Chapter 3

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Let's call it.. New Yoke? But hell. The Chaos Council is in charge of the place, or should I say this VERSE. They kept ONE of the pieces of the paradox prism and it's the source to power the city.

You or anyone who was stroked by the paradox prism will separate into.. depends on how many pieces of the crystal that has shattered into.

You. Y/n, a fully ( species ), working for the Chaos Council. You were brainwashed to be exact. You're not the same as Rusty Rose, robot parts. You were loyal to the Chaos Council.

The reason why they choose you was that They saw how you could change the world. With your power, nothing could stop them. That's why they took the opportunity to brainwash you and make you work for them.

You and Rusty Rose were the deadliest bodyguards for the Chaos Council. We could say that you two were stronger than the Councils. But they have full control over you. Any rebels that try to stop or disturb the Council's plan, you two just simply throw them out, or worst...

Getting executed...

You did have some robot parts like your hand and your leg. Your body was in perfect shape but the Council decided that it would make you stronger and much better control of you.

You and Rose weren't exactly 'friends' but you do try to try and crack some jokes with her. You rarely do that though. Even if you were to do that, Rose would just walk away from you.

You felt challenged by her. The Council seems to be more likable to Rose than you. So you decided to step up your game and beat her in everything. You ARE stronger than her. But there was something that was keeping you away from using it.

But one day, as you were gaining information on what was going on today, your ear twitched. "Huh, that's weird. No signal of danger nearby.." You held your ear and looked around you.

You shrugged it off and just thought it was a fly. But when you looked back to the screen, a mysterious portal opened near a small hallway.

An unidentified creature. It shocked you a little. How come a creature just fall down out of nowhere? Time traveler? No that's stupid. You decided to report the mysterious unidentified creature to the Chaos Council.

A big screen opened up in front of the members of the Councils. It seems that they were watching some football made by.. themselves.

"Ay! We were watching that!" Dr. Done starts poking his stick into the air. "Yeah! What's the big idea!?" Dr.Deep smacked his chair handle.

"I apologize for disturbing but there's something you must see." You said in a serious dull tone.

"It's just the rebels again! Go destroy their house or something! Now shoo! Let us watch our football game in peace!" Mr.Dr.Eggman shouted.

"...As you wish." You ended the call and rolled your eyes. You do wish they would listen to you. You thought to yourself, 'Maybe if I go out and try and find this blue creature and take him back to the lair, they'll finally listen to me.'

You nodded and decided to follow your thoughts. While you start walking away, you heard some footsteps coming over. You stopped your way and looked behind.

You recognised that footsteps anywhere.

"Rose." You greeted her with a sarcastic smile.

"Y/n L/n." She said dully.

"And where do you think you're going?" Rose stopped your way from going any further.

"Noneya" You looked down at the floor.

&quot;I love you in every multiverse&quot; Sonic x Gender Neutral! Reader. 🦔Where stories live. Discover now