Chapter 55

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The control room looked intact. Most of the systems were up and running properly, and the gears looked fine too. It seemed like humidity couldn't destroy this room like the other. Perhaps these metal-like walls were the reason behind that, but you couldn't know for sure.

Each system was separated by a thick metal in-between the buttons on the control panel, and each system had its name engraved at the top. You went to the security system, about to press the deactivation button. Only to be stopped by Louis.

"Wait, not yet." he held your hand firmly, and you turned to look at him in confusion.

"Why not?" you questioned.

"Look at the screen. If you deactivate the system, all the lower floors will be flooded. You have to activate the water system first." he explained while pointing at the screen. The security shutter was preventing the water from flooding the lower floors. There was another flashing button on the water system.


"This is it I guess," you took a deep breath before pressing the button. The whole building started to shake as the part that was built on the water started to detach from the main building.

More shutters closed on the corridors that once connected the two parts. They were firm and unbreakable to prevent the water from coming in once the security system was deactivated.

"____??? What's going on? Half of the building is sinking, is everything alright?" it was König speaking now, and you felt Louis stiffen up beside you.

"Yeah, everything is alright. I had to detach that half to deactivate the system," you explained.

"You had us worried there for a second," you heard shuffling before the radio was in Soap's hands again.

"Hah, don't worry. You will be inside in like 10 minutes," you announced.

"Good. Well done ____," and the transmission ended with that.

You waited until the second part was completely detached before pressing the button for deactivating the security system.

Shrieks filled the third lower corridor where the armory was supposed to be, and you looked at Louis who was staring at the screen.

"Guess I missed a few. I will leave that to you and your friends. They would get suspicious of you if there were no monsters at all after all," he turned around, about to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" you asked before you had the chance to even think about the question. It just felt wrong watching him leave as if it was the last time.

"Somewhere your friends won't be able to see me. Don't worry though, I will be close enough in case anything goes wrong," he replied before exiting the room.

"____, Meet us on the third lower floor. Stay sharp. There are a lot of monsters," you heard Soap's voice come from the radio.

"Alright." you opened the door and checked the corridor before making your way to the meeting point.

König was already standing at the doorframe leading to the staircase on your floor, and you felt relieved once you saw him.

"König," you breathed out, smiling at him.

"I'm so glad you are okay," he wrapped his arms around your shoulder, pulling you in for a quick hug. You wrapped your arms around his torso. Finally feeling something other than anger when seeing him. You were glad he was here.

"Let's go, the others are waiting downstairs," he let go as he pointed at the stairs behind him.

"Let's not keep them waiting then," you agreed as the two of you descended to the third lower floor.

The third lower floor was originally filled with water before you used the water system to get rid of it. All that was left were withering skulls and bones. There were a few monsters as well, but they were extremely weak compared to the rest of the monsters you had to fight.

It was easy to do the job with a fully armed squad instead of going about it alone. Technically, not alone since Louis is here, but surely a full squad is better than one monster and one weak human.

You reached the armory in no time, and while there were some weapons that no longer worked due to humidity. The majority were still intact.

"Grab as many weapons and ammo as you can fit in your bags. We may have to come back again," Soap said as he started to fill his bag with ammo and grab as many weapons as his body can carry. Everyone else followed, filling their bags as if the room was a priceless treasure. And it was, considering the world you live in.

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