Chapter 12

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( I feel so bad cuz I haven't update in a while )

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Sonic was desperately trying to run and dodge all of his 'other verse' friends. He climbs on trees, swings along the vines and does tricks to escape like a backflip. 

"Arg! C'mon you guys! Can't we talk about this?!" Sonic groans. None of them listened and continued to chase Sonic.

Just then, you grabbed Sonic and pulled him closer. You raise your hand in front of you and blocked Gnarly from reaching him. "Gnarly. That's enough!" You shout. The red edchina slides to stop causing his shoes to let out a long screeching noise. He stops right in front of your hand. Mangey and Hangry also stop.

Sonic jumps and looks from side to side. 'Furious plus leader personality Y/n?!' He thought. He then quietly places his head into your chest without you noticing. He begins to snuggle into you while you hold him by his waist.

"But he-" Before Gnarly could start complaining, you shut his mouth with your index finger. "Apapap, no more. You should be glad he's here to-" You were cut off as you heard purring near you. You turn your head down and saw the blue hedgehog purring onto your chest. Your eyes widen, and you immediately pushed him off.

"WOAH HEY! Personal space please?!" You yelp. You wipe your chest and crossed your arms. "Oh, my bad-" He sweats and awkwardly chuckles. You sighed loudly. You thought to yourself: 'Why did I push him away- It did feel nice..'. Prim walked up next to you and whispered something into your ear. "Say, he is fast. Maybe he could help"

Your ear slightly twitched. "You're right! A genius as always Prim" You winked at her and playfully nudge her shoulder with your elbow. The white bat giggles and thanks you. You already had it planned out. You just wanted Prim to feel good about herself.

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"So, why exactly aren't yall allowed to go under there?" The blue hedgehog asks. "It's a long story.." You suck in your teeth and fidget with your fingers. "Do tell me" Sonic places his arm on his waist. Prim walks in front and leans forward to Sonic. "Well, it all started when we all used to live in harmony in the jungle" She began to tell the story.

You all sat there, listening to her story. After she finishes, mangey stood up and put his hands together, and clapped. He looks like he enjoys storytelling. Prim ruffles his hair and smiles. You walked up next to Sonic and sat next to him.

"Say, Prim told us our story. What about you?" You tilt your head to look at Sonic. "What?" Sonic raised an eyebrow. "Like, what's your story?" You rephrased.

"Oh! That. Well, it's quite complicated if I do say so myself.." He sweats. "Do tell" You scooted closer to him.

Sonic flinches as he felt your touch on his arm. "Uh If you say so, It all started when I destroyed the multi-verse and ended up at a city called 'New Yoke' and I fell from the sky and landed on the floor. I notice I was lost so I tried to find my way out and I accidentally bumped into you. Like another you, not you-" He stops. He then suddenly remembers what happened at the moment he saw the other version of you.

"That.. is interesting-" You scoffed. "You understand?!" Sonic beams. You awkwardly smiled before replying: "I got lost at multi-verse" You nervously chuckle. "What IS a multi-verse?" You ask. "It's like... how do I put this.." He places his finger under his chin. "Oh! It's like when you-" He begins to explain what he understands about the multi-verse to you. Even when you didn't understand fully what he just said, it was pretty nice hearing his voice.

"And then, I touched a crystal which teleported me here" He did his little hand signals. You lift your head. "Crystal?" You repeated. Sonic looks at you and quickly smiles. "You know where the crystal is?!" He jumps. You thought for a minute. The thing you saw wasn't exactly a crystal, but it did shine like one. "I'm pretty sure I've seen something like that somewhere below. Though, I'm pretty sure Thorn knows the way" You stood up.

"Wait, Thorn?" Sonic also stood up. "Yeah, remember when Prim explained to you about the 'monster'? Her name is Thorn" You told him. Sonic let out a long amazed 'Oh'.

"And, speaking about Thorn. She isn't exactly a monster. She just cares for the jungle. A little too over-protective" You laughed at the end. Sonic then realizes that Amy is the only one who isn't here with them. Why didn't he notice this before? Maybe she's the monster? Her name doesn't really fit her but so does Rusty.

"And, I suggest you be extra careful with her. She could be a little... irritating." You squinted your eyes and smiled. "But I need to tell you something" Your expression changes into a dull look. Sonic guessed that you were being serious. He nodded and lets you explain.

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You walked back to your crews. "Hey! Guess who's going to help us gather food?" You spread out your arms before placing them in your waist. Everyone looked puzzled. Sonic, who had a heroic smile on his face quickly turns down. "It's me. It's obviously me." He dully revealed. 

Gnarly stood up. "So what? What can he do?" He pointed at Sonic. "Well, he is fast so he can distract the 'monster' while we grab on whatever food we see!" Prim explained. Everyone once again looked puzzled. Prim sighed.

"Berries! I'll help you get many berries!" Sonic smiles. 

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You tied a rope onto a tree and dropped the other side down. Everyone quickly and quietly went down by the rope, one by one. All that was heard was just crickets singing. After everyone was on the ground, you signaled everyone to move forward.

Gnarly used his giant hands to swipe the huge leaves and thorns out of his way. Mangey used his nose to sniff out some food. He stops, he must have smelled something! He points at the big giant leaves, there must be something behind them.

Gnarly walked in front and ripped the leaves off. His eyes widen as he saw a hanging square-shaped strawberry. He quickly snatches it and closes it with his two hands. Hangry and Maney stared at him. "No, it's mine!" Gnarly hissed. Mangey growled at him before jumping onto him. You turn back and saw them fighting.

"Guys! Cut that out!" You swipe your hand in front. Out of the blue, you heard a loud high-pitched cry. It sounded like an Eagle. Your ears twitched and your eyes widen. "We are spotted!" You called out. You turn back and looked at Sonic. He nods at you before running off to the sound.

"We're done for!" Hangry cried. "Quit whining and start searching!" Prim bonks his head. You and the others continued to find more food meanwhile Sonic was trying to find out where the high-pitched cry was coming from.

( 1200  words ) 

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"I love you in every multiverse" Sonic x Gender Neutral! Reader. 🦔Where stories live. Discover now