Chapter 61

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TW: blood, gore, violence, etc

The big day arrived, and each team left at a separate time to avoid bringing unwanted attention. Price and Gaz left first, Ghost and Soap following after them, and then you and Alejandro. König and Rudolfo were the last.

You had left sometime during the night to make sure you aren't spotted. Using silent weapons to kill whatever monsters attacked you on the way to preserve ammo for the big fight.

Alejandro knew his way well around the area. He knew all the spots that were easy to get through and the spots to avoid. It generally saved you so much time and energy.

You finally reached the appointed area, only to be met with nothing but ancient ruins that existed from before the war.

"Are you sure this is the right place, I can't see anything that shows any recent life activity..." you mumbled to him. Worried that if you talked normally, your voice would echo and give you away.

"Yeah, maybe it's hidden underground. Let's search the area," he responded as he looked around. You looked behind you to where you assumed Louis was. He would know where exactly the hideout was, he was the one who marked it after all. But how were you supposed to ask him without alerting Alejandro about his existence?

"Okay, watch your steps though. These ruins look like they might fall apart in any second," you warned as you noticed the dust seeping from the cracks at the top.

"Take a look at this," he called to you as he kneeled on the ground, dusting away the sand that formed on top of the metal.

"It's underground, the entrance must be near. Let's keep searchi-" he was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.

"Oh no, you won't. Put your hands where I can see them," there was a gun pointed at his head from behind, and the same could be said about you.

"Now now... How did you come to find this place? You better speak because I'm not-" he was dead on the ground before he could even continue his sentence.

"Wha-" another dead body on the ground. Alejandro crouched down as soon as the one behind him was shot dead.

"Shit, get down! We don't know if it's friendly," he whispered to you, but you already knew who it was.

"Don't worry, it's friendly," you said to him as you stood up. Louis approached the two of you, completely covered from head to toe, with a rifle in hand. Alejandro looked at him suspiciously.

"He's the hunter who helped us escape," you lied, remembering that you did vaguely mention him before. Alejandro nodded his head as he lowered his gun.

"I see. You must be the Louis guy Ghost spoke about. Thanks for the save," he looked at Louis and thanked him. It took you by surprise that he didn't question how Louis found you, perhaps Ghost already said something just in case before the mission, not that you would really know.

"You are welcome. It's good to see you again," he said the last bit to you and you smiled at him.

"Let's cut the introductions short, we don't have much time before they notice us. We need to find that entrance," Alejandro said as he looked around.

"Let's split up, we will find it faster then," you suggested, and he looked unsure but agreed nonetheless.

Once you were far enough from him, Louis pointed at the building that had the entrance.

"I'll let the little lady have the honors, It's there," he whispered to you, and you walked to the building before calling Alejandro.

"Found it," you pointed at the staircase that lead underground. It was too dark inside, but it was obvious that there were people inside recently.

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