Chapter 3 - Down The Rabbit Hole

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Eden was the last place he wanted to be, but dining with his superior acting colleagues came in second. Here he was, though, pretending to have it together and sticking a smile on his face, all the while imagining ripping the smug smile off his boss's face. He'd asked Jae-Ho if he could join him tonight, but his supposed friend made up excuses about having something to do afterward. The least the condescending asshole could do was help him, considering that he only paid him pennies, but instead he expected him to be grateful. He sighed at his thoughts and excused himself to go to the restroom. It was evident that he was beginning to lose himself once more. He'd put so much effort into suppressing this side of himself. The part that has always existed, but had heightened during his time in the military. It had been a benefit while there, but it had been difficult to return to civilian life. However, he had successfully resumed his normal persona. Since arriving, though, he could feel it being removed again. As if the universe were purposefully pushing him in that direction, he felt frustrated and unable to control anything. 

He swore he saw the monster he was usually able to hide when he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. The visual was of his face distorted and infused with malice. He closed his eyes to avoid the image, instead seeing images of his hands encircling a throat and experiencing a sensation of exhilaration coursing through him. His control snapped as he screamed in frustration and pounded the bathroom counter. That side of him had to be pushed down. 

After splashing water on his face, he exited the restroom and made his way back to his coworkers. When he observed a person he was certain to be Moon-jo through the window, he abruptly paused. It was a brief glimpse, but he was certain that it had been him. What was the purpose of him here? Did he work close by, or did he follow him? He considered running outside and confronting him, but given his current mood, he was likely to kill him. He made himself sit down despite wanting answers. 

Again, he questions what he should do because he would prefer not to be here, but he also doesn't want to return to Eden. In a bid to be numb, he guzzled down his drink and was surprised to feel a tickle of something at the back of his brain. With each drink, he would see flashes of pictures, almost like he were seeing memories. Dark hands surround a pale, iridescent throat, and squeezing. All of a sudden, he remembered a metallic taste in his mouth and a warmth surrounding his cock. The more he tried to chase the memories with another drink, the more they seemed to slip from his grasp. He couldn't help himself from continuing to try. Then Moon-jo suddenly appeared in his mind. His lips were swollen and abused. Mouth stuffed wide with his cock. Holy Shit! What had he done?! He could vaguely recollect being on top of Moon-jo. Remembered how aggressive they were. Was this real? Fuck! He needed another drink.

He couldn't even tell the driver where he lived because he was so drunk. Every time he closes his eyes to remember the address, he sees images of Moon-jo and forgets everything. The end result being that he ended up at the police station, an emotional wreck. Where he immediately collapsed onto an available bench and passed out. Finally catching up on the sleep that he desperately required.

He was woken by a soft voice that gently called to him. When he opened his eyes, he was unsure of everything, but he vaguely remembered being brought to the police station. He explained that he lived at Eden, a place that the officer seemed to be familiar with. He was trying to further explain how the place and the individuals within it were causing him to go fucking insane, which was why he had drank so much. When he was interrupted by the buzzing of his cellphone. Ji-eun's call was unexpected, but what she told him filled him with terror. His girlfriend was there at Eden. His initial thoughts were of the pervert and the twins. Fearing for her safety, he begged the female officer to give him a ride, and they hurried to Eden. 

He jumped out and sprinted into the building before the cruiser could fully disengage. His only concern was for the safety of his girlfriend. Only to be treated like a fool by Ji-eun when he did reach her. She'd been having a friendly conversation with the other occupants, completely unaware that she was surrounded by freaks. Instead, she informed him in front of everyone that he was being too sensitive. He contemplated ending his relationship as he pushed past the landlady and perv to reach his girlfriend and drag her outside. He tried to tell her that she had been in danger and that those weird people were not normal. Just to have her yell at him. He cared for her, they had many good memories between them, but they no longer saw eye to eye. When he suggested they meet over the weekend to talk, she slammed the cab door on him.

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