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Junki, desperate to talk and get closer to the girl named Masako Tanaka. He, without thinking, immediately went over to her group table. Her friends sat their in awe, not saying a word as he looked dead at Masako. Masako looked him up and down, clearly not interested in whatever he had to say. Junki rose his hand in front of her and shot her a smile. "Hi! I'm Kono Junki, the schools powerful voice!" He said, quite loud for everyone to hear. Everyone heard him and was astonished. Murmurs spread quickly across the whole cafeteria.

"Did the hot Kono Junki just talk to such a... thing?"

"That should be me!"

"She's just wants him for his fame! She deserved nobody!"

Even murmurs from his own table could be heard. "What is he doing?!" Sho asked, witnessing the whole scene. Masako took his hand slowly, her arm being shaken quite aggressively. She slipped her hand out of his when it went on for quite awhile. She looked at him with those brown pupils. Junki stared into them. "Can I help you?" She said with a low, aggravated voice. Junki smiled widely at her voice. "I wanna be friends!" He said straightforward. She blinked at him, even tilted her head a bit. "I- What?" Was all she could stammer out, shaking her head at him and closing her eyes in confusion.

"I wanna be friends!" He repeated. She questioned his intentions. "You? Wanna be friends with me?" She said, pointing at him, then at herself. Junki nodded. "Thanks for the offer but, I don't think you and me should be friends." She said, trying to sound the least bit of harsh. Junki frowned at her. "Why?" He asked. She looked at him and chuckled. "Are you dumb?" She said, pointing a finger too her head. "You and I are totally different people. Not to mention i'd just hurt your reputation." She told him.

"You won't hurt my reputation!" Junki said, siting next to her. He kept one leg out of the table and put his hands in his lap. "Have you not heard the rumors about me? Just this will cause you to be in one too." She told him, leaning in to his face. "So?" He said, also leaning in closer. She chuckled at him again and back up. "Gosh, you're stubborn." She uttered. "The rumors aren't true anyways!" Junki said. This alarmed Masako and made her look at him with a smirk. "And how do you know that?" She asked him.

"Because your to quiet to talk to anybody." He said. Masako rubbed the bridge of her nose and looked at him. "Ok, I think you spent enough time here. Bye." She said, taking his shoulders and pushing him away slightly. "Wait! Just why do you let these rumors spread anyways?" He asked. She stopped the force she put on his shoulders and looked at him. "I said bye!" She said, pushing him once more. Junki put his hands on her wrists and moved them to the side. "Please tell me!" He pleaded.

Masako, getting irritated from the stares and murmurs that caused some teachers to look out of the lounge, sighed in defeat. "Ok, ok! I'll tell you later." She told him. Junki put on a smile and looked at her. "Then can I have your phone number?" He asked. Masako looked at him and laughed. "Dude, did you really just ask for my number?" She said a bit quiet so no girls heard. "Can't I have it?" He asked with a tilted head. Masako sighed and took out her phone as Junki did the same. They both exchanged phone numbers.

Junki was about to go back to his table before turning back around to the female. "You're Masako Tanaka right?" He asked one last time. She rolled her eyes. "Definietly not. Yes Mr. Powerful Voice!" She yelled at him. He laughed at her and went back to his seat. All his friends stopped what they were doing and looked directly at Junki. "What the heck was that!?" Sho yelled and pulled him next to him. Junki just looked anywhere but at Sho. "Nothing." He fibbed. "Nothing my ass! You can't just go up to a girl and say, 'Hi wanna be friends?'" Sho told him.

"But I did and it turned out well." Junki told him. "I got her number!" Junki exclaimed. The whole table was dumbfounded at it. "If she wasn't the way she was, she would've definitely smacked you." Ruki said. "Yes but, Junki, you know her, don't you?" Shosei told him, sounding a little worried. "Not much, but i'll get to know her better." Junki said with a smile. "No, that's not what I- Nevermind.." Shosei sighed and decided not to reply. "She's that one girl that gets talk bad about." Shion told him.

"Yea but, if you observe her well enough, you'd know it's not true." Junki said. "So she's the one you were looking at." Ruki said, recalling why Junki ran into him. Junki chuckled nervously with a slight blush. "Her voice was really pretty." Junki said, looking up with a twinkle in his eyes. "It wasn't to high-pitch but it wasn't like a deep man voice. It was just right." He ranted. The whole table just laughed at him. "Are you delusional?" Ren asked him. Junki looked at all of them. "I'm not kidding though. Her voice is lovely." He said.

"Alright then. I think our precious Junki has a love life now." Sho teased. Junki looked at his lap with a hard blush. "Whatever..."

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