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Strolling down the halls, murmurs can be heard from girls.

"Oh my gosh! Their all so fine!"

"His visuals are amazing!"

"He even looks a bit Korean!"

"I heard his voice is heavenly!"

All the 11 friends were used to it at this point, having it happen everyday. But mainly all of them were revolving around Junki, not very surprising. They would drool over the boys, despite some of them even having a boyfriend. All the boys around the school either loved them, wanted to be them, or hated them. All the murmurs were loud whispers, so it wasn't hard to hear. But there was one girl that hadn't said a thing. The entire time, Junki stared at her, losing track of his steps in front of him, causing him to bump into his friend, Shiroiwa Ruki. "Hey! Eyes forward please." Ruki said.

Junki moved his gaze back onto his friend. "R-right." He said, taking a glance back at the girl. He only ever heard her name and that was it. He never got any good information about her. Many people say she's a delinquent. There wasn't many good rumors about her. Some of which contained her getting into a fight with a more popular girl, who had bruises all over her. But she didn't talk to anyone except a couple of friends. He never heard her talk, laugh, or even murmur about him or his friends. She was never into popular people. He always wondered, for his curiosity of peoples voice was wide. He had no classes with her so it would be tough. The only way would be to go to her straightforward, and that's what he planned to do.

"Junki! Hurry up and get in here!" He heard his friend Ren's voice whisper yell. "Why're you only yelling at me? Shion, Syoya and Ruki were out there too!" Junki retorted, heading inside the classroom to his seat behind the older male. "I just wanted to make you feel bad." He said with a smile and faced the front as the teacher came in. He heard a sigh from the right side of him, coming from Keigo, who rested his head in his arm facing the window. He heard another quiet sigh from the left of him, Shosei, who silently got out his notes. "What's up with everyone's mood today?" He questioned.

"Everyone, I hope you remember the quiz today." The teacher blurted. Junki shot up in worry, having forgotten all about that. "You may use your notes though." He said, siting down in his chair. Junki eased his posture and slouched on his desk slowly. 'Thank goodness.' He said mentally. He heard the teacher get out his chair and pass out papers. When Junki got his quiz paper, he wasn't the least bit worried and sped through it. He was a smart kid and he knew it. Glancing at his notes every now and then, Junki finished first, leaving the class quite surprised but not at the same time, being aware of his smartness.

Junki sat there quietly and waited for everyone else to finish. Until he heard whispers behind him. "Did you hear about Masako Tanaka yet?" He heard one of his female classmates whisper to another. He leaned back to get a better listen of what their saying. "No. Is it new?" The other said, sounding quite interested in the topic about Masako Tanaka. "Of course it is! There's always something wrong with her every week." The other whisper blurted. "Right." The girl giggled. Junki furrowed his brows at it. "I heard she had an affair with one of the previous teacher who quit." The one said.

The other looked at her, wide eyed. Junki too, was flabbergasted at the information he heard. "And I heard that she beat the same girl up because she thought he was with her too." She continued. The girl put a hand over her mouth in disbelief. Junki leaned back forward, dumbfounded and stunned at it. But how could that have been if she never talked to anyone other than her friends? "Is everyone done?" The teacher asked, spying at the girls. The girls straightened their posture from the middle of the walk way to the papers on their desks.

"No." One said nervously. "Then quit talking." He said sharply. Some others chuckled at the embarrassed girls. Junki thought about the rumor, wondering about Masako Tanaka. He thought she didn't seem like the type to do such a thing, or even talk to the teachers. He guessed that she was just so teasable because she never talked to anyone outside of her friend group. Junki found being quiet would be an advantage to earning gossip about popular people. Since she never talked to anyone, she would blabber to her friends about the people they didn't like, more popular people.

Junki was smart to have figured that out, but he really wanted to see if it was true. He was to caught up in his thinking he hadn't realized the bell ring and a large hand on his shoulder. "Junki, it's lunch time." He heard his mother-like friend, Sho tell him. "Right!" He said, getting up and walking out with his large friend group. It was their next class of the day before lunch. The class went smoothly, up until Junki heard the same rumor from the previous class about Masako Tanaka. He thought he would confront her at lunch, but needed an excuse to get away from his friend group.

When Junki went to go sit down with his lunch, he saw Masako Tanaka siting at the table far from him. She ate with a couple of her friends and talked. That's when Junki saw her beautiful smile. He saw her laugh, but it was silent from the distance. He was amazed at her face and smile. He wanted to see more of it. He was impressed to see it. He was cut off by a hand waving in front of his face. It was a small hand. It was Takumi's hand. "Oi Kono!" He yelled at him. Hearing that made Junki put Takumi into a head lock. "Who said you could say my first name? And put a 'Kun' on it!"

Junki said, slightly tightening his grip on the younger. He let Takumi go as he witnessed the smile fading off of Masako's face. He frowned as he saw her throw away her food and sit back down. He gave Takumi the evil eye and lightly smacked his head. "Look what you did!" He said irritated. "What did I do?" Takumi asked. Junki just grumbled and went back to eating. "Ren-kun~ Junki is bullying me!" He whined to Ren. "Good. Maybe it's for the better." Ren joked, making Takumi cry. Junki couldn't get her smiling image out of his head. He wanted to see more. He wanted to hear.

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