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Kenny was punching the punching bag built like a person really aggressively, he had just told the couple about his bully at school who stole his clothes.

"So they stole all your clothes?"Kenny stopped to look at Robby for a second. "I can't take any more of their crap. I'm ready to use my training!" He started again.

"And what are you gonna do? Punch them and get suspended?"

"I'll do what you guys do."

"And what is that to be exact?" Avery furrowed her eyebrows, Kenny rolled his eyes and went back to punching.

"Kick their asses."

"I got kicked out of school and landed in juvie. C'Mon you gotta be smarter than me and your brother."

"Well, I gotta do something."

"Something that won't include getting suspended, you don't wanna mess up your future already for some bully."

"Class, fall in." Everyone went to the mat, mostly everyone was wearing new clothes Terry had gifted.

"Today we have a very important lesson, done we, Sensei Silver?"

"Yes, we do. Weakness."

"Your opponent's weakness must be exploited whenever possible."

"At the tournament, you'll have to recognize that weakness. And make no mistake, we all have one."

"Sensei Kreese doesn't." Tory spoke up.

"Of course he does. We all do." John gave Terry a look. "Today, your goal is to find your opponent's weakness and attack it. No points. You hit the mat, you lose. You got it?"

No one answered.

"Alright, prepare for combat."

Robby, Avery, Tory, Kenny all sat together. "Elswith." Terry called Piper up, the class watching as she did.

Piper has been super annoying since she got there, thinking she's the best for being good at other sports. "Nichols." John called up Tory.

Both of them went to the mat from the Sensei's, high in confidence. "Ais!"

Piper did a cartwheel to Tory, grabbing her shoulders. The blonde quickly pushed Piper off and threw a punch that she blocked and Cartwheeled away. Avery watched as Terry started regretting on picking her to fight.

"Just gonna dance or you gonna throw something?" Piper smiled so annoyingly in Avery's opinion.

"Why not both?" Piper went to kick Tory with her left leg but Tory bent down to block. Piper started grabbing onto her shoulders, Tory grabbed her arms and kneed her in the stomach multiple times.

Piper grunted as she hit the floor, Tory had tripped her. John started chuckling behind the group, Terry sighed disappointingly. "We should do that again sometime." Piper looked Tory up and down again.

('I mean who isn't gay for Peyton?')

"Don't get your hopes up." Tory gave Piper a disgusted look, walking away as the curly head got up and went to her spot. "Who's next?"

"Piper and Tory sitting in a tree—" Tory smacked Avery in the back of her head, earning a groan. "Harsh dude."

A few students went up against each other, Kyler and some student Avery didn't bother to know the name off  went against each other and Kyler clearly won that one.

So far John was winning whatever bet he had with Terry. "Double or nothing?"

"Mr Keene."

"Payne." Terry called out the young boy, people started snickering. "You got this Kenny, he may be stronger but don't let that get in your head."

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