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Its a seemingly nice day. Max the ox is about to lick some ice cream he got from the ice cream vendar, But a burst of flame melts it. The Ice Cream Vendor flees. Sonic pops put behind the stand, pulls the bull to safety behind it, then jumps out, ready for action. A reverse angle reveals that Sonic is facing off with a robot that appears to be a fireman with a flamethrower. It shoots a burst of flame at Sonic, but he dodges it and spins into the robot. He spins into it again and bounces away.

Sonic: Doctor Eggman's evil fireman robot is running loose!

Dr. Eggman: Seated on a nearby bench Why does everyone assume every evil robot is mine?

Sonic: [Bounces off Fire Bot again] I dunno. Experience?
Sonic leaps up to avoid another burst of fire. Knuckles, armed with a large stick, and Amy, armed with her hammer, step up.

Knuckles: You're "fired", pal. Ha ha ha! Get it? [A burst of flame turns his stick to ashes] Ah, I guess not.

Y/N: Good one knux. 

Knuckles smiles.

Amy: Shouldn't firemen put out fires?

Y/n: True they should

Dr. Eggman: Ah, hello? That's the irony? It's the evil opposite of a fireman. [Sonic glares at him] Ah, uh... I assume...

Sticks: Sonic, the evil anti-fire bot is putting a baby walrus into a burning house!

Sonic races over and snatches the baby walrus away before Fire Bot can do so, returning him to his mother.

Tails: Sonic, Evil anti-fire Bot is putting a kitten in a tree!

Dr. Eggman: Go, evil fireman! [Sees Tails, Knuckles, y/n, Amy, and Sticks looking at him] Okay, I admit it. It's mine. Evil robots are what I do. Why stop if you're good at it?

Fire Bot is now shooting flames at some of the other citizens.

Sonic: This has gone on long enough.

Sonic races over, running circles around Fire Bot and wrapping it in its own "fire hose." Its flamethrower explodes, destroying it.

Dr. Eggman: I, um... left the oven on. [Flees]

Sonic: Heh. Looks like that robot is "fired!"

Tails, Sticks, and Amy laugh.

Knuckles: Hey! Only y/n laughed when I said it...

The kitten, which is still in the tree, meows pitifully.

Sonic: Sticks, could you get that kitten out of the tree?

Sticks: Sure thing, Sonic.

Sticks runs over and starts shaking the tree, terrifying the kitten.

Sonic: Um, Sticks? Sticks? Sticks!

The kitten falls out of the tree and bounces off y/ns head. Y/N catches it.

Sticks: What?

Y/n holds up the cat.

Y/n: your cute im going to name you lucky.  

Scene Change: At tails' home

Sonic: Sticks, we want to talk about how you treat animals.

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