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Waking up to his rather annoying alarm, Junki woke up hesitantly. He rubbed the crust that laid in his eyes and took a deep breathe. He glanced at his phone, remembering the hectic day that he gave Masako, that he was not aware of. A smile itched onto his face as he took his phone and shot Masako a quick text. 'How about we walk to school together?' He sent. He received a quick text from Masako back. 'Bring your butt than! I'm already headed out the door. If you don't hurry, I'll be leaving you.' She said. Junki blinked at it before realizing the time. He jumped out of bed and into the bathroom to freshen up.

He changed into his school uniform and slipped on his shoes, rushing out the door. He saw Masako looking down at her phone, a slight hint of devastation in her eyes. The screen glared white with small black tints on it into her black eyes. He witnessed her take a deep breathe before noticing him and giving him a smile. "Well, you comin' or not?" She said, slightly slowing her pace for him to catch up. Junki picked up his pace and walked next to Masako. "Good morning." Junki said to her with a smile. Masako put a hand in his face, making them both stop. "Don't say good morning to me because I don't feel like saying  it back."

Masako told him, removing her hand and continuing her walk. Junki blinked at her and walked next to the black haired female. "Then, hi." He said to her. "Don't say hi either. I don't feel like saying that either." Masako said. "What? Than what am I suppose to say to greet you?" Junki pouted. "Nothing." Masako said straightforward. Junki sighed a bit at her attitude. The walk was silent until Junki brung up a conversation. "So, I saw you looking at your phone. Are you ok?" Junki asked Masako. Masako bit her lip and looked at him. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me or anything that has to do with me. But I do appreciate the concern."

Masako gave him a smile that seemed fake in Junki's eyes. Junki frowned at her words. "But, we're friends. You know you can tell me anything." Junki assured her. Masako scoffed a bit. "Slow down there Junki. I've only known you for, what? A day or two now?" Masako told him. Masako could see the school in site. For the short amount of time, Junki and Masako walked together in silence. Masako stopped in front of Junki and looked at him in his eyes. "Junki, although I am starting to warm up to you in a short amount of time, nothing is wrong. If something comes up, I'll tell you."

Masako smiled at him before heading into the doors, catching up with her friends and turning the corner. Junki watched as she turned the corner, having mixed feelings about the words she said to him. "Uhh, Jun-Kun?" Shosei questioned the male in front of him, staring at the front door of the school. "Oh, leave him. He's not wasn't paying any attention to the text we sent him." Shosei heard a child pout behind him, it being Shion. Junki whipped his head to his friends and gave them a nervous smile. "I did read it! I just didn't reply. That group chat is talking non stop. And I didn't wanna go to karaoke." Junki told them.

"Hey! Come on or we're gonna be late." All three males heard Sho yelped from the entrance. The three started to rush to the doors before they closed and the bell rang. Junki and his friends scattered to their classes after gathering their things for the following classes. Junki walked with Keigo, Shosei, and Syoya into their classroom since they were the only friends he had in that class. Junki sat in the middle of the class, like every other class, and rested his head in his cheek. He let out a silent sigh as he took his notes. He was to busy pondering over the words that Masako said to him.

It was hard to do two things at a time, but he thought about it for a bit when the teacher told them to watch a video he assigned. Junki watched the video in silence when a girl snickered at his side. He turned his head, but not too much for her to notice hm eyeing her. He saw that she was giggling at her phone, showing her friend behind her. "Look at this! I can't imagine how terrible I'd feel if I were her." She whispered to her friend. Her friend read the text that was listed on her phone, and giggled at it. "I can't with this girl! She's gotta be the worst little bitch at this school." Her friend snickered.

"Right?" She said, turning back to her computer. Junki glanced at the phone every now and then, listing out the text written on it. Tanaka Masako is back at it again! Can't believe she's the reason her parents died! Junki was flabbergasted at the words. He knew she wouldn't do such a thing. Then again, she never saw any car outside of her house, knowing both of them couldn't drive. Junki thought about it for a bit. 'Where are her parents?' Junki asked himself. 'Is this... true?'

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