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"You've got to do better than that" I laugh, stabbing Ajax's chest with the tip of my sword

"I can never beat you" He sighs, taking his mask off

"You will one day" I smile, taking mine off too "Why don't we meet up soon.. I'll help you practice"

"You'd do that?" he smiles so I nod in return

"Oh, hold up" I whisper, walking up to him. I pull his beanie down a little since his mask had pulled it slightly. He looks down at me with a slight laugh

"Thanks" He says, barely above a whisper. It was then I realise how close we really are. I laugh nervously and take a step back

"En garde, snake boy" I wink, pulling my mask over my face. He shakes his head with a smile and pulls his mask on too. We get in position and I take the first swing

"Don't be scared to swing for me!" I tell him, dodging his lounge. He goes to swing for me so I block it before it hits my leg. I swing for his chest but he jumps back and dodges it.

Running forward, I spin and duck to dodge his sword but when I stand up, he holds the point of his sword to my chest. I let out a slight gasp and smile

"Looks like I won't need the practice after all" He smirks. I laugh and shake my head, walking up to him. He puts his arm around my shoulder and side hugs me

"You got lucky" I tell him "I let my guard down"

"I won fair and square, you know it" He smirks

"Do I know that?" I say, pretending to think. He puts his hand on my face and pushes me away so I punch him in the chest playfully

"That was weak" He smiles, pushing me away again. I go to walk back towards him but he puts his hand on my forehead, keeping me arms length away

"Let me go" I frown.

I try to walk around his arm but he just follows my movements. I stop trying and go to walk away but he gently grabs my wrist and pulls me into him, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and side-hugging me

"You're a sore loser" He smirks "I could beat you if I really tried"

"I'm your dreams, Petropolus" I smirk back and wrap my arm around his waist, hugging him back

"Coach, Coach, she tripped me!" I look over and see Rowan on the floor

"It was a clean strike, Rowan" Coach states

"Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck" Bianca scoffs

"Maybe if you weren't such a try hard he'd have a better chance" I smirk and Bianca looks at me "You try too much to get people to like you but it seems... the most powerful people in the school can't stand you" I gasp jokily, pretending to be shocked at my own remark

Ajax laughs a little and rubs my arm

"Play nice" He whispers to me "Or else that will be you on the floor"

"You wanna bet?!" I frown, causing him to laugh again

"I was joking, love" My eyes go wide at the nickname and I have to look away to hide how red my face turns

My snake boy (Ajax Petropolus x Lydia Hudson)Where stories live. Discover now