Chapter 66

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TW: angsty chapters ahead so keep a tissue box near.

"Louis..." you breathed out as your eyes met. Yours full of fear and his full of sadness. He was still there somewhere, he just couldn't control himself. You couldn't move. All you could do was watch him as he made his way to you.

König was shouting from the top, but you couldn't make out what he was saying. You tried to crawl back, but to what? This was it. He caught you.

Carlos was definitely going to cuss you out, especially since it barely has been 3 months since his death. But at least you will see him again. You will get to see your parents again.

Louis got on top of you, grabbing your neck with his normal hand and squeezed as hard as he could. You clawed at his hand, trying to get it off. Kicking your feet against his body and trying to push his face. Nothing worked.

He would not budge.

You felt your vision get blurry as whatever energy you had started to fade. Louis leaned down as he removed his hand from your neck and opened his mouth, his teeth grazing your skin.

You closed your eyes, waiting for the bite to come. But it never did. You could feel his breath against your skin as he grunted in pain. Punching the ground near your head.

"Fuck...Stay away... I told... Where.... gun?" he coughed as his hand touched your thigh, looking for the gun attached to it. He pulled it out and pointed it at himself, about to shoot himself in the head.

"NO!" you yelled as you pushed the gun away, the bullet barely missing his head.

"Let...go! LET GO" He tried to get your hand off the gun as he frantically waved his hand around.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? PLEASE STOP! YOU WILL DIE IF YOU CAN'T BEAT THE VIRUS" you cried as you tried to pull the gun away from him.

"Please no," You felt your eyes tear up

"I- I can't do this again... I need you. Please, Louis, You can't go. You just can't," the tears were flowing like a river now.

"Let go," he hung his head low as he kept his hand tightly around the gun.
"I won't...make it...this time," he said in between his ragged breath.

"Yes you will, let go of the gun Louis. Please," you pleaded. He closed his eyes and took a long deep breath before he spoke again.

"I won't, because I want to live now" his tears were falling down on your face, mixing with yours.

"You made me want to live. Please let go, I will never forgive myself. Just close your eyes and toss me aside when it's over," he tried to shoot himself again, but you pulled the gun away. 

"Pull the fucking trigger again and I will follow you soon after," you threatened, but he shook his head no. He knew you wouldn't dare. You still had things to do.

"KÖNIG PLEASE HELP ME, ANYONE!" you screamed at the top of your lungs, it was getting harder to fight. It felt like your body was about to give up.

"Goodbye ____" Louis put his hand over your eyes as soon as your hand gave up.

"No, don't...stop, Please don't leave me, STOP, ANYONE- HELP!" you cried as you kept shaking your head no, trying to get his hand off. You reached out your hand again, trying to keep the gun away, but you couldn't see.

The gunshot was ringing in your ear as the smell of gunpowder took over your senses when the trigger was pulled. And you felt your heart stop for a moment. All the voices were distant, and the smell of blood was so overwhelming. It was exactly like when you lost Carlos. It was the exact same feeling.

You could feel Louis's body fall on top of yours coldly, and with shaky hands, you wrapped your arms around him. Too scared to open your eyes to reality. Louis can't die, he will wake up soon. He should wake up soon. That's right, he's just really tired. That's all.

Louis... Wouldn't break a promise.
Louis... Wouldn't lie.
Louis... Wouldn't betray.

You could hear Gary's voice echoing through the facility, but you didn't know what he was saying. You didn't understand what he was saying. Your head was pounding in your skull. 

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