I Forgive You Seokjin

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Once off the lift, after the final bows, the members are attended to by staff. You hurry to meet them. You are heading straight for Hobi when Tae intercepts you.

Tae pulls you away before you can reach Hobi. He smiles his boxy smile at you. "Are you telling him?" 

Surprised you say, "What?" 

Still smiling, he says, "Are you going to tell him tonight?"

Tae pulls your phone out of his pocket and hands it to you. "This was beside you on the bench. You had left the text screen open. So are you telling him?"

You smile at Tae, "Yes, I'm telling him."

Tae hugs you fiercely, "I'm so happy for you and Hobi." 

Hobi turns and says, "What are you doing hugging my wife?"

 Mischievously, Tae grins, "She's not your wife . . . yet," and they laugh. 

Tae shakes his hand, "Congratulations, Hyung."

Tae's face turns serious, "Just know that if you ever break her heart, you will have me and Yoongi-hyung to answer to." 

Yoongi nods in agreement. "That's right." 

Hobi says, "I know, and to think poor Lilly is getting six brothers as well." He shivers in mock fear.

Yoongi laughs and says, "Yeah, especially getting the crying Maknae line as brothers, oh my god."

 He rolls his eyes as Tae playfully kicks him in the butt and says, "Hey! Grandpa," and laughs too. The three continue talking about you like they forgot you were even there as they tease each other.

You tap your foot loudly, well, as loudly as you can, in your slippers. "Guys! I'm right here!" you laugh at them. 

Tae looks at Hobi. "Oh, Noona has something to tell you." 

He grins as Hobi asks, "What is it love?"

You smile shyly and tell him, "You're going to be a daddy."

 Tae and Yoongi both grab him as he starts to faint to the floor. Tae looks at your worried expression and says, "He is beyond happy, trust me."

You weakly smile. "I hope so." 

A couple of the staff came over to help with Hobi. The other members gather around as well.

Namjoon asks, "What happened?" 

Grinning, Yoongi says, "He just found out he is going to be a daddy." 

You smile broadly at them all and nod your head.

They all expressed their happiness with the news. Hobi opens his eyes after being sat up by the crew. He is trying to clear his throat to speak. 

Tae hands him a bottle of water. "Thank . . . " cough, ". . . you, Tae." He takes a few swallows.

He looks up at you, noticing the others are smiling. "Did I hear right, or was I dreaming that you not only said yes but that I'm going to be a father too?"

 You nod as tears of joy start to fill your eyes.

Many hands reach to help Hobi stand. Once he is on his feet again, he pulls you into his arms, saying, "I love you so much, Yeobo."

 You rest your head on his chest. "I love you too."

He bends his head and begins to kiss you deeply to the point the others start laughing and say, "Get a room." You both break the kiss and join them in laughing.

Jin comes up to you, his head lowered. He takes your hands in his and leads you a few steps away from the others.

 "I'm so sorry I got angry at you for choosing Hobi. I was envious and let jealousy rule my head."

Your smile is gone. "I forgive you, Seokjin, but what you did still hurts." 

You pull your hands out of his as you turn away from him. He steps back in understanding.

You look back at him, "Someday, love will find you too." He does a double take as he swears he saw your eyes sparkle with light. He shakes his head, 'Must be the lighting. Or I need something to eat. That's it. I need food.'

Jin follows as you rejoin the others. Hobi smiles at you as he pulls you to his side and kisses the top of your head. You have your smile back.

Jin looks at you and notices that happiness is the only sparkle in your eyes. He thinks, 'Yeah, it's just light playing tricks on me.' He smiles and congratulates Hobi and you with the others.

The crew, staff, and dancers all gather around to join in on the congratulations. Hobi pulls you away from the ever growing crowd.

He says, "I have something to tell you, too." He points to your heart, "I'm your hope," then to his, "and you're my hope."

Then, he gently places his hand on your tummy, "And this is our hope." You kiss, lost in each other's embrace, as the world around you disappears.

THE END (not really, it is only the beginning of series "How The 7 Have Fallen."

Authors Note:  This is J-Hope's story. 

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