Chapter 2

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[ Edited - 9/2/23 ]

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Sonic POV:

"You guys do that, I need to do something real quick" I smack my lips together and start to spin dash away from them.

As I run through Greenhills, sliding around big rocks and trees, I thought to myself. "Might wrap this up before dinner! Mmm.. yummy chili dogs" I drool out. I collected some rings in case Eggman gets a lucky shot! Which rarely happens of course.

I speed up and walk to a long field near the hedgehog path, I saw a familiar gold-ish trail coming towards me. It looks like..

I squinted my eyes to see better and right before my eyes, I was punched! "WaRgh!" I yelled as I flew away to the sky. I hit my head on the ground. "Aughh.." I grunted. As my vision clears up, I saw the same white fist coming to my face- FAST!

"WOAH!" I yelped as I dodge his punch. I got on my feet and ran away from him. "Shadow?!" I yelled. What was he doing here?! Shadow started chasing me. He looked furious. As he started to catch up to me, I picked up my pace and dodge the trees in front of me.

Just when I thought I lost him, he teleported in front of me! "Woah!" I shouted. I tried to stop running toward Shadow but I failed. He once again had three hands on me. Jeez using teleportation? Such a sick trick. It did caught me off guarded. 

"Owh.. That hurts! What is your problem?!" I groaned as I rubbed my face. "What did you do." He looked at me, seriously. It doesn't sound like a question, more like he's threatening. What does he mean by 'What did I do?'. I got up and said: "Don't look at me! Eggman is the enemy! WOA-" I tried explaining but once again received a punch which I luckily dodged. "Then what was that earthquake!? I know it came from you" He place his index finger on my forehead before flicking it.

"Oww!" I whimper. Covering my forehead with my palm. 

Jeez does he know how to NOT hit me? Whatever. I guess that's Shadow for you. I shook my head and smirked at him. "Jealous much?" I let out a small chuckle. "Jealous? Why would I, the ultimate lifeform be jealous of a pathetic hedgehog like you?" He scoffed. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"I didn't know I had that much power in me!" I smile widely, looking at my hands then closing them into a fist. "Fool." He spurt out. "What kind of person doesn't know their own limit." Shadow faced away. He looked at me over his shoulder and I saw him gripping his fist.

"Someone's jealous hmmm??" I teased. Right before he could answer, I heard a huge explosion at the mountain. I turn my head to face the mountain. I looked at Shadow and told him: "Look Shadow, It would be fun to run around with you more but I got a mission to catch" I pointed the mountain at the back with my thumb. "What kind of mission?" He asks.

"None of your business" I stuck my tongue out at him and ran away. We both chased each other for like 5 minutes. But I finally managed to distract him with a rock that looks like me lmfao anyways, gotta go fast!

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Back with the others, 15 minutes before the paradox prism shattered. Tails was riding his plane AKA Tornado to get to the top of the mountain. Rouge could fly by herself, Amy sat in the back seat while Knuckles and Y/n held onto the wings.

As they all pass over the fog, they saw Eggman's machines surrounding a hole that leads inside the mountain. "Sonic hasn't arrived yet?" Y/n sounded confused and worried. "Maybe he got here before us?" Tails awkwardly smile. "Our friend is not exactly the stealthy type." Knuckles rolled his eyes.

"That means, we got here before him?" Rouge questioned. "Tails, find us a spot to land on!" Amy shook Tails' shoulder. "Already on it!" Tails slowly rotate his plane.

As they all jumped off the plane and landed on the ground, they all started working on a plan. "Okay, Everyone gathers around" Rouge pulled everyone into a circle. Then she started explaining the plan.

"Knuckles, you and Amy will take out the bad nicks outside. I and Tails will fly inside the mountain and stop whatever Eggman is doing."

"Y/n, you stay here until Sonic arrives."

Y/n expression changed from excited to disappointment. "Why do I have to wait for him?!" You whine and crossed your arms. "You and Sonic make great combo partners! You two will kick Eggman's butt if he tries to escape!" Rouge gave you a pat on the shoulder and a confident face with a slight hint of pleading.

"Fine." You exhale sharply.

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After like a few minutes, but it felt like an hour Sonic finally came. Your eyes widen. "Oh hey Y/n! Did you wait too long?" Sonic placed his hand on his waist. "Where have you been!?" You shouted, not really in a loud tone.

"No time to explain! Let's go go go!" He shouted. "W-whatever, Get on!" You snapped out of your thoughts and grabbed his hand. Sonic jumped behind you, making it looks like he was on a piggyback ride. You recharged your jumping boots and quickly bounces off the platform you were standing on. You both landed on the mountain, passing over the thick fog. You saw your friends fighting A LOT of bad nicks. "Guys!" You call out. "Y/n!" They all smiled.

"What did I miss?" Sonic got off your back and smirked.

"You're late." Everyone beamed.

Sonic sweated and gulped.

"Sonic." Eggman growled. "Eggman" Sonic grins. "Just in time to see me take over the paradox prism! And change the world into something more... me." Eggman explains as he walks to the shining, blinking big crystal.

"The only thing you'll be changing is your diaper after I beat you up" Sonic swiftly swipe his nose and gets into his fighting position. You quietly snickered at his joke.

Sonic spotted Tails at a lower place. He rolls down closer to Tails and patted his shoulder. "Sonic!" Tails beamed. "We got to be careful, we don't know what the paradox prism is capable of!" Tails clarify before shooting an incoming badnick.

"Don't worry! I got this" Sonic swiped his hands and zoomed into Knuckles. "Heyy Knuckles" Sonic greeted. He stood behind Knuckles and punched the approaching badnicks. Knuckles didn't say anything and continued to punch the incoming bad nicks.

Sonic sighs and rolls to Amy. "Amyyy" He clicks his tongue at the end. "Sonic!" Amy smiled. "Where've you been?" Amy asked after smashing a badnick with her giant hammer. "Got a little sidekick" He smirks.

Amy didn't fully understand but she didn't care much about it. Sonic zoomed faster to Rouge. Sonic was looking around for any sign of any badnicks nearby.

"Sonic!" He heard Rouge's voice. Sonic ducked his head as Rouge smashed the caterpillar by its head that was behind him. Sonic smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up: "Thanks!"

Rouge waves her hands at Sonic, "Don't mention it. Literally."

Eggman was about to grab on the paradox prism! Everyone knew they had to do something quick!

Sonic rolls back to you. "What?" You asked. Sonic just shook his head and turn his focus to Eggman. "Alright, let's end this quickly, shall we?" He crack his knuckles and prepared to smash into Eggman.

"Sonic, I don't think that's a good idea." You warned him. "Relax, I got this" He rolls his eyes and charges his speed.

Everyone noticed.

As Sonic lets go of his charge and blasts off towards Eggman. He used his machine suit's gripper to pull the crystal out. Sonic did not notice that he was about to crash into the crystal instead of Eggman.

"Sonic no!" Everyone shouted.





A big flash bang flashed through the area. Everyone was blown away by the strong wind that was caused by the crystal.

Everything fell apart. You fell unconscious.

( 1354 words )

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"I love you in every multiverse" Sonic x Gender Neutral! Reader. 🦔Where stories live. Discover now