Tension (A Sad Short Story)

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The world around me is silent, even though I can hear perfectly what my family is saying. There's this pain, yet a sinking feeling in my stomach and throughout my body and throughout my veins. Tension, I guess. I have an ache in my throat, but I don't cry. I'm strong, and no one knows of this pain I've been feeling for a long time now. Not a physical pain, but an emotional one. Something you can't control. You try to explain it to someone, sometimes they understand, sometimes they don't, and when they do, they don't understand completley but that's the thing. They need to understand completley, otherwise they just don't get it.

But what if there is someone who knows what it's like? Someone who knows the real you, who's empathic, and who can always brighten up your day, make you laugh, make you smile.

My best friend.

After a whole month of unresponded text messages and IM's, I realized that I didn't have that person anymore. At a time like this, when the whole world seems to have collapsed right in front of you, your family fighting, when everyone you love is unhappy, you have no one. And in the end, it just makes you cry. People ask you why you're crying, and you tell them it's nothing because you know they won't understand.

Not completley anyway.

That just makes you cry even harder. When the undescribable pain gets worse.

NOTE: This story isn't related to anything I've gone through, but it is about someone I know of, so I decided to just put myself in their shoes and really try to feel what they are going through, and I came up with this! I hoped you liked it! Sorry if it's too depressing. I wasn't planning on adding any extra parts to this, but if you guys really want me to, I will. Thank you all so much for your support! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2011 ⏰

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