Chapter 37

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You sat on a chair looking out of the window as rain poured down. You were at the doors of winter months, and yet you didn't feel cold. If anything, your head was throbbing in pain from how hard you cried, and your eyes were puffy.

After the exchange of words you had with König, you didn't know where to direct your anger at. You felt lost, and you felt horrible. When did you get so... Aggressive? You excused yourself and went to the other room, Louis stayed behind, probably checking on König's injuries and giving you some much-needed alone time.

You rubbed your temple as you let out a few quick breaths. What now? Do you continue to hunt Gary? Do you go back to Carnage? König is injured pretty badly, he will probably need at least another week or two before he can properly move around. So you can't just take him with you if you are going for Gary. On the other hand, if word spread and they found out König was the one who delivered the bombs, he's probably going to be tortured for information and then killed out of spite.

You closed your eyes, feeling the heat accumulating behind them. A pair of cold hands touched your face, and you looked up to see Louis towering over you from behind.

"What is it with you and holding my face?" you joked as you put one of his hands over your eyes. The cold sensation relaxing your stressed muscles.

"You seem pretty content for someone who's complaining," he joked back as he put his other hand on your left cheek, gently caressing it.

"Are you getting another fever? Your face is pretty warm," he asked as he leaned down to eye level. And it was then that you noticed he looked different than the time you met. The cut he had on the corners of his mouth was pretty much sealed, he removed the stitches that sewed it together. He rarely had ink tears running down his cheeks, and he was well-kept for the most part.

If it wasn't for his eyes and his ghostly skin, you wouldn't think he was any different from normal people. You put your hand over the one that was covering your eyes and squeezed it, smiling a little.

"Thank you for everything Louis, I owe you my life," you tried to pull his hand off your eyes but it didn't budge. He pulled you back as he leaned down instead, and his hand went from your holding your cheek to holding your shoulder as he gave you a back hug.

"And I would do it every time if it means that you will smile at me like that," he mumbled against your shoulder.

You felt the heat rising to your cheeks as you allowed yourself to drown in his arm, and forget about life for a minute.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You are not even properly healed yet," you looked at the giant man as he packed his stuff, preparing himself for the upcoming journey.

"My cuts will heal on the way, we can't waste more time. I know what I did was unforgivable, even if my intentions were good. I need to make up for my mistake, or I would never forgive myself." König responded as he put a hand over your shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze.

"He won't stop at Quna, he has plans for other cities as well. If we don't move now, a lot of people will lose their lives. I don't want someone to go through what we went through," he explained, trying to convince you to let him go with you.

It's been 3 weeks since Carlos's death, and 2 weeks since you saved König. He recovered relatively quickly, saying that they went through so much worse when they were living with the traffickers.

Truth to be said, you didn't even know where to start looking. You lost track of Gary after everything that happened with König, but from what you do know. The hunters have been taking over a lot of the buildings that used to be strongholds for the traffickers.

The traffickers in this area seemed to be walking on eggshells the past week, which could only mean that the hunters were getting close.

The closest city to you was Talo. It was built near the ocean, and so many of its residents worked in the sea. Most of them are well-built so they can handle diving for long periods of time. Of all the cities in this area, Talo was probably the strongest in terms of manpower, and so it was hard to imagine it being destroyed.

"It will take us at least 2 weeks to get there König, you just recovered. What if one of your cuts gets infected again? How will we treat you in the middle of nowhere?" you were worried after everything. He was still your... Colleague. Yeah... Colleague.

"As long as they are covered and clean, nothing will happen. I packed an extra medical kit for that just in case," he pulled the medical kit out of his bag to show you.

"There is no stopping you, is there?" you let out a sigh, and he just looked at you in return.

"Okay, let's go then."

And thus, your dreadful journey for revenge started.

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