Flea-ing From Trouble

726 10 12

time skip 3 and a half months 

Btw Y/n is now 19 Sticks is 15, Tails is now 13 and Amy is now 18

Scene: Y/n's kitchen. Early morning

Sonic walked in to see his tired wife drinking coffee and holding the baby. 

Sonic: Morning my love.

Y/n:[groggily] Morning.

Sonic: Didn't get much sleep?

Y/n shakes her head no. Alexandra begins to cry.

Y/n:[irritated] I just fed you and burped you. Don't tell me your hungry again.

Sonic: Pass her.

Y/n passed her to Sonic and he began to play with her. Alexandra giggles and smiles.

Sonic:[smiles] How's daddy's little princess?

Y/n just smiled at them.

Sonic: You just need to play with her a little. 

Y/n: Kinda hard considering how exhausted I am right now. 

Sonic: Put down the coffee.

Y/n put it down and Sonic gave Alexandra to her and she made grabbing hands. Y/n took her and gave her a big smooch on the cheek making her laugh. 

Sonic: I love you both.

Sonic kisses his wife on the lips and then his daughter on the forehead. 

Y/n: I love you both too.

Sonic: I swear we need to think of something to thank the team for their help for delivering our baby. Especially Amy.

Y/n: We'll think of something.

Sonic: Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, the baby carrier came in the mail. I'll go get it.

Sonic ran and grabbed it. He then dashed back. 

After putting on the baby carrier.

Y/n adjusted it and it was now a perfect fit. 

Sonic: You comfortable?

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine.

Sonic: Later you should take a nap. 

Y/n nodded in response. 

Scene change: Village Centre. Day

Dr. Eggman: This is an outrage! How can you jack up the price of Choco Num-num Bars? They're the only kind I like!

Male Fennec: They're very popular, sir. It's basic supply and demand?

Dr. Eggman: Well, I "demand"' you hand them over, or I'll "'supply"' you with a laser blast! Not my best wordplay, but you didn't give me much to work with.

Dr. Eggman flies down and snatches one of the candy bars and starts to fly off, laughing. Before he gets far, however, Team Sonic shows up.

Sonic: Drop the num-num, Eggman!

Y/n: Atleast share some!

Sonic: Y/n no. You you bought like ten of these yesterday. 

Y/n: So?

Dr. Eggman: Oh, great. It's the Fun Police. Let's see how you do against my largest creation yet! The tremendously terrifying... and cleverly named.. Huge bot.

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