once it was gone, you let out a sigh of relief. König turned to look at you but froze in place. His hand doing an extremely slow motion for you to stay still.

In your peripheral vision, a foot was planted in the ground next to you.

"Forgive me... Forgive me?" the mutant standing next to you kept repeating. You stayed frozen in your place, holding your breath and looking at König who looked even more horrified than you were. The foot moved, and you waited for König to give the okay to move. But it never came. Instead, the mutant sat on the ground, its face mere inches away from you.

"Forgive me?" it kept repeating, the words engraving themselves in your brain. You didn't dare move, one blink and you were a goner. If you attack it, the other mutants in the area will hear the ruckus and charge at you.

A gunshot was heard in the distance, and the mutant charged in that direction, leaving you petrified from fear. More mutants ran across the forest towards the noise, their shrieks piercing through your eardrums.

Once they were gone, König crawled to you. Shaking you out of your state of fear.

"Come on, we gotta go. Now!" he grabbed your arm, pulling you up before running to what you assumed was the tree he was talking about.

"I will give you a boost, get on. Quickly!" he said as he kneeled, putting a hand in front of his knee to let you climb on him. You grabbed his shoulder, putting a foot in his hand as he lifted you up. You grabbed one of the thick branches, making sure it was sturdy enough before lifting yourself up.

In the distance, you saw one of the mutants charging at König. Fangs bared and claws full on display. You grabbed your bow, aiming at the mutant. Once it was close enough you shot the arrow, hitting it right in the head. It stumbled from the attack, sliding on the ground until it was under König's shoes.

He let out a breath, looking up to you for a moment and giving you a thumbs up before he climbed up. More mutants gathered at the bottom after some time, and the gunshot was no longer audible. This meant two things, your chasers were either killed by the mutants, or they escaped somewhere far. Your thoughts wandered to Soap and Carlos, were they okay? Did they manage to get away safely? Was it really a good idea to split up? What if-

"They will be fine," König said all of a sudden, interrupting your thoughts.

"Soap is capable, don't worry about your brother," he added, not looking at you.

"If you say so..." you whispered. With all that happened tonight, and the few nights before. You may have to start sleeping during the day because this was getting hellish. Being sleep-deprived and alerted all the time was starting to take its toll on your body. Only God knows how much longer you can hang on before you collapse.

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