Vector Detector

711 11 42

btw I'm skipping months of Amy's pregnancy. She is now one day to her due date. (Also in Sonics universe its January 4 and Just so you know Amy wanted to keep the baby's gender a secret)

Scene Change: Amy's house day.

Amy: [Giggly] Good morning, world. Good morning, chair. Good morning, plant. Good morning, hammer. [Amy notices the hammer mount on her wall is empty, gasping.] Hammer? Hammer!? Hammer!

[Scene change: Village Center, day.]

Amy walks with Sonic, Y/n, Tails, Knuckles, and Sticks.

Amy: I can't believe my hammer's gone. It's, it's who I am! It's like Sonic without his speed!

Knuckles: Or me without my fists![Gasps] Ah! Where are they?

Sticks: They're on your hands.

Knuckles: [Sighs in relief] Oh, oh, thank goodness. For a moment there, I was as useless as Amy without her hammer.

Y/n: I know I shouldn't be talking cause I was careless throughout my pregnancy but you should take it easy. It's not good for the baby. I know Alexandra is gonna be screwed up because I was way more active in my pregnancy I actually got hurt a couple times than I should of been and two because she's related to Sonic.

Sonic:[irritated] Hey!

Amy:[sighs] You're right. I should calm down.

Sonic: Who'd want to steal your hammer anyway?

Eggman enters, carrying a bag of groceries.

Eggman: [Whistling] Morning, losers!

Amy: Eggman! [Points] You stole my hammer!

Eggman: If I wanted a hammer, I'd make one myself. [Grumbles] I was having such a lovely morning, and now you got me all worked up!

Sonic: So, what're you gonna do about it? Attack us?

Scene cuts to Sonic and the group fighting Ball Bots as Eggman surveys from his Eggmobile.

Tails: [Mimicking] "What're you gonna do about it, attack us?" Nice going, Sonic.

As a Ball Bot bounces towards Amy, she swings at it as if holding her hammer.

Amy: Hi-yah! Whoa!

Amy spins in place helplessly, collapsing to the ground. As Knuckles punches a Ball Bot, Amy slumps in disappointment.

Amy: Ahh! What am I supposed to do with my hands?

Amy watches Sonic, Y/n, Knuckles, and Sticks fight fluently.

Amy: [Sullen] Knuckles was right. I am useless! 

Amy cries and runs away. Sonic and Y/n glare at Knuckles.

Knuckles: What? I can't help that I'm insightful.

Y/n:[darkly] If you make Amy cry again I will kill you in your sleep. And that goes for all of you.

Sonic: You don't scare me love. Well, I guess we need to deal with this. Sorry, Egghead. Need to make this a quick one.

Sonic spin dashes into Eggman, sending him into the sky.

Eggman: I completely understand!

[Scene change: Amy's House, day.]

Sonic: Amy, your worries are over!

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