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Junki, siting in the front of the class, seeming more focused than usual. He did exactly what he wanted to do, it planned out perfectly. He had heard her voice, and it was the only thing shoving everything else in the back of his mind. He wanted to get all the work done so he could ponder over the beautiful voice. By the time he finished, he looked out the window with a smile. He was proud of his actions, despite the way she acted. She was so nonchalant, but Junki didn't mind. He liked her. But the only problem was, why she didn't stick up for herself against those rumors.

Junki furrowed his brows at the question that arrived in his mind. He even sighed at it when he couldn't find a correct answer for it. He suddenly brought out a piece of paper and jotted some thoughts down. When he felt a presence spying over his shoulder, it was his friend Sato Keigo. He quickly covered the paper as Keigo started to process the words. "What are you doing? Finish your work!" Junki told him, making Keigo pout. "How come I can't read?" Keigo said, slouching onto Junki's shoulder with his long neck. "Because I don't want you too!" Junki whisper yelled. "Is it about that Masako girl?" He asked.

Junki froze and blushed a bit. "N-no." He lied. "Oh, you stuttered. You're lying." Keigo caught him. Junki balled his fist and slightly slammed it on the desk. "You know me all to well.." He said in defeat. "Lemme see~" Keigo whined, shaking Junki's shoulders. "No! You're gonna tell the other members." Junki said as he puffed out his lips. "I won't, they'll ask on their own." Keigo told him, pointing to the already curious members. "But if you hurry up and show me, they won't figure it out." Keigo said with a cheeky smile. Junki rolled his eye and slickly gave him the paper without the teacher noticing.

Keigo gave him a childish smile as he read the thoughts. "That's what we all wonder..." He said out loud to himself as he read it. "Shh! You'll get us caught!" Junki said, putting his index finger to Keigo's lips. Keigo nodded, repeating his 'Shh' sounds. After he finished reading it, he handed it back to Junki. "Happy now?" Junki asked him. "Yessssss." Keigo said, hugging Junki, getting out of his seat a bit. They were interrupted by the bell and all 11 friends left the classroom to the entrance. Junki pulled out his phone rather than talking to his friends.

"Texting Masako?" Syoya said, looking over his shoulder. Junki blushed and hid his phone in his chest. "God, you guys are so nosy." Junki said. The rest of them laughed. "Well of course we are. Our Junki's got it bad for the girl that's hated around here." Sukai said. Junki looked down. "I wouldn't say hated..." He mumbled. He looked back at his phone and texted Masako. 'Let me walk you home.' He texted, just wanting to hear her voice. Without fail, she texted back rapidly. 'Omg! You're so clingy. We only just met!' It said. Junki chuckled at it a bit.

"You guys go on ahead. I have stuff I have to do." Junki said, waiting in front of the entrance. They snickered at him. "You got it real bad." He heard Shion mutter. Before Shion got far, he attacked him from behind, lifting him off his feet. Shion and the rest laughing at the stunt. Junki put Shion down and narrowed his eyes at him. He watched as they all left, waving him goodbye, Syoya, Ren, Shion and Sukai, acting out Masako and Junki. Junki swore he would get them back for it. He sighed his anger away and waited for Masako. He watched as the others left the school, looking at him, then another, whispering.

Junki felt a little hurt by what they were saying, despite not knowing what they were saying about him. His thoughts just immediately lead him to be bad ones. He saw Masako talking to one of her friends, but then leaving her side to come next to him. He saw her wave at her friend, saying goodbye. She turned to Junki, looking a little darker than when she was with her friend. She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Man, aren't you clingy..." She uttered to herself. Junki smiled at her and started walking to the gates. "So, where's your house?"

Junki asked. Masako cringed at his question. "You sound like a pervert when you say that..." She told him. Junki looked at her with puppy eyes. "Me? Pervert? I would never!" He shouted. "And you're not only clingy, but noisy as well." Masako said, looking away cheekily when Junki looked at her. "You're so chill." Junki said, walking the opposite way of the black-haired girl. "Uhh, my house is this way." Masako said, pointing her thumb the oppsite direction. Junki rushed to her side and nervously chuckled. Masako chuckled herself at the little mistake.

Junki smiled at her. "You have such a nice voice." He told her. Masako looked him and laughed. "Wow, didn't know people paid attention to features like that." She told him. Junki's smile widened at her pretty laugh. "Uuuwahhh~ I really love your voice." Junki said, fan-boying a bit at the first part. Masako just looked at him. "Well, I'm glad you like my voice but, I don't think you'll get to hear it very much." Masako said to Junki's disappointment. He frowned and stopped in his tracks. "How come?" He asked her. Masako stopped by him. "I told you, i'd only ruin your reputation." She said.

Junki pressed up in her face, making her step back a bit. "You won't! I'll tell everyone the rumors aren't true!" He assured her. Masako smiled at his intentions. "You're too cute Kono Junki, but it's fine. They won't believe you anyways." She said, looking off to the side as her voice trailed off. Junki frowned at her. "Why won't you tell them yourself? Why won't they believe you?" He asked her. She sighed. "I think it's better if you don't know." She told him, resuming the walk. Junki watched her leave without him with his mouth open a bit.

He jogged to go next to her when he saw a quite familiar path. "Hey, this kinda looks like the way to my house." He said. Masako looked at him with half-closed eyes. "Oh wow, it's definitely not like we live next to each other." She said. Junki looked at her in disbelief. "Are you serious?" He asked. "Yes." Was all she said at his stupidity. "How have you not noticed." She said. "I never seen you walk to school." Junki explained. She just sighed and went to her house walk way. "Wait!" Junki said, making Masako turn her head. "Text me ok?" He told her with a smile. Masako happily returned it and nodded. They both parted into their own houses.

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